Global Spectrum Series


Forum Global would like to thank all of the this year's sponsors and participants for making the 2nd Annual Latin American Spectrum Management Conference such a successful event. 


Simultaneous translation was available at this event in English, Spanish and Portuguese / Este evento contará con traducciones simultáneas en inglés, español y portugués / Este evento é haverá tradução em Inglês, Português e Espanhol.

Speakers include

Oscar Leon

Oscar Leon

Executive Secretary


Hector  Bude

Hector Bude

Chairman, WG for preparation of WRC-15


Commissioner Mario  Fromow

Commissioner Mario Fromow



Rodrigo Zerbone Loureiro

Rodrigo Zerbone Loureiro

Commissioner & President, Executive Group for Digital TV Transition


Maximiliano  Salvadori Martinhao

Maximiliano Salvadori Martinhao

Secretary of Telecommunications

Ministry of Communications (Brazil)

Guillermo Montenegro

Guillermo Montenegro

Director of Technologic Planification


Agostinho Linhares

Agostinho Linhares

Manager of Spectrum Orbit and Broadcasting Division


Diana Tomimura

Diana Tomimura

Project Manager

Ministry of Communications (Brazil)

Fabio Franco  Costa de Alencar

Fabio Franco Costa de Alencar

Vice President


Mazen Chmaytelli

Mazen Chmaytelli

Senior Director of Business Development

Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.

Paulo Ricardo H. Balduino

Paulo Ricardo H. Balduino

Director General

Asociacao Brasileria de Emissoras de Radio e Televisao

Chris Weasler

Chris Weasler

Director of Global Connectivity


Ven Sampath

Ven Sampath

Director, Regulatory Affairs & Standard Policy


Jacqueline  Lopes

Jacqueline Lopes

Institutional Relations Supervisor for Latin America

Samsung Electronics

Catherine Bohill

Catherine Bohill




More information


Strategically timed to take place before WRC-15, the conference offered delegates a unique opportunity to position themselves alongside the key policymakers and industry representatives.


Topics covered at this year's conference included:


- Digital switchover– current state of play across the region 

- Releasing the potential of the 700Mhz band in Latin America – awards and approaches

- Additional options to meet the growing spectrum requirements for Mobile Broadband

- WRC-15 – regional positions, likely outcomes and implications for the Americas 

- Measuring and Promoting Spectrum Efficiency

- Spectrum Auctions, Awards and Valuation: Best practice for a competitive, sustainable and innovative market

- Bringing 5G to the masses - Long-term and short-term strategies to ensure an all-inclusive strategy for LTE-A and beyond


The final event program and speaker list: please click here


This conference took place as part of The Global Spectrum Series 2015, the world’s largest and most comprehensive collection of regional Spectrum Management policy conferences.


To learn more about the series and how you can become involved in next year's event, through speaking, partnerhsip and sponsorship opportunities  please visit or contact Tom Chinnock at / +44 2920 783 025.
