A big thank you to the 175+ participants, speakers and sponsors who attended The 8th Annual European Ecommece Conference!
Pictures of the event can be found here.
Organised by Forum Europe in partnership with EMOTA and gathering over 150 delegates annually, the European E-commerce Conferencee is the leading forum to debate the most pertinent issues affecting the e-commerce, internet platforms, retail, postal and logistic sectors.
This 8th edition provided an opportunity for stakeholders to come together to look at how e-commerce is developing in Europe and around the globe. The conference addressed fundamental considerations for the future of e-commerce platforms, explored the latest developments in the ePayment industry and discussed the best ways to achieve a more efficient cross border delivery.
Speakers include
Principal market infrastructure expert, Market Integration Division, DG Market Infrastructure and Payments
European Central Bank
Key themes included:
- Platforms: How is data innovation shaping the future of ecommerce?
- Payments: innovation and opportunities in the ePayment landscape
- Parcels: Towards a more efficient cross-border parcel delivery
Interested in becoming involved?
For information on speaking, sponsorship and other vsibility opportunities at the 9th edition please contact Anne-Lise Simon / +44 (0) 2920 783 023

Thursday 11 May, 2017
09.00 to 17.30
Steigenberger Wiltcher's Hotel
71 Avenue Louise, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
Sponsorship and Exhibition document