Please see the conference programme below. To discuss speaking opportunities at next year's event, please contact Dan Craft on (+44) 2920 783 021 or at
Wednesday 21 June, 2017
08:30 – 09:00
Welcome Coffee and Registration
09:00 – 10:25
Session 1: Setting the Scene- Keynote Policy Perspectives
Each of the speakers in this session will be asked to address the following 3 questions in their presentation:
• With the 5G action plan now in place, to what extent is Europe now set to compete on a global level when it comes to the launch and roll-out of 5G? What challenges still remain?
• What should be the key priorities for policymakers in Europe beyond the issue of 5G, and to what extent does the review of the EU Telecoms Package address these?
• What effect may Brexit and the new US administration have on European and global spectrum policy?
Gunnar Hökmark,
European Parliament
09:00 – 09:15
Roberto Viola,
Director General,
DG CONNECT, European Commission
09:15 – 09:30
Pilar del Castillo,
MEP, Rapporteur for the Telecoms Package,
European Parliament
09:30 – 09:45
Philip Marnick,
Chair, Radio Spectrum Policy Group; & Group Director, Spectrum,
09:45 – 10:00
Sebastien Soriano,
10:00 – 10:25
Ask the policymakers...
An opportunity for the moderator and the audience to question the speakers on key issues relating to current and future spectrum policy in Europe.
10:25 – 10:45
Morning Coffee
10:45 – 15:20
Session 2: Spectrum for 5G
10:45 – 10:55
Introductory Video: What do vertical markets need from 5G?
Speaker to be confirmed.
10:55 – 11:10
Presentation: What role does WRC-19 need to play to ensure the long-term global success of 5G?
Francois Rancy,
Director, BR,
11:10 – 11:25
What is needed from 5G?
Lasse Wieweg,
Chair, Spectrum Group,
11:25 – 12:25
Panel Discussion: The use of the C-Band for 5G rollout: Challenges and opportunities
In their ‘Strategic Roadmap Towards 5G for Europe’, the RSPG identified the 3.4GHz – 3.8GHz C-Band spectrum as being ‘…the primary band suitable for the introduction of 5G -based services in Europe even before 2020’. This session will look specifically at the potential use of C-Band for 5G, and at the regulatory and technological challenges that need to be addressed if this potential is to be maximised.
• What potential does the C-Band offer for early roll-out and adoption of 5G? What are the challenges and opportunities related to this?
• How much C-Band spectrum will actually be required for 5G, and when, how and in what sized blocks should it be released? Is it best to follow the UK 2-staged approach of initially releasing just the 3.4-3.6GHz spectrum, or should it all be released in one go?
• Can the C-Band offer a possible solution to address 4G capacity challenges prior to the roll-out of 5G?
Philip Marnick,
Chair, Radio Spectrum Policy Group; & Group Director, Spectrum,
Andreas Geiss,
Head of Unit,
Radio Spectrum Policy, European Commission
Gerry Oberst,
Senior Vice President, Global Regulatory & Governmental Affairs,
Stephen Pentland,
Group Public Policy Head of Spectrum,
Vodafone Group
Alessandro Casagni,
Vice Chair, Spectrum Group,
12:25 – 13:25
13:25 – 13:45
Thinking Point...The future of spectrum pricing
Stefan Zehle,
Coleago Consulting
13:45 – 15:10
Laying the groundwork for 5G – where, when and how should spectrum be released?
With the Commission’s 5G Action Plan now in place and the identification of the 700MHz and 26GHz as 5G ‘pioneer bands’ alongside the C-Band discussed above, the roadmap for deployment and rollout of 5G networks in Europe is now set. As we approach the deadlines of 2018 for early network introduction and 2020 for large scale commercial roll-out, this session will look at how this approach in Europe compares with that in other regions and the work that remains to be done. Ultimately it will address the question of how it can be ensured that the infrastructure and planning are in place and ready when the market is ready for 5G.
• What will be the requirements of 5G and what do regulators and other stakeholders need to do to ensure that they are in place?
• Will a new licencing approach be needed or will traditional measures still be sufficient?
• Should we be looking at dedicated 5G spectrum, or is a better approach to consider the additional spectrum that is required as being an extension of the 4G/5G ecosystem?
• How much spectrum will be required in the long term in both the high and low frequency ranges to ensure that the requirements of all use cases can be met, and in particular to ensure that 5G is available in rural as well as urban areas? What bands offer the best solutions for this?
• When should European regulators be looking to release spectrum in both the pioneer bands and also elsewhere? Is there an argument to follow the ‘real world access right now’ approach that the US has adopted with the 28GHZ band, or is a more cautious approach the best way forward at this stage?
• To what extent does the Commission’s ‘5G Action Plan’ help to address these issues outlined above?
Graham Louth,
Aetha Consulting
13:45 – 15:10
Panel Discussion
Eric Fournier,
ECC Chairman,
Luigi Ardito,
Director of Government Affairs,
Janette Stewart,
Analysys Mason
Andy Hudson,
Head of Technology Policy ,
Kumar Singarajah,
Global Spectrum Regulatory Policy ,
15:10 – 15:20
Session Summary
The moderators of Session 2 will summarise the discussions, and look at the extent to which the approaches seen will meet the requirements of the vertical industries identified in the opening video.
15:20 – 15:45
Afternoon Coffee
15:45 – 17:30
Session 3: Breakout Sessions
Delegates can choose to attend one of the following sessions.
Breakout 1: Delivering reliable PPDR networks in Europe
Breakout 2: Licensed vs Unlicensed spectrum for IoT
15:45 – 17:30
Breakout 1: Delivering reliable PPDR networks in Europe
All around Europe, regulators are developing plans for the implementation of BB-PPDR networks, and considering which model is the most appropriate for their relevant circumstances. This session will look at some of the approaches that are being taken and the band options that are being used and that are being considered for the future. It will look at the work that is being done in ensuring a harmonized approach, and at whether this is sufficient to deliver the interoperability across Europe that is required.
• What options are being considered around Europe to provide the spectrum for a broadband PPDR service, and what is the best approach?
• Does a commercial LTE network or a dedicated network offer the best option?
• Is there a need for dedicated spectrum for BB-PPDR?
• How far will the harmonized technical conditions and spectrum that was adopted by the ECC go in helping to ensure interoperability across Europe, and in what areas (if any) are additional standards and specifications required?
Jeppe Jepsen,
Director of Broadband Spectrum,
Inge Hansen,
Director of Regulatory Strategy ,
Meta Pavsek Taskov,
Head of Mobile Communication,
Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the republic of Slovenia
Jonas Karlsson,
Chief Architect,
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)
Lee Sanders,
Aetha Consulting
15:45 – 17:30
Breakout 2: Licensed vs Unlicensed Spectrum for IoT
The wireless technologies and solutions that have emerged in the battle to power and connect IoT applications and devices can broadly be split into two groups - proprietary solutions operating in unlicensed spectrum (e.g. Sigfox, LoRa) and those operating in license spectrum (e.g. NB-IoT, LTE-M). And whilst unlicensed solutions possibly stole a march by hitting the market early and allowing anyone with an idea to create IoT apps for mass market deployments, new and innovative licensed technologies are also now gaining traction with operators offering IoT services through their existing cellular networks. This session will look at the respective pros and cons of the two approaches, and ask whether licensed or unlicensed solutions are likely to win the battle in both the short and the long term.
• How does spectrum allocation and management fit into the wider IoT regulatory framework in Europe?
• What are the pros and cons of respective unlicensed and licensed spectrum solutions when it comes to delivering IoT connectivity?
• How important will Narrowband-IoT be for powering IoT devices, and what affect will it have on spectrum efficiency?
• What role can proprietary standards like SigFox and LoRa play?
• What is the right mix of technologies and licensed vs unlicensed spectrum to deliver IoT connectivity? Who is currently leading the way, and who is likely to be the eventual ‘winner’?
Rudiger Martin,
Policy Officer, Radio Spectrum unit,
DG CONNECT, European Commission
Y.-P. Eric Wang,
Senior Specialist,
Ericsson Research
Matthew Webb,
Rapporteur for NB IoT,
Oli Bird,
Rapporteur for IoT,
Raoul Mallart,
Chief Technology Officer,
17:30 – 19:30
Cocktail Reception
Thursday 22 June, 2017
09:00 – 09:20
Keynote Presentation: Spectrum priorities in the US under the new administration
Julius Knapp,
Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology,
Gérard Pogorel,
Professor of Economics and Management-Emeritus,
Telecom Paris Tech
09:20 – 11:10
Session 4. Spectrum Sharing – Moving from trials and pilots to commercial deployment
Spectrum sharing as a concept and tool to increase spectrum efficiency has been studied massively over the last few years, with a wide range of trials and pilots taking place using different technologies and in different bands. But whilst there is much traditional sharing that takes place, the uptake of some of the new sharing technologies that have been proposed and explored in recent years remains limited. This session will look at why this is and at what mechanisms are needed to encourage an increased amount of sharing as technologies become more advanced. It will look at whether we are finally reaching the tipping point of trials turning into real world deployment and at the work that is being done by industry and policymakers to ensure that both the technologies and the regulatory framework are in place to achieve this.
Gérard Pogorel,
Professor of Economics and Management-Emeritus,
Telecom Paris Tech
09:20 – 09:40
Presentation: Spectrum sharing in the context of the EU Telecoms Package review
Carlota Reyners-Fontana,
Deputy Head of Unit,
Radio Spectrum Unit, European Commission
09:40 – 10:00
Presentation: Maximising utility whilst minimising cost
Kalpak Gude,
Dynamic Spectrum Alliance
10:00 – 11:00
Focus On... LSA trials in different settings in Europe
This 'focus on' session will look at some of the LSA tests and trials that have taken place around Europe recently, the findings and results that have emerged, and at what this means for future sharing in this area.
Seppo Yrjölä,
Principal Innovator ,
Didier Chauveau,
Deputy Director, Spectrum Planning and International Affairs Directorate,
Valeria Petrini,
Fondazione Ugo Bordoni
11:00 – 11:20
Morning Coffee
11:30 – 11:50
Thinking Point…New Frontiers in Spectrum Auctions – CMRA, CCA and other designs
Lawrence M Ausubel,
Power Auctions; & Professor of Economics, Univerisity of Maryland
11:50 – 13:20
Session 5: The Incentive Auction: Outcomes, lessons, and implications for Europe
After years of planning and months of bidding, the US incentive auction finally reached a conclusion earlier this year. This means that by 2020 clearance of the 600 MHz band is due to be complete. The most obvious result of this will then be the establishment of a new mobile band, but in addition to this there will also be a number of other key consequences, not least the formation of a new broadcast band and the proof through market forces that this is a viable proposition – there were plenty of broadcasters willing to resist significant money to relinquish spectrum. This session will look at these outcomes and more, look at what it means for the shape of the spectrum landscape in the US, and ask what (if any) implications they there may be for Europe.
Richard Marsden,
Senior Vice President,
NERA Economic Consulting
11:50 – 12:10
Setting the Scene: incentive auction design, outcomes and lessons learnt
David Salant,
Visiting Professor,
Toulouse School of Economics & Founder of Auction Technologies
12:10 – 12:25
Presentation: The Incentive Auction – key outcomes and the resulting shape of the 600MHz band in the US
Richard Marsden,
Senior Vice President,
NERA Economic Consulting
12:25 – 12:40
Presentation: Optimisation techniques in the context of the broadcast incentive auction
Jakob Blaavand,
Senior Consultant,
Smith Institute
12:40 – 13:20
Panel Discussion: What are the implications of the incentive auction for Europe?
• What do the outcomes of the incentive auction tell us about the relative value of broadcast and mobile?
• What bandplan has emerged and how does this fit in with the current global picture in the 600MHz band?
• Could this open up the potential for a globally harmonized 600 MHz band, and what would this mean for Europe?
• What interest is there likely to be in countries around Europe in using the 600MHz band for mobile broadband, and particularly in those in which there is little or no terrestrial television?
• Will the results of the incentive auction have any impact more broadly on the future of terrestrial broadcasting?
• What do the outcomes of the incentive auction tell us about the relative value of broadcast and mobile?
• What bandplan has emerged and how does this fit in with the current global picture in the 600MHz band?
• Could this open up the potential for a globally harmonized 600 MHz band, and what would this mean for Europe?
• What interest is there likely to be in countries around Europe in using the 600MHz band for mobile broadband, and particularly in those in which there is little or no terrestrial television?
• Will the results of the incentive auction have any impact more broadly on the future of terrestrial broadcasting?
Jakob Blaavand,
Senior Consultant,
Smith Institute
Jean-Pierre Faisan,
Head of Communications Working Group,
Broadcast Networks Europe
Roberto Rodriguez Dorrego,
Head of Spectrum Strategy,
13:20 – 14:15
14:15 – 16:15
Session 6: The future of UHF spectrum and users in the band
The UHF band is one of the most important spectrum bands both in Europe and elsewhere for a number of different users. In the sub-700MHz band, broadcasters have been given the guarantee that it will be available to them until at least 2030; whilst in the upper portion of the band, the 700MHz band is one of those earmarked by the Commission as a priority band for the roll-out of 5G and efforts to clear this band continue in order to enable this. Split into 2 parts, this session will look at the current situation and future shape of the spectrum landscape in the 600MHz and 700MHZ bands respectively.
Johanne Lemay,
Co- President,
14:15 – 14:25
Introductory Presentation
i. The Sub-700Mhz band
Following on from the discussion on the incentive auction in the last session, this session will look at the future shape of broadcast services in the 600MHz band in Europe.
• What is the future shape of broadcast services in the sub-700MHz band?
• What innovations and new approaches are likely to be seen?
• Where does the consumer demand for broadcast lie, and how can broadcasters and regulators ensure that the sub-700MHz band is best utilised in order to support this?
• There is talk in the US of broadcasters directly transmitting services and applications to mobile handsets. To what extent could a model such as this be an option in Europe?
Johanne Lemay,
Co- President,
14:25 – 14:35
Simon Fell,
Director of Technology & Innovation,
14:35 – 14:45
Case Study
Ulrich Rehfuess,
Chair, Spectrum Working Group,
14:45 – 14:55
Lars Backlund,
Secretary General,
Broadcast Networks Europe
14:55 – 15:20
Panel Discussion
ii. The 700MHz band
• What stages are different member states at with regards to clearing the 700MHz band, and where is there potential for cross border coordination issues to arise?
• What specific challenges are faced by regulators and broadcasters in countries which have historically had a lot of terrestrial television and how can these be overcome?
• What constitutes the ‘special circumstances’ that would provide a 2 year deadline extension on clearing the band, and in which countries is it possible that this will be seen?
• What lessons can be learnt from previous replanning of bands and the clearing of the 800MHz band?
15:20 – 15:30
Javier Domínguez Lacasa,
Head of Spectrum Policy,
15:30 – 15:40
Gilles Bregant,
Director General,
15:40 – 15:50
Case Study: An update of the situation in Italy
Vincenzo Lobianco,
Councilor for Technological Innovation,
15:50 – 16:15
Panel Discussion
16:15 – 16:30
Thinking Point…To what extent are current band plans across the entire UHF band suitable for the (much) longer term?
Chris Woolford,
Director of International Spectrum Policy,
Wed 21 June, 2017 09.00 to
Thu 22 June, 2017 17.00
Steigenberger Wiltcher's Hotel
71 Avenue Louise / Louizalaan 71 1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 54242 42