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Event Photos

EU Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik speaks during the opening ceremony of Sustainable2Wheels Vice-President of the European Parliament Isabelle Durant during the official inauguration Speakers join ETRA President Erik Oddershede and blow the bike horns to officially open the event
Helga Truepel MEP offers her views during the interview on 2Wheels in EU policies Speakers from left to right: European Parliament Vice President Isabelle Durant, EU Commissioner Janez Potocnik, Nikos Chrysogelos MEP, Helga Truepel MEP, State Secretary of the Brussels-Capital Region Bruno De Lille, Matthias Groote MEP Annick Roetynck, Secretary General of ETRA guides EU Commissioner Janez Potocnik around the Sustainable2Wheels exhibition
ETRA President Erik Oddershede distributes breakfast boxes to cyclists arriving at the station by bike Fotis Karamitsos, Deputy Director General, DG MOVE and MEP Nikos Chrysogelos join a guided tour of the exhibition following opening ceremony  EU Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik travels by bike taxi to the Esplanade of the European Parliament to view and hear more about the vehicles on show
Visitors learn more about the vehicles on show Dahon representative demonstrates lightness of the Dahon folding bike Visitors test-ride Trikkes on display
Sustainable2Wheels exhibition Projects and organisations provide information to passers-by in Luxembourg station European Parliament Mobility Point offer activities to perfect cycling skills
Police on site test-ride vehicles at exhibition Visitors had opportunity to try vehicles on show Blue bikes provided for the bike tours offered to visitors and conducted by ProVelo
This year's event held in association with ACEM Cargo bikes on show at the exhibition Visitor test-rides a scooter by Egret
Dahon products at the Sustainable2Wheels exhibition TRAN Committee public hearing on sustainable mobility A selection of the vehicles from the exhibition at the TRAN Committee public hearing in the Parliament



Tuesday 18 September, 2012
09.00 to 16.30




Esplanade of the European Parliament

Rue Wiertz 60
1047 Brussels

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