About the 2013 edition
On 1st October 2013, more than 160 stakeholders gathered at The Stanhope Hotel, Brussels for The 2013 European Big Data Conference.
Taking place during a period in which much debate was taking place in Brussels around Big Data - with the technology becoming increasingly utilised by private and public organisation - the event brought together key policymakers and stakeholders for an interactive discussion on the steps that need to be taken as we move towards a data-driven economy for Europe, and ultimately look to ensure that Europe is at the forefront of the global 'data revolution'.
With top-level contributions from all of the main stakeholders at both a policy and industry level, the event provided an opportunity for a lively and interactive discussion on how data-driven innovation can be achieved within Europe, and the benefits that this will bring to European businesses, the public sector and ultimately for wider society.
The conference also examined how a European data eco-system can be developed, and how the potential of data can be maximise and used to revolutionise the way the public sector operates and processes information. Finally, speakers discussed the regulatory dimension in facilitating the development of big data analysis.
Visit The 2013 European Big Data Conference website for more information about the topics discussed, details of speakers and to see all photos from the event.

Wednesday 25 March, 2015
08.30 to 18.00
Crowne Plaza Le Palace
Rue Gineste 3,
1210 Bruxelles