Thank you to all who attended the 2nd Annual European Raw Materials Conference on the 20th March 2012 at The Hotel, Brussels.
Event photos now available! Scroll below for a link.
Speakers include
Click Here to view photos from this event.
One year on from the European Commission’s review of the Raw Materials Initiative and following the recent proposals on Resource Efficiency, the 2012 conference debated the practical and political steps Europe must take to ensure a secure and sustainable supply of the Raw Materials - a crucial factor in industrial competitiveness and the growth of the low carbon economy - whilst keeping sight of its ongoing commitment to the protection of the natural environment and international development. the event brought together senior policy makers from the EU and national governments with stakeholders from the extraction and downstream industries, NGOs and Academia, and provided an excellent opportunity for interactive debate and discussion on the future of Europe’s Raw Materials policy.
More information
Please click here for an overview of the 2011 conference including details of the high-level speakers and photos taken at the event.
Topics discussed at the 2012 conference include:
- Raw Materials for Green Growth – Addressing supply risks and increasing resource efficiency. What has been achieved?
- Sustainable resource use and the Low Carbon Economy
- An interdependent world – global trade, co-operation and development for raw materials
Tuesday 20 March, 2012
08.30 to 17.40
Boulevard de Waterloo 38 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 504 33 35
Fax: +32 2 504 33 50