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On May 31 & June 1 2017, the Wireless World Research Forum will host  the 4th Annual 5G Huddle in Ottawa, Canada as part of the celebrations of Canada’s 150th birthday, a move which is supported by the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA), Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), the Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC), the Radio Advisory Board of Canada (RABC) and IEEE.


5G will bring about fundamental changes in the way society and businesses function and how citizens live. It will drive innovation in vertical markets everywhere. But even the most innovative carriers are not expected to use 5G commercially before 2020, and large-scale 5G rollout will most probably take even longer.


With this in mind, the 2017 5G Huddle will focus concretely on the transition from 4G to 5G, i.e. on what needs to be done to lay the groundwork for widespread 5G adoption and ensure that we are prepared to capitalize on the opportunities and benefits ahead.

Speakers include

Kelly Gillis

Kelly Gillis

Associate Deputy Minister

Innovation, Science and Economic Development, Canada

Philip Marnick

Philip Marnick

Chairman, RSPG; Director of Spectrum


Corinne Charette

Corinne Charette

Senior Assistant Deputy Minister for Spectrum, Information Technologies and Telecommunications

Innovation, Science and Economic Development, Canada

Antonio Garcia-Zaballos

Antonio Garcia-Zaballos

Telecommunications Lead Specialist - Leader of the Broadband Program

Inter-American Development Bank

Chih-Lin I

Chih-Lin I

Chief Scientist, Wireless Technologies

China Mobile Research Institute

Cindy Cook

Cindy Cook

Chairman, ITU TG 5/1

Government of Canada

Robert Watson

Robert Watson

President & CEO

Information Technology Association of Canada

Peiying Zhu

Peiying Zhu

Fellow & Senior Director, Wireless Technology Lab


Galiam Ouedraogo

Galiam Ouedraogo

Head of Radio Spectrum Planning and Coordination Service


Brian O'Shaughnessy

Brian O'Shaughnessy

SVP & CTO, Converged Networks

Shaw Communications and Freedom Mobile

Alexander Kühn

Alexander Kühn

Chairman of the Electronic Communications Committee’s Conference Preparatory Group


Dr. Ann Cavoukian

Dr. Ann Cavoukian

3-term Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario; Executive Director of the Privacy and Big Data Institute

Ryerson University

Rahim Tafazolli

Rahim Tafazolli

Director, ICS & 5GIC

University of Surrey

Dianne Carmichael

Dianne Carmichael

Board Member, Patients Canada; President & CEO

Carmichael Worldwide Inc.

Adrian Scrase

Adrian Scrase

Chief Technology Officer


Topics will include:


  • Preparing for lift-off – realizing the 5G innovation opportunities
  • The global picture: Reaping the benefits of 5G for all
  • Maximizing the potential of 5G for Canada
  • Built-in not bolted on – ensuring secure 5G networks
  • Developing a spectrum 5G strategy: Preparing the network and promoting innovation
  • Measuring the success of 5G


For further information on this event, or to find out how you can become involved, please contact Mair Carter on +44 (0) 2920 783 072 /



Wed 29 September, 2021 09.30 to
Thu 30 September, 2021 17.30

Eastern Daylight Time






2017 Sponsorship Brochure


Forum Europe