Thank you to all speakers and delegates who participated in the 3rd Annual European Data Protection and Privacy Conference on the 4th December 2012. This event once again brought together senior policymakers and privacy professionals from Europe and beyond for a lively and interactive discussion on the future of Data Protection regulation.
Speakers include
Vice-President and Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship
European Commission
Further Information
The release in early 2012 of the European Commission’s proposed reforms to the Data Protection Directive represented the most significant overhaul of Europe’s Data Protection and Privacy regulation since 1995. What will the new rules mean for businesses working within Europe and globally? Do the proposed rules go far enough in protecting consumers, and what will the impact be on the wider Internet eco-system? How can Europe create a Data Protection policy that anticipates the development of future technologies and social networks? Ultimately – what needs to be done in order to ensure the best balance between a regulatory environment that supports a competitive European industry and the protection of the fundamental rights of EU citizens?
Sessions at the event will focus on:
- Assessing the impact of the new general Data Protection Regulation –How will it work in practice?
- Reconciling data protection with the protection of other fundamental rights – where does the balance lie?
- The long-term approach - How best to ‘future-proof’ the EU’s Data Protection regulation?
- What role for EU and international policymakers in ensuring global interoperability?
Plus the option of an interactive pre-conference workshop on the afternoon of the 3rd December- New EU Data Protection Rules - Preparing your organisation for the upcoming reform

Tuesday 4 December, 2012
08.30 to 17.00
Management Centre Europe
Rue de l'Aqueduc 118
Brussels 1050
Tel: +32 (0) 2 543 21 20
Report - What role for EU and Global policymakers in ensuring global interoperability