View website for EU event

Details of 2011 Conference

The inaugural Americas Spectrum Management Conference took place in Washington DC on 19th & 20th October (with a pre-conference workshop on 18th October), and provided a high-level meeting point for all representatives from the Americas and global spectrum management community.


With contributions from all of the main stakeholders at both a policy and industry level from the US, Canada and Latin America, this conference took a comprehensive look at spectrum management policies across the region. It offered the chance to look at best practices in areas such as auction design, maximising spectrum efficiency, the award of digital dividend spectrum and the provision of broadband coverage for rural areas. In addition, the conference looked ahead to key issues to be considered at WRC-12, as well as the possible scope and benefits of deepening co-ordination of spectrum policy across the Americas, and by bringing in speakers from the EU and Asia, the debate was also extended to a global level.


Session titles were based around:

- The 700MHz band plan – Should countries in the Americas follow the US model or develop their own contiguous band plan?

- Finding new spectrum for the Broadband Age

- Are regulators identifying the right spectrum bands to support wireless broadband?

- What role can whitespace and dynamic use of spectrum play in maximising spectrum efficiency?

- Bridging the rural divide - using radio spectrum to improve mobile broadband coverage in rural areas

- How successful have spectrum auctions in the Americas been to date? What auction formats should be used?

- Incentive Auctions: Will the US proposals to use incentive auctions work? Could they be applied in other countries?

- WRC12 – Issues for the Americas

- Spectrum Policy – what scope for global co-ordination?

PLUS... a LTE demonstration from our Platinum Sponsor, Ericsson on 19 October.

LTE: Technology for a Remote Newscaster

News teams are constantly striving to be the first correspondent on-the-scene for breaking stories. By harnessing the power of commercial LTE networks and utilizing the capability to define QoS, news crews can be on site using commercial off-the-shelf hardware to stream high quality video in minutes. By using commercial mobile broadband spectrum, Ericsson will demonstrate how operators can see improved revenues by defining different service levels, and how end-users will see value in being able to deliver high quality video on an LTE network.


The demo took place on 19 October in the exhibition area during registration, lunch and the day's refreshment breaks.

Visit the website for the inaugural Americas Spectrum Management Conference to see all photos from the event.



Mon 22 October, 2012 12.45 to
Wed 24 October, 2012 17.30




Washington Marriott Hotel

1221 22nd Street NW
Washington, D.C.
20037 USA

Google location map



Sponsorship brochure

Post-conference report