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The 3rd Annual Internet of Things Europe 2011 Conference, run with the support of the European Commission, joined together business leaders, consumer advocates, policymakers and entrepreneurs to explore what opportunities and risks the Internet of Things will offer businesses and consumers. The conference also explored how the Internet of Things will re-shape our interactions with the real and virtual worlds in the coming years.

We currently have a special offer running: register 2 delegates and get a third place free!

Speakers include

Neelie  Kroes**

Neelie Kroes**

Vice President & EU Commissioner for Digital Agenda

European Commission

Maria Badia I Cutchet, MEP

Maria Badia I Cutchet, MEP

Rapporteur for Action plan for Europe on IOT

European Parliament

Peter  Hustinx

Peter Hustinx


European Data Protection Supervisor

Gérald  Santucci

Gérald Santucci

Head of Unit, RFID

European Commission

Bernard Berhamou

Bernard Berhamou

Director of Forecasting and Internet Governance

French Ministry of Research

Wim  de Waele

Wim de Waele


The Interdisciplinary institute for BroadBand Technology (IBBT)

Ignasi  Vilajosana

Ignasi Vilajosana



Jose Roberto Amazonas

Jose Roberto Amazonas

Associate Professor

Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Maher Chebbo

Maher Chebbo

Chairman of DigitalEurope SmartGrids Group and Vice President, Head of the EMEA Utilities & Services Industries


Meimei Dang

Meimei Dang

Deputy Chief Engineer for Communications Standard Research Institute

China Academy of Telecommunication Research

** via video presentation.


This high level conference, run with the support of the European Commission explored the development of the Internet of Things and discussed the opportunities and challenges ahead. It explored and discussed the future of the Internet of Things with existing and potential application scenarios and the dimension of new services. The conference also looked at how such smart connected objects and indeed cities may evolve in the future and how application providers can provide opportunities from real-life.


Questions discussed included: What is the development of Internet of Things across the globe? What new business models are emerging for developments in the future? What are the real applications on the ground and who are they for? What are the regulatory challenges for the Internet of Things? 


Panellists and speakers at the Internet of Things Europe 2011 Conference shared their insights and addressed such questions in the following sessions:


* Societal challenges and applications for a smart and green planet
* Where are we today? - The International Experience
* Technological developments and business applications
* Sources of funding for the IoT    
* Governance, privacy and security
* Standards to support policy
* Tackling resource challenges raised by the IoT


For information regarding this year's event and also next year's event, including speaking, partner and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Tom Chinnock on or +44 (0)2920 783 025





Tue 28 June, 2011 08.30 to
Wed 29 June, 2011 17.30




The Management Centre Europe

Rue de l'Aqueduc 118
1050 Brussels

Google location map



IoT Conference Brochure 2011

IoT Sponsorship Brochure 2011



Forum Europe