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Photos from the event

Event banner showing partner logos Commissioner Barnier delivering his keynote presentation The opening keynote panel
Jonathan Moulds delivering his keynote presentation Participants on the first panel Alberto Giovannini speaking during panel 1
Mark Sobel, Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Finance, US Department of the Treasury Questions from the floor David Wright - European Commission
Panel 1 David Wright greeting fellow speakers David Devlin speaking in Session 2
Session 2 Nadia Calviño speaking during Session 2 Wolf Klinz speaking during session 2
Session 2 (ii) Commissioner Barnier following proceedings Stefano Miccosi (Assonime) making comments from the floor
Networking William E. Kennard - US Ambassador to the EU Eddy Wymeersch delivering his keynote presentation during the lunch session
The top table at the lunch session David Wright making comments during the lunch session Richard Baker, former US Congressman



Monday 26 April, 2010
08.30 to 15.00




BNP Paribas Fortis Auditorium

Rue de la Chancellerie 1
B-1000 Brussels

Tel: +44 (0) 2920 783 021

Google location map



Download the Sponsorship Brochure here



Hosted by Assonime, Kreab Gavin Anderson and Bank of America Merrill Lynch