Apply – Contact Information
PLEASE NOTE: To ensure a high level of interaction at this event and to maximise the opportunities for a genuine exchange between the participants, the number of delegate passes available has been strictly limited. To submit your registration application to attend the event, please fill out the information below, then click on NEXT to proceed. You will then be contacted by one of the event team to inform you whether your application has been successful.
You will be registered for virtual participation by default. Please indicate under 3. Additional Items if you would like to apply for in-person participation.
Please complete all the relevant fields below in order to make a booking for this event. If you need to edit any details, you can do this from the 'Confirm booking' page.
Registering more than one delegate?
Should you wish to register more than one delegate, you will have the opportunity to do this on the following pages.
Registering on behalf of a colleague?
If you are the main booking contact, but are making this booking for another person then please enter your details on this page. You will have an opportunity to enter the delegate details later.
Please do not write in complete capitals, but instead use standard text formatting (i.e. Title Case for names and addresses).
All fields marked with * are required.
Thu 8 May, 2025 09.00 to
Fri 9 May, 2025 18.00
GMT +8
Hopewell Hotel
L19 Crystal Court
Hopewell Hotel
15 Kennedy Road,
Wan Chai,
Hong Kong
The 6G Global Summit 2025 Sponsorship Brochure