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Thank you to all 223 delegates who participated at The 2012 European Cloud Computing Conference, which took place on the 21st March 2012, in The Hotel, Central Brussels.

Speakers include

Carl-Christian Buhr

Carl-Christian Buhr

Member of Vice-President Kroes cabinet, Responsible for Cloud Computing Strategy

European Commission

William E.  Kennard

William E. Kennard

US Ambassador to the EU

US Mission to the EU

Pilar del Castillo Vera

Pilar del Castillo Vera


European Parliament

Ricky Santos

Ricky Santos

Vice-President Global Cloud Solutions


Ivailo Kalfin

Ivailo Kalfin


European Parliament

Giovanni Buttarelli

Giovanni Buttarelli

Assistant Supervisor

European Data Protection Supervisor

Joseph Alhadeff

Joseph Alhadeff

Vice President of Global Public Policy and Chief Privacy Officer


Rainer Zimmermann

Rainer Zimmermann

Head of Unit for Software & Service Architectures and Infrastructures

Directorate General for Information Society and Media, European Commission

Jurry de la Mar

Jurry de la Mar

Head of International Sales - Public Sector

T-Systems International

Christian Morales

Christian Morales

Vice President General Manager EMEA

Intel Corporation


Cloud Computing is becoming increasingly utilised by private and public organisations, and has the potential to play a key role in tomorrow’s economy by generating growth and creating jobs. With US cloud providers currently leading the way in the global market, there is a need for the EU to act now in order to develop a European Cloud Market and ensure that the huge potential for industry is achieved.


The European Commission recently held a public consultation on Cloud Computing in order to appreciate the use of the technology and to understand the obstacles affecting the adoption of Cloud services. Based on this and on other research, Commissioner Kroes has recently invited public authorities and industry to work together in a European Cloud Partnership as part of the implementation of an overall EU-wide cloud computing strategy.


The aim of The 2012 European Cloud Computing Conference is to debate how to implement a well defined European Cloud Computing Strategy. It will examine the numerous opportunities offered by the Cloud; discuss the issues related to the technology from policy, business, technology and user perspectives; and will highlight the need for a EU Cloud policy and regulatory framework. Finally, the conference will be the opportunity to look into the necessity of standardisation to guarantee interoperability between Cloud providers in order to create a competitive European market for Cloud services and to “make Europe not just Cloud-Friendly but Cloud Active”.



More details about the conference will follow shortly. In the meantime, if you require information about speaking and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Anne-Lise Simon +44 (0) 2920 783 023.

Partners and Sponsors



Wednesday 21 March, 2012
08.30 to 18.00




The Hotel

Boulevard de Waterloo 38,
1000 Brussels, Belgium

Tel: +32 (0)2 504 11 11

Google location map



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Forum Europe