Please find details of the provisional agenda for this event below.
Please note that speakers followed by an asterisk are yet to be confirmed.
For more information in the meantime, please contact Dan Craft on +44 (0)2920 783 021 /
Tuesday 12 April, 2011
08:30 – 09:00
Registration and Welcome
Ewan Sutherland,
Telecommunications Consultant,
09:00 – 09:25
Opening Keynote Presentation
Vesa Terävä,
Acting Head of Unit B2 - Implementation of Regulatory Framework,
DG Infso, European Commission
09:25 – 09:50
Keynote Presentation
Chris Fonteijn,
09:50 – 10:15
Keynote Presentation
Martin Whitehead,
GSMA Europe
10:15 – 10:45
Morning Coffee Break
10:45 – 12:30
Panel 1: Is regulatory intervention necessary to help create a well functioning internal market for roaming services?
To what extent have current EU rules on roaming services worked in practice? Will regulatory intervention be necessary for roaming charges post June 2012 and, if so, what is the most appropriate approach to such regulation? Should regulation be focused at a wholesale level, or is there also a need to include retail? What approaches should be taken at an EU level, and what can be dealt with by national regulators? Are there any alternative methods to price regulation that could be used to create a competitive internal market for roaming?
Ewan Sutherland,
Telecommunications Consultant,
Nick Delfas,
Morgan Stanley
Vesa Terävä,
Acting Head of Unit B2 - Implementation of Regulatory Framework,
DG Infso, European Commission
Nick White,
Executive Vice President,
International Telecommunications Users Group (INTUG)
François Comet,
Deputy to the Chief Regulatory Officer,
France Telecom Group
12:30 – 13:45
13:45 – 15:30
Panel 2: What impact would regulatory intervention have longer term on competition and innovation?
If further regulatory intervention is required beyond 2012, what are the longer term prospects for competition and innovation? What will the impact be on smaller operators and on new market entrants? How can it be ensured that any regulation does not inhibit the evolution of the market? Is there a need for the Commission to take measures to improve competition and the options that are available for consumers? How can the long term aim of self-sustaining competition ultimately be achieved?
Fabio Colasanti,
International Institute of Communications
John Blakemore,
Director of European Regulatory Affairs,
Hutchison 3G
J. Scott Marcus,
WIK-Consult GmbH
Adina Ioana Vălean,
European Parliament
Robert Mourik,
Director Regulatory Policy,
15:30 – 15:45
Afternoon Coffee Break
15:45 – 17:30
Panel 3: Communications without borders – New services and business models for the next generation of broadband access
What part will existing wholesale and retail roaming markets play in the mobile landscape of the future? What will the impact of LTE and the transition to an ‘all IP’ environment be on existing roaming services and business models? What effects will the increasing spread of smart phones and 4G services have? Will there be a role for EU-wide MVNO’s in delivering user-friendly and EU-wide access, and can this encourage the emergence of new pan-European roaming operators? Can a roaming free European communications area ever be a reality?
Denis Lescop,
Director of TEM Research,
Telecom Business School
Roberto Viola,
Secretary General,
Alexander Zuser,
Director for Regulatory & European Affairs,
Telekom Austria Group
Richard Feasey,
Public Policy Director,
Vodafone Group
Nigel Hickson,
Head; EU and International ICT Policy ,
UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
17:30 – 17:30
End of Conference
Tuesday 12 April, 2011
08.30 to 18.00
Radisson Blu Royal Hotel
Rue du Fossé-aux-Loups 47/
Wolvengracht 47,
1000 Brussels, Belgium
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