The conference programme is available below, please check back regularly for updates.
Friday 5 July, 2019
09:00 – 10:15
Session 1: Welcome and introductions
Nicola Yates,
Connected Places Catapult
09:00 – 09:15
Jim Stewart,
Dorset LEP
09:15 – 09:35
The Changing Role of Local Authorities: Deploying a sustainable, smart ‘place’
Ruth Spencer,
Digital Economy Manager,
BCP Council
09:35 – 09:55
UK Government Support Funds for 5G: How 5G will empower communities
Ian Smith,
5G Testbed and Trials Programme Director,
09:55 – 10:15
The benefits of testing: The important role of testbeds and trials in the long-term future of 5G
Luigi Ardito,
Senior Director of Government Affairs,
10:15 – 10:35
Morning Coffee
10:35 – 12:10
Session 2: Proving the concept – real world examples of 5G in action
All around the UK and Europe, cities and local authorities are working alongside key partners on projects to develop and roll out small-scale 5G networks. The aim of these ‘test-beds’ is to prove the 5G concept and start looking at the key benefits that the technology can bring. This session will hear a series of case studies from people involved in some of these successful trials. It will offer an opportunity to find out first-hand about their 5G ‘experience’, and the benefits that have been unlocked within their local community. Speakers will address some of the following key issues:
- What are the experiences that your city or region has had with the 5G test-bed or trial that you are running, and how have academia, industry and place come together to ensure maximum benefits for all?
- What economic benefits have been seen to-date, and how do you expect these to grow within your local area over the coming months and years?
- What has the impact been on the day-to-day lives of citizens and local businesses in areas that the trials have been taking place?
- What business models are you exploring in your test-bed or trial?
- How are you addressing the long-term sustainability of 5G in your city or region?
- To what extent have vertical industries been involved in your trial, and how are you working to ensure the provision of an inclusive environment that encourages different sectors to get involved and take advantage of the opportunities that 5G will provide?
Ian Dabson,
Commercial Specialist,
Infrastructure and Projects Authority
10:35 – 10:55
Case Study: The Urban Connected Communities Project - Birmingham
Robert Franks,
Managing Director,
Franks Ventures
10:55 – 11:10
Case Study: The 5G Smart Tourism Project – Bristol
Stephen Hilton,
Strategic Advisor: Smart City Region,
West of England Combined Authority
11:10 – 11:25
Case Study: Barcelona
Xavier Nuñez,
Innovation Business Unit 5G,
i2CAT Foundation
11:25 – 11:40
Case Study: Orkney Islands DCMS Test Bed Project - 5G Rural First
Dez O'Connor,
Business Development Manager,
Dave Happy,
11:40 – 12:10
Panel Discussion – ‘With the benefit of experience’…Lessons and experiences in developing a 5G test bed
An opportunity to discuss the experiences, challenges and opportunities that have been laid out in the case studies.
Ian Dabson,
Commercial Specialist,
Infrastructure and Projects Authority
Robert Franks,
Managing Director,
Franks Ventures
Stephen Hilton,
Strategic Advisor: Smart City Region,
West of England Combined Authority
Xavier Nuñez,
Innovation Business Unit 5G,
i2CAT Foundation
Dez O'Connor,
Business Development Manager,
Dave Happy,
12:10 – 13:10
Lunch Break
13:10 – 13:25
Presentation -The Making of a Digital City: Pathways to Success
Mani Manimohan,
Senior Director of Public Policy,
13:25 – 14:30
Session 3: Building a 5G network – putting the team in place
As we heard from the case studies in the last session, creating a 5G trial or test-bed requires the involvement of a number of different key stakeholders. Academia, industry public bodies (at both a local and national level) and standards agencies need to all come together in order to deliver a successful outcome. This session will look at the key factors to consider and obstacles to overcome when creating a 5G ‘consortium’ and the roles of the various stakeholders in ensuring its success.
- What is the importance of fostering strong partnerships and alliances when developing a 5G network, and what factors do local authorities need to be considering when selecting consortium ‘partners’?
- What are the roles of the key stakeholders, and how can it be ensured that all the members of a ‘consortium’ work together to build out business models and deliver a successful 5G ecosystem?
- What innovative technologies and solutions are available to deliver the required connectivity, and how can it be ensured that the correct ‘mix’ is in place for each specific network environment?
- What funding mechanisms (public and private) are in place to help support the delivery of 5G trials and testbeds?
- What are the next steps following a successful trial, and how can collaborators then look to work together to move towards the full, commercial roll-out of 5G services?
Dimitra Simeonidou,
Professor of High Performance Networks,
University of Bristol
Louise Lancaster,
Joint Head of Barrier Busting Task Force, 5G,
Daniel Shamplin-Hall,
Policy Adviser - Devolution and Digital Connectivity,
Local Government Association
Mani Manimohan,
Senior Director of Public Policy,
Chris Ricketts,
Head of Programmes,
Public Health Dorset
14:30 – 14:45
Afternoon Coffee
14:45 – 15:55
Session 4: Powering the 5G future - Spectrum bands, allocation and licencing models
Spectrum is the life-blood of all digital communications. Any successful 5G eco-system will require access to a mixture of different frequencies in order to meet the connectivity of the numerous different use cases that are likely to be seen. This session will look at how best this required connectivity for a 5G network can be delivered. It will look at the spectrum bands that are set to be key for spectrum roll-out, and at different options for allocation and licencing.
- What are seen as the key spectrum frequency bands for 5G both in the UK and in Europe?
- What are the benefits that the spectrum in each of these bands can offer, and what technical challenges does each pose?
- How can the available spectrum be best allocated to ensure that its benefits are maximised for all?
- What mix of spectrum allocated on a licenced and unlicenced basis can best provide a solution?
- What role can mmWave spectrum play in delivering the required 5G connectivity in urban areas?
- How important will spectrum sharing and technologies incorporating dynamic spectrum access be in ensuring the most efficient use of the available bandwidth?
- To what extent will locally self-controlled wireless networks play a part in delivering the 5G future, and what models for spectrum usage and rights-ownership can best facilitate this?
- What role will fibre play in delivering 5G networks, and help to meet specific challenges such as backhaul, and densification in urban areas?
Jo O’Riordan,
Head of Spectrum Policy and Telecoms,
Martin Fenton,
Director of Spectrum Policy,
Adrian Hale,
Smart City, Transport & 5G Strategic Planning,
BCP Council
Stephen Temple,
Visiting Professor ,
Surrey University 5G Innovation Centre
Simon Pike,
Spectrum Expert,
Ray Williamson,
Director of Product Management,
15:55 – 16:00
Final Conclusions
Chris Shephard,
Director - Development,
BCP Council
Friday 5 July, 2019
09.00 to 16.00
Terrace Rd, Bournemouth BH2 5EL
5G in Action Bournemouth - Sponsorship brochure