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Thank you to all delegates who attended the inaugural European Data Protection and Privacy Conference, which took place in Brussels on 30th November 2010. This high level event brought together over 300 of Europe's leading data protection and privacy experts, policymakers and other stakeholders for a full and interactive discussion on how to create a modern and harmonised regulatory framework.

Event photos will be added to this website shortly, and full conference proceedings will be sent out to all conference attendees.

Speakers include

Viviane Reding

Viviane Reding

Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship

European Commission

Jacob Kohnstamm

Jacob Kohnstamm


Article 29 Data Protection Working Party

Michelle O'Neill

Michelle O'Neill

Deputy Under Secretary for International Trade

U.S Department of Commerce

Peter  Hustinx

Peter Hustinx


European Data Protection Supervisor

Udo  Helmbrecht

Udo Helmbrecht

Executive Director

ENISA (European Network and Information Security Agency)



The current EU regulation governing data protection and privacy was created in 1995. Since then, we have seen rapid evolution of technology and with the creation of the digital world that we know today, has come many new ways in which data can be created, exchanged and manipulated. 


Against this backdrop, the Commission have launched a review of the existing data protection directive, and are this autumn schedule to release a statement outlining their plans, ahead of a proposal for the revision of the Directive which is expected in the second half of 2011.



Sessions at the event focused on:


  • Harmonising and simplifying the legislative maze

  • Data Breach Notification – time for mandatory notification requirements?

  • Avoiding the security pit-falls - how can we ensure that data is kept secure in a society driven by technological change and globalisation?

  • Defining the boundaries – when should data be classed as ‘personal'?







Tuesday 30 November, 2010
08.30 to 17.30




Hilton Brussels

Boulevard de Waterloo 38

Tel: +32 2504 11 11

Fax: +32 2504 21 11

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