JA-CHRODIS Project website


Please note that we have now reached capacity at the conference venue. All further registrations will be placed on a waiting list and a member of the Forum Europe team will be in touch very shortly to confirm whether a place has become available, we thank you for your patience in the meantime.


Should you have any questions or require any further information at this stage then please contact Mair Carter, Event Manager at Forum Europe by email at mair.carter@forum-europe.com or via direct line +44 (0) 2920 783 072.


Joint Action Addressing Chronic Diseases and Healthy Ageing across the Life Cycle (JA-CHRODIS)

Final Conference 

27-28 February 2017, Thon City Centre Hotel, Brussels 

Addressing Chronic Diseases: How can the EU effectively implement their prevention, management and care across Member States?  


JA-CHRODIS’ aim is to contribute to reducing the burden of chronic diseases and to promoting healthy living and active ageing in Europe. Partners gathered highly promising and cost-effective good practices focusing on health promotion and primary prevention as well as the management of multimorbidity and diabetes, with a view to facilitate their exchange and transfer between European countries and regions. 


The one-and-a-half day event will focus on JA-CHRODIS work and outputs and on the bigger picture of the challenge of chronic diseases across Europe. High level speakers, including European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis, will explore how the outcomes of this European collaboration can be used and taken up.


Specifically, based on the evidence that JA-CHRODIS has produced, the final conference will provide a platform for participants to:


  • Learn how JA-CHRODIS partners captured and facilitated the exchange and transfer of good practices in health promotion and primary prevention, multimorbidity and diabetes;
  • Consider how healthcare can better integrate health promotion and  how healthcare providers can apply a comprehensive care model;
  • Consider how actors can push forward the development, implementation and sustainability of chronic diseases plans;
  • Examine how policy makers, healthcare professionals, patients and other stakeholders can move forward the recommendations to effectively prevent and manage chronic diseases across the lifecycle;
  • Discuss the next steps to be taken to implement policy changes and reduce risk factors of chronic diseases.   


Click here for the agenda. 

Special rates for accommodation have been negotiated. Click here for instructions on how to book accommodation at the venue.


For more information about JA-CHRODIS, please click here.  


The final conference is organised as an event of the Joint Action on Chronic Diseases and Promoting Healthy Ageing across the Life Cycle (JA-CHRODIS), which has received funding from the European Union, in the framework of the Health Programme (2008-2013).


Further Information


If you are interested in finding out more about the event or the JA CHRODIS Project more generally, please contact Anna Gallinat at EuroHealthNet on +32 (0) 2 235 03 27.


If you have any logistical questions or experience any problems when registering, please contact Mair Carter - Event Manager - Forum Europe on +44 (0) 2920 783 072.




Mon 27 February, 2017 13.00 to
Tue 28 February, 2017 17.30




Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre

Avenue du Boulevard 17
B-1210 Brussels

Google location map



Book your room at a special rate



Forum Europe