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Thank you to all participants who gathered in Brussels for the 4th edition of the Public Sector Transformation Conference on 18 September 2018 to discuss AI and high performance computing for the public sector and feed into the discussion on the opportunities that lie ahead in the next stage of the public sector modernisation process.


A selection of photos are now available here. For more information on this year's edition or to discuss becoming involved in 2019, please contact Rose Maloney on

Speakers include

Roberto Viola

Roberto Viola

Director-General, DG CONNECT

European Commission

Mario Campolargo

Mario Campolargo

Deputy Director-General

DG DIGIT, European Commission

Karol Okoński

Karol Okoński

Secretary of State, Ministry of Digital Affairs


Mattia Fantinati

Mattia Fantinati

Under Secretary of State for Public Administration


Daniela Intravaia

Daniela Intravaia

Head of International Activities Coordination and Interim Head of National Planning

Agency for a Digital Italy

Ulrike Kleifeld

Ulrike Kleifeld

VP Strategy, Public Services, Industries Blockchain Lead


Charles-Pierre Astolfi

Charles-Pierre Astolfi

Secretary General

French National Digital Council

Juha Heikkilä

Juha Heikkilä

Head of Unit, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

DG CONNECT, European Commission

Cristian Nicolau

Cristian Nicolau

Head of Unit, E-Justice, IT and document management

DG JUST, European Commission

Edmondo Orlotti

Edmondo Orlotti

Business Development for High Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Emilia Garito

Emilia Garito


Quantum Leap IP

Fabrizio Gagliardi

Fabrizio Gagliardi

Senior Strategy Advisor, Institutional - European Relations

Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Jesse Paquette

Jesse Paquette

Co-founder, CSO

Irena Bednarich

Irena Bednarich

Director Corporate Affairs, Continental Europe, Middle East and Africa

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Alea Fairchild

Alea Fairchild

Research Fellow

The Constantia Institute

Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers significant opportunities to transform public service delivery. Consequently, this year's conference focussed on the disruptive effect of AI on the public sector, providing a platform for debate on the opportunities and challenges that AI presents to key stakeholders.


4 key themes permeated throughout the day:


- Efficiencies of AI for the public sector

- AI in smart cities

- AI in Healthcare

- AI and justice


The event looked at how AI and high performance computing is being deployed across the public sector to provide participants an understanding of the opportunities that lie ahead in the next stage of the public sector modernisation process. Discussions were animated via panel debates, in conversation interviews, tech-talks and keynotes.


If you are interested in getting involved with the next edition of this event, please contact Rose Maloney on +44 (0) 2920 783 070 / 




Tuesday 18 September, 2018
08.30 to 16.30




Thon Hotel EU

Rue de la Loi 75
1040 Bruxelles

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