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About the 2014 Edition

Zoran Stancic David Francis Networking

Bringing together over 200 delegates, the 2014 European Cyber Security Conference took place on the 25th March 2014 in Brussels.


This conference brought together industry stakeholders and key decision-makers to discuss the key issues surrounding cyber security in Europe, moving towards the final negotiation and eventual implementation stages of the Directive on Network and Information Security,


Topics for discussion included:


  • The EU Network and Information Security Directive, in its final stages of the legislative procedure, and how it will impact upon governments and businesses
  • Global standards in cyber security, how governments can work together to achieve a harmonised set of rules, and how multinational businesses can secure their supply chain from end to end
  • Cyber-resilience in Europe, how policy-makers and businesses can react to the threat of cybercrime, and how an 'EU brand' for security and risk management can be created and exported
  • R&D in cyber security - which new technologies are being developed to achieve these high standards of security, and how best to educate citizens of the dangers and necessary precautions to take?


For more information about the 2nd Annual European Cyber Security Conference, please visit the event website here


2014 pictures





Thursday 1 October, 2015
08.00 to 18.00




Thon Hotel EU

Rue de la Loi 75
1040 Bruxelles

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