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Speaker Biographies

Full speaker biographies will appear here shortly, please check back regularly for updates.


Takorn Tantasith

Takorn Tantasith

Secretary General, National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, NBTC, Thailand


Mr Takorn Tantasith is the first and current Secretary-General of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC), Thailand. Since 2012, Takorn has overseen the Office of the NBTC through many regulatory milestones amidst the challenging, fast-changing environment of the Thai ICT sector. Recent notable achievements of the NBTC include holding the country’s first spectrum auctions, registering mobile SIM cards nationwide, and starting the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting.

Prior to joining the Office of the NBTC, Takorn held senior positions in the Bureau of the Budget and the Office of the Auditor General of Thailand. He also served as an advisor to the Senate House Committee of Communications.

Takorn holds a law degree from Ramkhamhaeng University, Thailand, and a master’s degree in Public Administration from Detroit University, USA. In 2013, he was awarded an honorary doctorate in Public Administration from the Prince of Songkla University, Thailand.

Areewan Haorangsi

Areewan Haorangsi

Secretary General, Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT)


Ms. Areewan Haorangsi has taken up her post as Secretary General of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) on 9 February 2015. A native of Thailand, Ms. Haorangsi brings to her post over three decades of service both in national and international stage.

Before her election as Secretary General, Ms. Haorangsi served as the Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT), Thailand. Her long tenure with MICT included responsibilities for a variety of portfolios, i.e. Principal Adviser for Foreign Affairs, Executive Director of Policy and Strategy Bureau, Acting Principal Adviser for Communications, and Executive Director of International Affairs Bureau. Ms. Haorangsi also had extensive international experience including her postings as Chairperson of ASEAN Telecommunication and IT Services Sectoral Working Group under the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Services, Chairperson of the Working Group on Economic Transformation, People Empowerment & Engagement, Innovation and Human Capital Development under the ASEAN Telecommunication and IT Senior Officials’ Meeting, and Head of Thai Delegation to the APEC Telecommunications and Information Working Group as well as to Conferences, Assemblies and Meetings of International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

Ms. Haorangsi has longstanding ties with the APT since 2003 when she has started working at MICT. She had been the Head of Thai delegation at various APT events. In 2011 she was elected the Vice Chairman of the APT Management Committee. She was also Chairman of the APT Policy and Regulatory Forum (PRF) in 2014. In 2014, Ms. Haorangsi was elected Secretary General of the APT at the 13th Session of
the General Assembly of the APT held in Yangon, Myanmar. As Secretary General of the APT, Ms. Haorangsi has set a forward-looking vision in leading the APT towards the forefront of telecommunication and ICT development in the Asia-Pacific region and bringing in synergy among the stakeholders to maximize the benefits of ICT to the people.

Born in 1959 in Thailand, Ms. Haorangsi holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (International Relations), Chulalongkorn University, Thailand and a Master of Business Administration (Management of Technology), Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. She began her career in the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC) in 1981, being responsible for Foreign Affairs Group and International Transport Group of the Department of Land Transport.

Ioane Koroivuki

Ioane Koroivuki

Asia-Pacific Regional Director, ITU


Mr. Ioane Koroivuki , Regional Director of International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand.

He was the Chief Executive Officer of Fiji International Telecommunications Limited (FINTEL) and worked in various facets of communications including switching, data, satellite and submarine cable transmission systems. He was responsible for all of FINTEL's business operations, including accountabilities as the Landing Party Operations Manager for the Southern Cross Cable Landing in Fiji. He was also responsible for FINTEL's Network and Technology department where he was assigned to assist in transitioning Fiji’s International Gateway from analogue to digital systems, including the introduction of the first NGN platform. Furthermore, he was seconded to start up the Pacific Islands
Telecommunications Association (PITA). The Pacific regional body managing the telecommunication interests of its member states.

Mr. Ioane Koroivuki graduated from the Coventry University, United Kingdom, with an MSc in Telecommunications and has over 34 years of experience in the telecommunications industry.

Istvan Bozsoki

Istvan Bozsoki

Head of Telecommunication Networks and Spectrum Management Division, ITU


Mr Istvan Bozsoki joined the ITU in 1997 to work at the Space Department of the Radiocommunication Bureau and he was dealing with coordination and notification of satellite systems. In 2007 he moved to the Telecommunication Development Bureau and is responsible for spectrum management and broadcasting issues. Since April 2013 he is Head of Spectrum Management and Broadcasting Division and since 2017 he is head of Telecommunications Network and Spectrum Management Division.
After obtaining his degree in telecommunication engineering at the Technical University Budapest in 1980 he spent 17 years at the Hungarian Communication Authority and he was dealing with technical and regulatory aspects of the spectrum management. Among others, he was responsible for the development of a computerized spectrum management system and for cross-border frequency
coordination. Later, he was appointed as director of international affairs. He has master degrees in
radiocommunications and in broadcasting.

Stefan Zehle

Stefan Zehle

Co-Founder and CEO, Coleago Consulting


Stefan Zehle is the co-founder and CEO of Coleago. He has 29 years’ experience in telecoms consulting and as Director of a mobile operating company. He specialises in strategy and business planning, spectrum related issues such as spectrum policy, valuation and auctions, and telecoms regulatory topics. He gained his experience working in developed markets in Europe, Canada and the US and also in emerging markets in the Middle East, Africa, and the Far East.

As Director of Strategy, Marketing and Regulatory Affairs, Stefan launched the third mobile operator in Algeria. He developed the strategy, designed the organisation chart, recruited other Directors and 200 staff, built the Sales and Marketing department, oversaw the development of distribution and the offer, and managed the brand creation. He also successfully challenged the regulatory status quo, transforming the interconnect landscape in Algeria by introducing best practice interconnect agreements for the first time. He filed regulatory complaints, winning million dollar cost savings.

Stefan is also the co-author of “Guide to Business Planning”, published by “The Economist”, now in its second edition (“Outstanding Academic Title, 2009” awarded by Choice, the US academic reviewers) and is an experienced conference speaker, chairing the Ministerial Programme session at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

Stefan holds an MBA (with distinction) awarded by the University of Westminster in 1991 and speaks French, English, and German.

Monesili Douangmany

Monesili Douangmany

Acting Director of Radio Frequency Allocation and Licensing Division, Ministry of Post and Telecommunication, Laos


I received Master’s degree in Telecommunication from University of Communication, Hanoi, Vietnam in 2010. I joined the ETL (Telecom operator) from 2010-2013. I joined Ministry of Post and Telecommunications since 2013, and responsible for radio frequency management. My experiences are in radio frequency policy, strategy, National Table of Frequency Allocation, Spectrum planning, Representing Lao regulator in APT Spectrum conferences (APG, AWG) and World Radiocommunications Conferences (WRC)

Brett Tarnutzer

Brett Tarnutzer

Head of Spectrum, GSMA


Brett directs the association’s full range of spectrum-related activities, in collaboration with the GSMA membership.Under Brett’s leadership, the spectrum team is focusing on areas such as the cost of access to spectrum. How regulators decide to determine the cost of access to spectrum bands has a big impact on the evolution of mobile services. It is essential that these costs are determined in a way that takes account of the necessary network investment that drives excellent service coverage. The team also works to facilitate the deployment of mobile spectrum bands and identify new bands, including preparing for World Radio Conference-2019, where spectrum for 5G will be a hot topic.Prior to the GSMA, Brett worked for the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as Assistant Chief of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, dealing with a wide range of spectrum-related issues including designing the first-ever incentive auction for transferring spectrum from broadcast to mobile use.

Denny Setiawan

Denny Setiawan

Director of Spectrum Policy and Planning, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), Indonesia


DENNY SETIAWAN, born in Ciamis, West Java (1971), holds the position of Director of Spectrum Policy and Planning, Directorate General of Resources and Standard, Ministry of Communications and IT since January 2018.
Dr. Denny Setiawan graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in year 1994, majoring in Electronic Telecommunication Engineering, MSc of Telecommunication Engineering from University of Indonesia in 1999, and Doctor of Engineering from University of Indonesia in February 2013.
Since joining the Directorate General of Post & Telecommunication in 1995, Dr. Setiawan has participated in many international conferences in Radio Communications, coordinating satellite orbits and frequencies bilaterally and internationally through ITU, and other regional and international telecommunication activities.
In recent years, Dr. Setiawan has been involved in formulating the strategic policy and planning in Indonesia, including Mobile Broadband Spectrum refarming and auction, Broadcasting Frequency Planning, as well as Broadband Satellite in Indonesia.
Dr. Setiawan is also has becoming guest lecture in University Indonesia and University Mercu Buana on policy and regulation of telecommunication issues since year 2013.

Ping Li

Ping Li

Bureau of Radio Regulation, MIIT, China


Mrs.Ping Li has been working for the Chinese Administration sine 2005. Mrs. Ping Li graduated from BeiJing University of Posts and Telecommunications in year 2001, major in Management Science and Engineering, and achieved the Master degree of Management Science and Engineering in 2005.
Now she has been involved in formulating the frequency planning and policy in China, including frequency planning of 5G, IoT etc..

Gerry Oberst

Gerry Oberst

Senior Vice President, Global Regulatory and Governmental Strategy, SES


Gerry Oberst is responsible for regulatory advocacy at SES, where his title is Senior Vice President, Global Advocacy, and president of SES Americom, Inc.. Gerry took this position after a long career as a partner in the Hogan Lovells law firm, in both Washington, DC, and Brussels. During his 30 years of private practice, Gerry advised many clients in the spectrum field as well as governmental agencies, including numerous projects for the European Commission. He is a prolific author and for twenty years wrote the global regulatory column for Via Satellite magazine. While in Brussels, he was the chairman of the European Satellite Action Plan Regulatory Group. He now works in Washington, DC.

Aamir Riaz

Aamir Riaz

Program Officer, ITU


​​​Mr. Aamir Riaz is Programme officer in International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and is currently part of the team at its Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.

In-line with the Global Objectives of ITU and Regional Initiatives of Asia-Pacific region, he has been working on development of ICTs in the region through country specific actions, sub-regional and regional activities across the region. He has implemented several initiatives and projects in partnership and collaboration with international/regional organizations like ASEAN, APT, PIRRC etc.; Administrations including, MSIP-Korea, DoC-Australia, SRMC-China etc. and industry including Intelsat, Nokia, Forum Global, Ericsson etc.

Mr. Aamir is currently involved in ITU development activities particularly on areas related to telecommunication policy, ICT market regulations and wireless innovation strategies with emphasis on issues related to Radio Frequency Spectrum.

Prior to joining ITU in 2013, he had been working in ict​Qatar (now CRC Qatar) from 2010 to 2013 as National Spectrum Manager where he implemented several management and planning initiatives. From 2007 until 2010 he performed his duties as Assistant Director in Strategy and Development department of the Pakistan telecomm Authority.

Mr. Aamir is an Electrical Engineer from National University of Science and Technology (NUST) Pakistan and possesses advanced degree in Radio-communication from École Supérieure d'Électricité (SUPÉLEC) France.​

Jeffrey Yan

Jeffrey Yan

Director, Technology Policy, Microsoft


effrey Yan is Director of Technology Policy at Microsoft where he holds global responsibilities on regulatory policy engagements in areas of broadband, spectrum, Internet governance, and cloud computing. He had over 20 years of research & development, business management, and regulatory policy experiences in the ICT industry.

Jeffrey joined Microsoft in 2006 and has held various senior positions in the Entertainment & Devices division, Technology and Research group, and Corporate, External and Legal Affairs group. He represented Microsoft in many international technology and policy forums such as ITU, IGF, IIC, and ICANN, and industry associations such as Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA) and Dynamic Spectrum Alliance (DSA). Prior to Microsoft, he had a 13-year telecom career with Nortel Networks, where he held various senior positions in R&D, systems engineering, product management, and sales & marketing functions in North America and Asia Pacific markets.

Jeffrey graduated from Dalhousie University, Canada, with an honors degree in Computer Science. He did post-graduate studies in Software Engineering and Business Management.

Richard Womersley

Richard Womersley

Director of Spectrum Consulting, LS telcom


chard is director of spectrum consulting for LS telcom. He has 20 over years consulting and business experience working in the radio spectrum management, public telecommunications, digital broadcasting and satellite industries. He has worked for regulators, network operators, financiers, governments and end-users on issues covering national and international policy; regulation and its impact; pricing, auctions and licensing; cost modelling and tariff setting; planning and consultation; network specification and procurement; and digital switch-over. His work has been international in nature having taken him to every continent except Antarctica. Richard is also an experienced trainer having been running courses on spectrum management and policy for over 15 years.

In addition to providing consultancy advice and training, Richard’s career has embraced roles in a military communications company, as a transmission manager for BBC World Service and business manager for the UK’s largest broadcast infrastructure provider ntl: (now Arqiva) giving him a broad perspective on telecommunications and broadcast technologies and industries, their commercialisation and their regulation.

Sopheak Cheang

Sopheak Cheang

Deputy Director General, General Department of Posts and Telecommunications, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Cambodia


Dr Cheang has a Ph.D in ICT Economic, Policy and Management, College of Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2011), Master Degree of Science, Majoring in Telecommunication Engineering, Graduate School of Telecommunication Study and Engineering, WASEDA University, Tokyo, Japan. (2006), Bachelor Degree of Computer Science and Engineering, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia (2001)
His current role is as Deputy Director General in charge of Telecommunications Policy, General Department of Posts and Telecommunications, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of Cambodia

Seizo Onoe

Seizo Onoe

Chief Technology Architect, NTT DOCOMO Inc., President, DOCOMO Technology Inc.


Seizo Onoe became Chief Technology Architect of NTT DOCOMO, INC in June 2017 after his 5 years tenure as Chief Technology Officer, while retaining the position of President of DOCOMO Technology, Inc. since June 2015.
Prior to his current position, he was Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President and a Member of the Board of Directors of NTT DOCOMO from June 2012.
Mr. Onoe became a Senior Vice President and Managing Director of the R&D Strategy Department in June 2008. He was a Vice President and took the position of Managing Director of departments in charge of Radio Access Network development from July 2002 to June 2008.
He has been responsible for leading initiatives in the research and development of the analog cellular system (1G), the digital cellular system (2G), W-CDMA/ HSPA (3G), LTE, LTE-Advanced (4G) and 5G. He has been working on the research and development of radio access networks, core networks, consumer devices and services.
He has worked for NTT and NTT DOCOMO since 1982, acquiring more than 30 years of experience. Mr. Onoe has a master’s degree in electronics from the Kyoto University Graduate School of Engineering.

Marc Eschenburg

Marc Eschenburg

Partner, Aetha Consulting


Marc has worked in the telecoms industry since 2008 advising fixed and mobile operators as well as regulators. He has spent the past few years supporting operators worldwide in developing their spectrum strategy and assisting them to value spectrum ahead of auctions. Marc's other experience includes detailed geographically-based cost models of next generation networks, work on public sector interventions in broadband networks (and economic benefits thereof), as well as various assessments of economic issues within the television and media market. Marc has a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Infonomics, both from Universiteit Maastricht.

Bharat  Bhatia

Bharat Bhatia

President, ITU - APT Foundation of India; and Head of International Spectrum and Regulatory Team, Motorola Solutions Inc


Mr. Bharat Bhatia has over 43 years of experience in Telecom and ICT policy, regulations and spectrum management.

Mr. Bhatia currently heads International spectrum and Regulatory team at Motorola Solutions’ Government Affairs and leads a global team of Spectrum and regulatory resources in Motorola Solutions. Mr. Bhatia is also the President of ITU-APT Foundation of India and founder President of the Core Group of Telecom Industries Association of India (CTIA). Mr. Bhatia is also the Chair of the Public Safety and Disaster Relief communications -PPDR working group under the ITU-R study group 5D .as well as the Chair of the APT Task Group on -PPDR and Earlier he was also the President of TEMA (Telecom Equipment Manufacturers Association of India) and a Vice President of Association of Telecom Industries of Singapore (ATIS). Mr. Bhatia is an expert on spectrum, ICT Policy, Regulations, public safety and emergency and disaster relief communications. Mr Bhatia works closely with many Asian, European and African governments on issues of Policy and regulations concerning PPDR, Spectrum, ICT technologies and services.

Mats Norin

Mats Norin

Program Manager 5G for Industries, Ericsson


Mats Norin is a distinguished business leader and at present Program Manager 5G For Industries at Ericsson Research. In this capacity Mr. Norin is responsible for Industry wide 5G programs outside Europe.
Mats Norin rejoined Ericsson August 2, 2013 as Vice President and General Manager, Head of Business Unit Modems. Business Unit Modems included the design, development, supply and sales of the LTE multimode thin modem solutions, including 2G, 3G and 4G interoperability. This activity was transferred to Ericsson from ST-Ericsson where Norin served as Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer since 2012.
Mr. Norin brings more than 25 years of experience in the industry to this role. Before his assignment at ST-Ericsson, Mr. Norin served as the Head of Mobile Broadband, business unit Networks, at Ericsson. In this role, he supported Ericsson’s regions with market trends and deep insights on network performance as well as being responsible for regional coordination and target setting.
Between 2014 to 2016, Mr. Norin headed Portfolio management for Business Unit Radio and in parallel from July 2016 also started up a new Product Area Transport for Microwave, Routers and Optical products.
From 2007 to 2011, Mr. Norin was Vice President of Ericsson’s Mobile Broadband Modules business unit Networks and was responsible for overseeing the sales, marketing and development of ‘built in HSPA modules’ for consumer electronics. Under his leadership, Ericsson took mobile broadband modules from a niche market to a mass market product lowering the barriers for PC and tablet OEMs so that connectivity can be included at a reasonable cost.
Mr. Norin began his career at Ericsson in 1984 within software development for the Swedish aircraft industry, followed by a position as manager for base station software for the Japanese market. From the establishment of WCDMA in 1996, Mr. Norin held different R&D positions, and from 2001 he was appointed head of R&D for WCDMA radio networks - including overseeing the development and maintenance of the entire range of radio network equipment at Ericsson.
Mats Norin earned his M.Sc. from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden. He also holds a degree in business education from Colombia Business School in New York, NY.

Kezias  Mwale

Kezias Mwale

Radiocommunications Coordinator , African Telecommunications Union (ATU)


He holds an MSc in Broadband and Mobile Communications with distinction from the University of Kent (2008), and an MBA from the University of Nicosia (2017). He started his spectrum management career as a junior engineer in 2003 at the Zambia ICT Authority, rising to manager spectrum management in 2010 – a position he held until his appointment by the African Telecommunications Union (ATU) as a Radiocommunications Coordinator in 2012. He has been a keen and active contributor to national, regional and international spectrum management successes including development of the first Zambian national spectrum plan, the SADC spectrum plan, the GE-06 Conference during which he was appointed one of the planning experts for Eastern and Southern Africa. He has greatly contributed to the current improved status of Radiocommunications affairs of ATU.

Pradeep de Almelda

Pradeep de Almelda

Group Chief Technology Officer, Dialog Axiata


Pradeep leads the Technology function of the Dialog Group. In addition, he chairs the Technical Expert Working Group across South Asian Region covering Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan. His portfolio spans the planning, development and operation of multiple networks and services including but not limited to the Group’s Mobile, Broadband, Fixed Line, Digital Television and International Telecommunications infrastructures. Pradeep joined Dialog Axiata in 1996 and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka and is a Member of the Institution of Engineers of Sri Lanka. He is a Chartered engineer by profession. Over the course of his 22 year career in technology management, Pradeep has garnered extensive experience across multiple generations of mobile telephony technology leading up to the most recent 4.5G technologies, based on which the Dialog Group has implemented Mobile FD-LTE and Fixed TD-LTE networks. Pradeep is a regular speaker at Technology forums.

CK Foong

CK Foong

Head of Regulatory Affairs, Axiata


Foong Chee Kheong is Group Head of Regulatory Affairs, Group Corporate Office, Axiata Group Berhad. CK has about 17 years of experience in telecommunication, with roles in regulatory strategy and policy development with prior experience in network engineering and project management. Prior to this, he was in regulatory management roles in Digi Telecommunications, Celcom Axiata, U Mobile and the Multimedia Development Corporation. CK holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom and an MBA from University of Strathclyde.

Yeqing Du

Yeqing Du

Vice President of 5G Production Line , Huawei


Du Yeqing, join in Huawei in 1999. 20 years experience of telecommunication industry include mobile solution pre-research, product development, wireless products marketing promotion, etc. Abundant experience of Telco business transformation consulting. From 2017, work as VP of 5G product line, charge for 5G strategy and business development.

Diana Tomimura

Diana Tomimura

Spectrum Regulation and Policy Officer, Radiocommunications Bureau, ITU


Kai Sahala

Kai Sahala

Head of 5G, Asia Pacific Japan, Nokia


Kai Sahala is responsible for 5G sales in APJ at Nokia. Kai is a widely known spokesperson in the mobile networks domain while specializing in the radio access sector. He has a Master’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Helsinki and has more than 25 years of experience in telecommunications, with various roles in R&D, product management, business development, sales and marketing.

Cristian Gomez

Cristian Gomez

Director, Spectrum Policy and Regulatory Affairs, Asia-Pacific, GSMA


Cristian Gomez is Director, Spectrum Policy and Regulatory Affairs, Asia-Pacific, GSMA and is responsible for providing spectrum policy advice and regulatory best practice across markets in the Asia Pacific region. He has over 17 years of experience in spectrum regulation including international allocation, national spectrum management and policy issues related to national allocation and assignment of the spectrum resource.

Prior to joining the GSMA, Mr Gomez’s experience spanned across roles within the New Zealand spectrum regulator and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). He served at the Radiocommunication Bureau (BR) of the ITU in Geneva, Switzerland between 2011 and 2015 as spectrum regulation and policy officer. In his role he was responsible for providing assistance to Member States on spectrum matters, focusing on Asia-Pacific and the Americas.

In his most recent role (2017) within the New Zealand spectrum regulator (Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment), Cristian served as Principal Policy Advisor on spectrum matters. He provided advice to the New Zealand government on national spectrum issues as well as international matters. He has represented the New Zealand government as deputy head of delegation to the ITU World Radiocommunication Conference and Radiocommunication Assembly, and regionally as a delegate to the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT). Cristian also served in other roles within the New Zealand government including spectrum planning, engineering and licensing between 2004 and 2011 and has a former engineering background in military radiocommunications and digital microwave systems.

He has authored various conference papers and publications on policy and regulatory issues on spectrum allocation, planning and national implementation. Mr Gomez has been a keynote speaker at major international regulatory forums in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia Pacific.

Mr Gomez’s academic background includes electronics and communications engineering (Chile, New Zealand), post-graduate studies in Public Policy (University of London) and an MBA (Massey University, New Zealand).

Hu Wang

Hu Wang

GSA Spectrum Coordinator for APT Region, GSA


Hu Wang received his Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, in 2001. He joined Huawei in 2005 and is responsible for the radio spectrum policy work. His experiences are in radio frequency policy and standardization of 4G and 5G, in particular in ITU-R and APT. Currently he serves as the GSA Spectrum Group Coordinator for APT region.

Leonida  Macciotta

Leonida Macciotta



Mr. Leonida Macciotta has been working in Huawei since 2009, covering Microwave Marketing and Product Management worldwide.

Leonida has more than 20 years of experience in the microwave industry, including positions in Technical Sales Support, Responsible for the definition of the Mobile Backhaul Solution in Siemens and System Product Manager in NSN.

He graduated from the Polythecnic of Milan Technical University in Italy with a Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering.

Mary Lim

Mary Lim

Spectrum and Regulatory Affairs Manager APAC, SIGFOX


Mary Lim is Spectrum and Regulatory Affairs Manager, Asia Pacific for Sigfox. Ms. Lim is responsible for management of regulatory activities across the Asia Pacific region associated with technical and frequency planning for Internet of Things.

Ms Lim has a bachelor’s degree in information Technology and Telecommunication Engineering from University of Adelaide (Australia), specialised in radio engineering.

Prior to this current position, Ms Lim has worked for telecommunications operators M1 and Singtel and Infocomm Development of Authority of Singapore. She has years of experience in radio planning, technology strategy, spectrum planning and policies making of vary radio communication.

Stein Gudbjorgsrud

Stein Gudbjorgsrud

Director Spectrum Strategy, Telenor


Stein works with spectrum strategy, spectrum valuation and spectrum acquisitions across Telenor’s markets worldwide. Prior to joining Telenor in 2011, he worked as an international consultant with spectrum related issues and with mobile connectivity on aircraft. Stein was responsible for spectrum planning at the Norwegian telecoms regulator in the period 1987-2005 and served as a national representative to various European working groups such as the EU Radio Spectrum Committee and the CEPT Electronic Communications Committee and as the Head of Delegation to World Radio Conferences. With 30 years of experience in spectrum management, Stein has had the opportunity to participate in and influence the growth of the wireless industry.

Chris Woolford

Chris Woolford

Director, International Spectrum Policy, Ofcom


Chris Woolford is Ofcom’s Director of International Spectrum Policy where his responsibilities cover the UK’s international spectrum interests, especially in relation to the ITU, CEPT and EU. He is a member of Ofcom’s Spectrum Executive Team and Strategy Steering Group.

Chris is active in various European spectrum committees and currently represents the UK on the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG). He has closely engaged for the UK on a number of key European and international spectrum initiatives and led the UK delegations to WRC-15 and WRC-12.

Before joining Ofcom, Chris worked in various UK Government Departments, including 6 years at Oftel, where he worked on different aspects of telecommunications regulation. Chris has a degree in mathematics and statistics from Manchester University.

Thomas Ewers

Thomas Ewers

Representative, CEPT, Head of Section, International Frequency Matters, BNetzA


Head of section for international spectrum affairs and utilization concepts in the Federal Network Agency, Germany.
After a university degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of the Federal Armed Forces, Germany, Mr. Ewers has been working continuously since 1992 in the area of national and international spectrum regulation on different levels. Having started in the beginning of his career with frequency coordination issues his responsibilities have been broadened to strategic frequency utilization concepts and the transposition of those to the international level of CEPT, EU and ITU.
Nowadays Mr Ewers is predominantly active in the Radio Spectrum Policy Group and the Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) of the CEPT and was a member of the Radio Spectrum Committee. After participating in several meetings of the ECC and its subordinate groups Mr. Ewers was Chairman of the ECC between 2007 and 2012.

Ismail Shah

Ismail Shah

ITU Area Representative for Southeast Asia and Timor-Leste, ITU


Dr. S. Ismail Shah is the ITU Area Representative and Head of ITU office for South East Asia and Timor-Leste. He is a renowned ICT professionals and has extensive background in spectrum auctions, technology implementation, ICT policy-making and regulations. Dr. Shah is a strong proponent of using ICT to create smarter societies. Combination of his very strong intellectual and technical rigor with his leadership roles, has given him unique and un-paralleled perspective to become a global ambassador for unleashing the power of ICTs. He has also worked on initiatives for Persons with Disabilities, Women Empowerment, Big data analytics, Internet of Things, Shared Economy and Digital Entrepreneurship. Dr. Shah holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, USA. He is a registered professional Engineer and is also a Senior Member of IEEE, USA and Member of the Institute of Electronics Information and Communication Engineers, Japan and has more than 100 technical publications.

Zar Ne Aung

Zar Ne Aung

Director, Posts and Telecommunications Department, Myanmar


Graduated in 1996 ( Bachlor of Engineering From Yangon Technical University ). Join to Posts and Telecommunications Department in 1997 as Officer and Researcher of International Teleommunication, licensing of Telecommunication Equipment and Spectrum management. Main function is designing Telecommunication Equipment licensing data and spectrum assignment , notification of spectrum user register. Participated in Regional and International Conference.
Participated in Myanmar Telecommunication Reform in technical part and counterpart in drafting National Frequency Allocation Tables (2001, 2011, 2015). Director of Radio Monitoring and standardization section of PTD. Member of Telecommunication and ICT Standardization technical committee, drafting Broadcasting rules by Ministry of Information. Member of drafting Analog to Digital Broadcasting Transition Master plan. Instructor Certificate from Onboard University, Sweden in 1998 and Lecturer for Aeronautical and Maritime personals.
Main duties include Radio Monitoring, Radio Engineering, Spectrum Planning, Spectrum Management and standardization.

Tawhid Hussain

Tawhid Hussain

Deputy Director, Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission


Mr. Tawhid Hussain has been working in Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) since 2008. Currently, he is serving as a Deputy Director in Legal and Licensing Division of BTRC. He has extensive experience in spectrum auctions and telecom policy-making. He has been the coordinator of renewal of 2G Cellular Mobile Phone Services, issuance of 3G Cellular Mobile Phone Services and issuance of 4G/LTE Cellular Mobile Phone Services in Bangladesh. Besides professional experience, he has obtained Master of Science in Communication Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. He is a registered professional engineer of the Institution of Engineers of Bangladesh.

Sergio Bovelli

Sergio Bovelli

Manager, Market Access and Regulation, Airbus


Sergio Bovelli, Ph.D. is Manager, Market Access and Regulation at Airbus Defence and Space in Germany. In his role Dr. Bovelli works closely with Administrations, Regulatory Authorities and Policy Makers in all regions to promote and develop new aeronautical and space technologies and communication.
With over 15 years of experience in aeronautics and space industry, he joined Airbus in 2005, where he held several positions, both technical and managerial. He is co-author of several scientific articles and holds a number of patents related to communication systems.
Sergio holds a PhD degree in “Information Engineering” and a Master degree on “Telecommunication Engineering”

Scott Minehane

Scott Minehane

Managing Director, Windsor Place Consulting


Scott W Minehane is an international regulatory and strategy consultant in the telecommunications sector and has been involved in advising investors, operators, Governments and regulators in Australia, Asia, the Pacific and South Africa for over 25 years. His expertise extends to policy, legislation, regulation, spectrum management, NBN and new generation fixed and mobile technologies.

He is the principal of Windsor Place Consulting Pty Ltd an independent consultancy practice, through which he has advised a range of leading corporates and organisations including the Australian, South Australian and Victorian Governments, the Malaysian Government, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, the Lao PDR Government, APEC Business Advisory Council, NBN Co, Competitive Carriers Coalition, Broadcast Australia, Macquarie Group, Leighton Holdings, Macquarie Telecommunications, IDA Singapore, Telekom Malaysia, Axiata Group and various Axiata Opcos, ARCIA, Australian Music Association, Investec, Fiberail, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of the UAE, KPMG, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Bahrain, International Telecommunications Union (ITU), APT, Telkom South Africa, PCCW, Verisign Australia, Telecom NZ and the World Bank.

Scott is also an independent director of Etherstack plc ( an ASX listed company that specialises in wireless technology including waveforms and public mobile radio (PMR) solutions including LTE being used for first responders and iSignthis ( an ASX listed company with a range of US and Australian patents which allows merchants (via their credit card gateways or banks) to verify/authenticate identity, card not present and online credit card transactions.

Scott has a Bachelor of Economics (1986) and a Bachelor of Laws (1991) from the University of Queensland and holds a Master of Laws specialising in Communications and Asian Law from the University of Melbourne (1998).

Andreas Wilzeck

Andreas Wilzeck

Spectrum and Innovation, Sennheiser Electronic


Dr.-Ing. Andreas Wilzeck received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering from the Gerhard Mercator University Duisburg, Germany, end of 2002. He received the Dr.-Ing. degree from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University Hannover in August 2009. Starting from September 2006 he got a position as MIMO & UWB lab leader at the Institute of Communications Technology (IKT), Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University Hannover, Germany. Since Summer 2008 he was leading together with Maria Dolores Pérez-Guirao the joint Software Defined Radio & Networks (SDRN) Group of the Departments of Communication Systems and Communication Networks. Since 2011 he is CEO and founder of the wiseSense GmbH, Hannover, Germany. Starting from April 2018 he is head of ‘Spectrum and Innovation’ at Sennheiser.
He is Vice-Chairman of ETSI TC DECT, ETSI TC DECT WG URLLC Chairman, and active participant in standardization work of other ETSI technical bodies including TC ERM and TC ERM TG17 WG3. Further, he is attending CEPT WGFM and PMSE related frequency regulation work.

Teng Gao

Teng Gao

President, FIOT-LAB


Jeong Jongmo

Jeong Jongmo



Nattawut Ard-Paru

Nattawut Ard-Paru

Division Director, Spectrum Policy and Strategy, Office of National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission


Dr. Nattawut ARD-PARU has been working in the spectrum management since 1997 in the Post and Telegraph Department (PTD) as a young communication engineer. His experiences in spectrum management were at both national and international levels including planning and assigning frequency, analyzing frequency interference, coordinating with stakeholders, representing Thai regulator in the Joint Technical Committee Meeting and World Radiocommunications Conference, creating Thailand Table of Frequency Allocation, reviewing and revising Spectrum Master Plan.

Nattawut earned a Bachelor of Science in Telecommunications Engineering from Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand in 1997. He received scholarship for his Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (Communication Systems) from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA in 2001. He was also awarded scholarship for Doctor of Philosophy in the topic: Implementing Spectrum Commons: Implications for Thailand from Department of Technology Management and Economics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden in 2013.

Andrew Jordan

Andrew Jordan

Senior Advisor, AsiaSat


Andrew JORDAN is AsiaSat’s Senior Advisor. He has over 25 years of experience in the satellite industry.
Mr. Jordan has held executive positions with several satellite operators, including CEO of AsiaSat and General Electric’s GE Satellite, and Executive Vice President Strategic Projects at Eutelsat SA, France. In the course of his career, he has led complex deal negotiations in China, Hong Kong, Australia, Italy and the United Kingdom.
He obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Chinese from London University’s School of Oriental and African Studies in 1984.

Jolly Wong Chun-kau

Jolly Wong Chun-kau

Adjunct Professor, School of Telecommunications Management, Beijing University of Posts and Telecomunications;, Policy Fellow, Center for Science and Policy, University of Cambridge


As Chief Technology Officer of the Hong Kong Police (HKP), Dr Wong oversees the management of radio spectrum and formulation and roll-out of ICT policies and strategies. He is the innovator of Finance-Operate-Own-Share “FOOS” business model, which has brought synergy by means of public and private sectors partnership to resolve in-building radio coverage problems for HKP and to bring business benefits for both parties. The model is internationally recognized as an industry-wide success that has potential worldwide application. He clinched the Best Innovation at the International TETRA Awards 2012, and the Ken Goulding Prize for Professional Excellence 2015 from Middlesex University London.

Jolly has distinguished himself in the technology profession by receiving the Outstanding Contribution to TETRA Awards 2008, for his stewardship of mission-critical, large-scale, complex technology programs. He continues to inspire and influence the mission critical industries globally; examples of quick followers to adopt same standards include Hong Kong Electric, Shenzhen Police, Singapore Police Force and Royal Malaysia Police.

Professionally, Jolly is former Vice President and Trustee of the Institution of Engineering and Technology “IET”, one of the largest qualifying body and learned society with over 165,000 members worldwide. He is renowned for his advocacy of professionalism in ICT industry and entrepreneurship among young engineers. Academically, he is an adjunct professor for the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, the Shanghai University, Policy Fellow of Centre for Science and Policy (CSaP) at University of Cambridge, and Teaching Faculty for the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

He was appointed member of the Advisory Committee on Innovation and Technology (2015-17), to contribute in establishing a smart city blueprint for innovation and technology development for Hong Kong.

EunTae Gwon

EunTae Gwon

Ministry of Science, ICT , Deputy Director


Masanori Kondo

Masanori Kondo

Deputy Secretary General, APT


Masanori Kondo is Deputy Secretary General of Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT). He is elected for the post of Deputy Secretary General of APT and commenced his term since February 2015. Before joining to APT, he has been working at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan for more than 20 years in the field of telecom policy and regulation, bilateral/multilateral negotiation, postal service and postal banking services etc. During his service at the Ministry he was also a visiting scholar and gave lectures and conducted academic activities at several universities including Waseda University and Keio University in Japan and Harvard University in U.S.A. He holds B.A. in Economics from Keio University and MSc. in Economics from the London School of Economics (LSE) in U.K.

Wangay Dorji

Wangay Dorji

Chief Communication Officer, Bhutan Infocomm & Media Authority


Wangay DORJI is the Chief of Licensing and Compliance with
the Bhutan InfoComm and Media Authority (BICMA), ICT and
Media regulatory in the Kingdom of Bhutan.
He has more than seventeen (17) years of experience in the
field of ICT and Media regulation and policy. He was the lead
expert involved with the introduction of second mobile
operator and had implemented four phases of the rural
communications programme through the use of Universal
Service Fund. Currently, he is working on the enhancement of
Mobile Quality of Service (QoS) and ICT infrastructure to
promote the digital economy in Bhutan.
He had also served as the Director of Pacific ICT Regulatory
Resource Center (PIRRC) based in Suva, Fiji for a period of
six(6) months.

Brad Partidge

Brad Partidge

Manager Technical, Market and UA, Telecommunications and Radiocommunications Regulator, Vanuatu


Mr Partridge has over 30 years’ experience in the ICT industry, predominantly in telecommunications and consulting. During his career he has worked for both Australian Federal and State governments, regulatory bodies, major corporate entities and telecommunications carriers. Mr Partridge has been working in the Pacific region for over 6 years, initially with Digicel and now with the Telecommunications and Radiocommunications Regulator of Vanuatu. In his role at the Regulators Office, Mr Partridge oversees the technical and market competition sectors and has been responsible for the implementation of the Government of Vanuatu’s Universal Access Policy, effectively working towards mobile and broadband coverage to 98% of the population of Vanuatu.

Guillaume  Mascot

Guillaume Mascot

Head of Government Relations APJ (Asia-Pacific, Japan) & India , Nokia


Guillaume Mascot is in charge of Government Relations for Nokia in APJ (Asia-Pacific, Japan) & India. He oversees all aspects of current and future policy and regulation in the Asia-Pacific region. In this role, he is working with institutions and other relevant stakeholders to create a favorable political and regulatory environment to foster public and private investment in the digital and broadband industries with a focus on innovation for sustainable growth, competitiveness, and quality of life in a connected environment.

Guillaume has been speaking at various international and regional/local regulatory events (CommunicAsia, Mobile Asia Expo, ITU, APT forum, etc).

Previously, Guillaume led Alcatel-Lucent’s EU representation in Brussels, managed European Affairs and engaged with the European Institutions. He was board member of the EIF (European Internet Foundation) - an European think tank supporting European political leadership for the development of European multilateral public policies responsive to the political, economic and social challenges of the worldwide digital revolution - and was also an associate member of the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT).

Guillaume holds a Master Degree in Political science with a major on Public Administration and Public policy from the University of Lille.

Li Bo

Li Bo

Senior Engineer, Huawei



Masanori Kondo

Masanori Kondo

Deputy Secretary General, APT


Masanori Kondo is Deputy Secretary General of Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT). He is elected for the post of Deputy Secretary General of APT and commenced his term since February 2015. Before joining to APT, he has been working at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan for more than 20 years in the field of telecom policy and regulation, bilateral/multilateral negotiation, postal service and postal banking services etc. During his service at the Ministry he was also a visiting scholar and gave lectures and conducted academic activities at several universities including Waseda University and Keio University in Japan and Harvard University in U.S.A. He holds B.A. in Economics from Keio University and MSc. in Economics from the London School of Economics (LSE) in U.K.

Hans Ihle

Hans Ihle

Senior Consultant, Nera Economic Consulting


Hans-Martin Ihle is a member of NERA's global Auctions Practice, which focuses on the design of allocation mechanisms, including auctions and trading, bidding strategy, and related competition, pricing, regulatory, and public policy issues. Mr. Ihle has nearly 10 years of experience in the design and implementation of auctions. He advises NERA clients on auctions and regulatory issues in energy, communications, and other sectors worldwide with a focus on the Asia-Pacific Region.

Prior to joining NERA, Mr. Ihle worked for an economic consultancy in London. During this time, he advised on the design and implementation of spectrum auctions in over a dozen countries. Mr. Ihle also implemented the software used in seven combinatorial spectrum auctions in Europe to determine winners and prices from thousands of competing bids.

Mr. Ihle advises both government bodies and companies on regulatory and policy issues in relation to spectrum management. For example, he advised UK regulator Ofcom on the development of methodologies for setting annual licence fees for liberalised 900MHz and 1800MHz spectrum to reflect full market value. His advice included the development and implementation of methodologies to determine the full market value of comparable spectrum sold in the 4G auction in 2013 using the bids submitted in this auction. For bidders, he has convened workshops on bidding strategy and run mock auctions to help the bid team understand the likely dynamics of the real auction. Mr. Ihle has developed software to support the chosen bid strategy and to analyze the behavior of other bidders. He also provides onsite client support during auctions.

In the energy arena, Mr. Ihle has worked on the design of a procurement auction for balancing services. He has also conducted research on a novel mechanism to remunerate capacity in electricity markets.

Mr. Ihle holds a Masters in Economics from the University of Cambridge, where he specialized in industrial organization, game theory, and applied econometrics.

Scott Minehane

Scott Minehane

Managing Director, Windsor Place Consulting


Scott W Minehane is an international regulatory and strategy consultant in the telecommunications sector and has been involved in advising investors, operators, Governments and regulators in Australia, Asia, the Pacific and South Africa for over 25 years. His expertise extends to policy, legislation, regulation, spectrum management, NBN and new generation fixed and mobile technologies.

He is the principal of Windsor Place Consulting Pty Ltd an independent consultancy practice, through which he has advised a range of leading corporates and organisations including the Australian, South Australian and Victorian Governments, the Malaysian Government, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, the Lao PDR Government, APEC Business Advisory Council, NBN Co, Competitive Carriers Coalition, Broadcast Australia, Macquarie Group, Leighton Holdings, Macquarie Telecommunications, IDA Singapore, Telekom Malaysia, Axiata Group and various Axiata Opcos, ARCIA, Australian Music Association, Investec, Fiberail, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of the UAE, KPMG, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Bahrain, International Telecommunications Union (ITU), APT, Telkom South Africa, PCCW, Verisign Australia, Telecom NZ and the World Bank.

Scott is also an independent director of Etherstack plc ( an ASX listed company that specialises in wireless technology including waveforms and public mobile radio (PMR) solutions including LTE being used for first responders and iSignthis ( an ASX listed company with a range of US and Australian patents which allows merchants (via their credit card gateways or banks) to verify/authenticate identity, card not present and online credit card transactions.

Scott has a Bachelor of Economics (1986) and a Bachelor of Laws (1991) from the University of Queensland and holds a Master of Laws specialising in Communications and Asian Law from the University of Melbourne (1998).

Richard Handford

Richard Handford

Asia Correspondent, PolicyTracker


Richard is an experienced telecoms journalist who has written for a variety of publications. He has contributed to The Economist, Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal, as well as working full-time for Financial Times Newsletters, Breakingviews and, most recently, Mobile World Live. In January 2017, Richard moved to Australia and has since become PolicyTracker’s Asia correspondent.

Stefan Zehle

Stefan Zehle

CEO, Coleago


Stefan Zehle is the co-founder and CEO of Coleago. He has 28 years’ experience in telecoms consulting and as Director of a mobile operating company. He specialises in strategy and business planning, spectrum related issues, and regulatory topics. He gained his experience working in developed markets in Europe, Canada and the US and also in emerging markets in the Middle East, Africa, and the Far East.

As Director of Strategy, Marketing and Regulatory Affairs, Stefan launched the third mobile operator in Algeria. He developed the strategy, designed the organisation chart, recruited other Directors and 200 staff, built the Sales and Marketing department, oversaw the development of distribution and the offer, and managed the brand creation. He also successfully challenged the regulatory status quo, transforming the interconnect landscape in Algeria by introducing best practice interconnect agreements for the first time. He filed regulatory complaints, winning million dollar cost savings.

Stefan is also the co-author of “Guide to Business Planning”, published by “The Economist”, now in its second edition (“Outstanding Academic Title, 2009” awarded by Choice, the US academic reviewers) and is an experienced conference speaker, chairing the Ministerial Programme session at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

Stefan holds an MBA (with distinction) awarded by the University of Westminster in 1991 and speaks French, English, and German.

Monsinee Keeratikrainon

Monsinee Keeratikrainon

Country Director, Detecon Asia Pacific


Marc Eschenburg

Marc Eschenburg

Partner, Aetha Consulting




Tue 17 July, 2018 09.00 to
Thu 19 July, 2018 17.00

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