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Thank you to all participants who attended the 6th edition of The European Cyber Security Conference on 8 November 2018 to discuss and debate the most pertinent issues affecting the security and safety of the digital space.


A selection of photos is now available here. For more information on this year's edition or to discuss becoming involved in 2019, please contact Anne-Lise Simon on

Speakers include

James Morrison

James Morrison

Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Julian King

European Commission

Antonio Missiroli

Antonio Missiroli

Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges


Despina Spanou

Despina Spanou

Director Digital Society Trust & Cybersecurity DG CONNECT

European Commission

Steven Wilson

Steven Wilson

Head of European Cybercrime Centre


Robert Hannigan

Robert Hannigan

Former Director General


Nils Puhlmann

Nils Puhlmann

Chief Trust and Security Officer


Jürgen Schneider

Jürgen Schneider

Head of Product Security

SAP Global Security

John Frank

John Frank

Vice-President for EU Government Affairs


Tony Graziano

Tony Graziano

Vice-President of European Public Affairs


François Zamora

François Zamora

Chief Security Officer

European Division Orange on behalf of ETNO members

Thomas Boué

Thomas Boué

Director General, Policy — EMEA

BSA l The Software Alliance

Jeroen  de Muijnck

Jeroen de Muijnck

Managing Director

Sectra Communications B.V

Zahra Khani

Zahra Khani

CEO and Founder


Liga Rozentale

Liga Rozentale

Director of EU Governmental Affairs for Cybersecurity Policy


Nienke van den Berg

Nienke van den Berg



More Information


Forming the backbone of the European economy, digital technologies are transforming the  way businesses operate, how citizens connect and exchange information, and how they interact with public institutions and private organisations. – This transformation demands a robust, secure, and resilient digital network infrastructure. With cyber security incidents on the rise in both their sophistication and frequency, often posing both business and reputational risks through negative news headlines and infrastructure compromise, it is vital for all stakeholders of the ecosystem to work together to find ways to secure network and information systems in Europe to improve preparedness resilience, deterrence and defence in an era where both critical infrastructures and democratic processes are under threat.


Gathering leading policy-makers, industry players and high level cyber security and defence experts, this 6th annual Forum Europe conference explored Europe’s response to a dynamically evolving global risk landscape.


Topics  discussed at this event: 

  • What are Europe's current and future policy objectives in the field of cyber security?
  • Securing the Industrial Internet: responsibilities in the connected ecosystem
  • Building effective cyber deterrence and protecting our democratic processes at EU and global level: cooperation, detection, attribution and prosecution 


To discuss any speaking, sponsorship or visibility opportunities in 2019, please contact Anne-Lise Simon



Thursday 8 November, 2018
09.00 to 17.00




Stanhope Hotel

Rue du Commerce 9
Bruxelles 1000

Tel: +32 2 506 91 11

Google location map



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Forum Europe