The conference programme will be available shortly, please check back regularly for updates. If you are interested in speaking opportunities, please contact Lula Howard at or on +44 (0) 2920 783 020.
Tuesday 17 July, 2018
09:00 – 09:45
Opening Ceremony and Keynote Presentation
09:00 – 09:30
Opening Ceremony
Takorn Tantasith,
Secretary General,
National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, NBTC, Thailand
Areewan Haorangsi,
Secretary General,
Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT)
Ioane Koroivuki,
Asia-Pacific Regional Director,
09:30 – 09:40
Keynote Presentation and Introduction
Istvan Bozsoki,
Head of Telecommunication Networks and Spectrum Management Division,
09:40 – 13:30
Session 2: Future orientated network deployment and evolution - ensuring the required bandwidth is made available in a timely and efficient manner
09:40 – 11:00
Session 2i: Assignment of key 4G capacity bands
Countries across the APAC region are faced with the challenge of identifying and assigning the required spectrum in higher frequency ‘capacity’ bands. Regulators are looking to do this through a mixture of new spectrum assignment, alongside refarming and defragmentation in existing bands. This session will look at the progress that has been made in making available the new bands that have been identified (for example 1800MHz, 2.3GHz, 2.6GHz) and at where delays and issues are being seen here. It will also look at the role that refarming and the re-design of bandplans can play in the solution. It will aim to map out the future shape of the key high-frequency ‘capacity’ band, and at how sufficient spectrum in these bands can be made available across the region to meet the growing demands of citizens everywhere.
• What are the key bands that have been identified to deliver the required capacity for 4G, and what is the current status with regards to their allocation across the region?
• What can be done to ensure this important spectrum is made available in the most timely and efficient way possible?
• What issues are faced by regulators looking to bring this important spectrum to market?
• What good examples of 4G spectrum being brought into the market quickly and efficiently have been seen?
• What new services and technologies are likely to provide the solution to delivering the required capacity, and how important is it that bands are being allocated on a technology and service neutral basis?
• What role can refarming and defragmentation of existing mobile bands play in helping to find a solution?
• What different approaches to refarming are being seen across the region and in which bands?
Stefan Zehle,
09:40 – 09:55
Presentation: Key requirements for 4G spectrum in the capacity bands - what spectrum is required and when?
Cristian Gomez,
Director, Spectrum Policy and Regulatory Affairs, Asia-Pacific,
09:55 – 10:10
Presentation: Spectrum and Technology options to provide capacity for 4G and 4.5G and future porrofing for 5G
Pradeep de Almelda,
Group Chief Technology Officer,
Dialog Axiata
10:10 – 10:25
Presentation: How much spectrum can be made available through the refarming, replanning and defragmentation of existing mobile bands?
Scott Minehane,
Managing Director,
Windsor Place Consulting
10:25 – 10:40
Country Case Study: Cambodia
Sopheak Cheang,
Deputy Director General,
General Department of Posts and Telecommunications, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Cambodia
10:40 – 11:00
Interactive Room Wide Discussion
11:00 – 11:20
Morning Refreshments
11:20 – 12:40
Session 2ii: Delivering the required spectrum in 4G coverage bands
Masanori Kondo,
Deputy Secretary General,
11:20 – 12:40
A focus on... Assignment of 700MHz band in APAC countries
The 700MHz band is seen as one of the key 4G coverage bands, to help deliver broadband services to rural areas. With the 2020 deadline for digital switchover in the band approaching, many countries are facing delays with the transition process and still working through plans and schedules for making this important spectrum available for mobile. Focussing on concrete examples across different countries, this session will look at the current situation relating to the release of the band across the region, and at the likely timeframes ahead. It will also look at the importance of the band for PPDR users in the region, and more generally at the future shape of the band.
• What progress has been seen in countries across the APAC region with regards to the digital switchover and the award of the 700MHz band for mobile?
• What challenges are being faced by those countries who are behind in the process and what can be done to ensure that key deadlines are met?
• What countries can provide positive examples of the transition process and of the 700MHz spectrum being made available quickly and efficiently? What lessons can be learnt from these?
• Are the concerns regarding delays of the allocation of the 700MHZ bands justified, and what implications could it have if this band is not allocated in a timely and efficient manner?
• What role does the 700MHz band play for PPDR users and how can these requirements be balanced with those of mobile broadband providers?
11:20 – 11:40
The importance of reallocating the 700MHz spectrum quickly and efficiently, and potential implications of delays
CK Foong,
Head of Regulatory Affairs,
11:40 – 12:00
Country Case Study: Myanmar
Zar Ne Aung,
Posts and Telecommunications Department, Myanmar
12:00 – 12:20
Country Case Study: Laos
Monesili Douangmany,
Acting Director of Radio Frequency Allocation and Licensing Division,
Ministry of Post and Telecommunication, Laos
12:20 – 12:40
Country Case Study: Thailand
Nattawut Ard-Paru,
Division Director, Spectrum Policy and Strategy,
Office of National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission
12:40 – 13:00
The importance of 700MHz for PPDR in APAC region
Bharat Bhatia,
President, ITU - APT Foundation of India; and Head of International Spectrum and Regulatory Team,
Motorola Solutions Inc
13:00 – 13:20
Tackling the digital dividend - A perspective of the Culture and Creative Industry
Andreas Wilzeck,
Spectrum and Innovation,
Sennheiser Electronic
13:20 – 14:25
14:25 – 14:45
Presentation: 5G and spectrum - value creation across verticals and smart industries
Seizo Onoe,
Chief Technology Architect, NTT DOCOMO Inc.,
President, DOCOMO Technology Inc.
14:45 – 17:40
Session 3: Powering the IoT revolution - spectrum and regulatory requirements
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a hugely important and rapidly growing market that is already starting to transform the digital economy. From smart manufacturing to connected vehicles; and smart health to utiliites and cities, vertical industries everywhere are starting to realise the potential of these new technologies. This session will look at the development in IoT in countries and industries across the APAC region, and the spectrum and regulatory requirements that they have. It will then look at solutions that are available to meet these and at providing the connectivity to ensure the region stays at the forefront of this fast evolving and disruptive technology.
14:45 – 15:50
Session 3i: Country perspectives - IoT developments and spectrum requirements
This session will look at IoT development in countries across the APAC region and beyond, at national approaches and at the challenges and opportunities ahead. What spectrum requirements that are necessary to ensure that the potential of these key technologies are maximised?
• What recent developments in IoT have been seen across APAC countries?
• What spectrum is powering IoT technologies currently in both rural and urban areas? How are these connectivity requirements set to change over the next few years?
• What frequencies and solutions provide the best options to power the next generation of IoT connectivity and ensure that the APAC region continues to lead the way in this key area?
• What are the challenges facing both regulators and industry, and what how can these be overcome?
• What role do policymakers and industry stakeholders need to play to ensure the potential of IoT technologies are met?
• What should regulators be doing to prepare for IoT in the areas of spectrum, regulation, licensing, IP addresses etc.?
Monsinee Keeratikrainon,
Country Director,
Detecon Asia Pacific
14:45 – 15:05
Presentation - IoT and IMT - Spectrum Issues
Aamir Riaz,
Program Officer,
15:05 – 15:20
Presentation - China
Teng Gao,
15:20 – 15:35
Presentation - Korea
Jeong Jongmo,
15:35 – 15:50
Presentation - Germany
Thomas Ewers,
Representative, CEPT,
Head of Section, International Frequency Matters, BNetzA
15:50 – 16:10
Afternoon Refreshments
16:10 – 17:40
Session 3ii: Industry and Technology Perspectives - Connectivity solutions to maximise the potential of IoT
In the last session we heard about some national plans related to future IoT development and growth. We will now switch to industry player and look at some of the connectivity solutions that are available to deliver the potential of IoT. It will look at the many varied requirements of different use cases such as industrial IoT, connected cars, smart cities and more; and at the best way to deliver these. Focus will be given to the mix of licenced, unlicensed and shared spectrum that will be required; and at the types of network that should be deployed and by whom.
• What frequencies and solutions provide the best options to power the next generation of IoT connectivity and ensure that the APAC region continues to lead the way in this key area?
• How can it be ensured that the connectivity requirements of all IoT use cases across vertical sectors are met?
• How can the industry grade connectivity and ‘ultra reliability’ often required by the ‘future factories’ of tomorrow and in smart cities best be delivered? What mix of licenced, unlicensed and shared spectrum will be required?
• How can the ubiquitous coverage required by connected vehicles be provided, and what options exist to connect vehicles, road-side infrastructure, pedestrians, and networks?
• What mix of 4G, 5G, WiFi, LPWAN technologies and other solutions will provide a solution?
Monsinee Keeratikrainon,
Country Director,
Detecon Asia Pacific
16:10 – 16:25
Presentation - Powering the factories of the future
Mats Norin,
Program Manager 5G for Industries,
16:25 – 16:40
Mary Lim,
Spectrum and Regulatory Affairs Manager APAC,
16:40 – 16:55
Jeffrey Yan,
Director, Technology Policy,
16:55 – 17:10
Presentation - Delivering the required connectivity for the connected-vehicle ecosystem
Li Bo,
Senior Engineer,
17:10 – 17:40
Interactive Room Wide Discussion
Wednesday 18 July, 2018
09:00 – 15:45
Session 4: Meeting the 5G spectrum requirements of today and of the future
To fully maximise the potential of 5G, a mix of spectrum in the low, mid and high range frequency bands is required. Countries in Asia are leading the way when it comes to the roll-out and commercial launch of 5G networks. However, in order for this momentum to be continued, it is vital that the required spectrum is made available in a timely and efficient fashion. The next few sessions will look at the current situation in the region, the key spectrum requirements that are needed to power the 5G revolution, and the best way forward in ensuring that they are met.
09:00 – 10:40
Session 4i: Setting the scene: Powering the 5G vision - spectrum and technology requirements
This session will set the scene by looking at the 5G vision both in Asia and in other regions, and at the different approaches that are being seen. It will look at the potential for positive impact that 5G has in different areas of society, and at the mix of spectrum and different technologies that will be required to deliver this.
• What goals and visions have been set for 5G both in Asia and around the world?
• What approaches are being seen in order to achieve these?
• What concrete trials and demonstrations of 5G technologies have been seen in Asia to date, and what have they shown us?
• What commercialisation plans have been made across the region?
• What positive changes can 5G deliver for consumers, businesses and society in general, and how can these be achieved?
• What are the spectrum requirements that are necessary in order for this vision to be fully realised, and how can it be ensured that the necessary bandwidth is made available in a timely and efficient fashion?
Richard Handford,
Asia Correspondent,
09:00 – 09:20
Setting the Scene: Delivering the 5G vision
Hu Wang,
GSA Spectrum Coordinator for APT Region,
09:20 – 09:40
Case Study: Korea's 5G Policy
EunTae Gwon,
Ministry of Science, ICT ,
Deputy Director
09:40 – 10:00
Case Study - Plans for Roll-out of 5G in Indonesia, and how the spectrum requirements can be met
Denny Setiawan,
Director of Spectrum Policy and Planning,
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), Indonesia
10:00 – 10:20
Presentation: 5G for Transport - the reality of Road and Rail
Richard Womersley,
Director of Spectrum Consulting,
LS telcom
10:20 – 10:40
Presentation: The Defragmentation Dividend
Marc Eschenburg,
Aetha Consulting
10:40 – 11:10
Morning Refreshments
11:10 – 12:45
Session 4ii: Maximising the benefits of the mid range C-Band frequencies
The 3.3GHz to 5GHz ‘C-Band’ is seen as an ideal band for the roll-out of 5G services because it offers a compromise between the wide coverage of lower frequencies and higher capacity of millimetre waves. Around the world it is being looked at as a pioneer launch band for 5G services; and in the APAC region, Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and Singapore are amongst those countries which are progressing with the introduction of mobile broadband into portions of the band through the planned reallocation of parts of the lower C-Band spectrum (3.4Ghz – 3.7GHz). The C-Band is also however hugely important for the satellite industry who use
it to provide downlink spectrum for services, particularly given the widespread use of satellite services in the APAC region. This session will look at the current and future shape of the C-Band and plans by countries and stakeholders to use it for 5G. It will look at the way forward to maximise the value of this important bandwidth and to find a solution that is in the best interest of all users.
• What is the current situation in APAC and around the world regarding the development of C-Band for 5G?
• What is the current situation regarding the allocation of different chunks of midrange
C-Band spectrum in APAC countries, and what future plans are there to reallocate spectrum in the band?
• How can it be ensured that any disruption and costs to current incumbent users in the band are minimised?
• To what extent is co-existence between mobile and satellite in the band a possibility, and how could this best work?
• What role could guard bands and other regulatory tools help to alleviate the risk for interference?
• How can regulators best allocate spectrum in the C-Band to develop a band-plan that maximises its value and potential and offers the large contiguous blocks of spectrum that are most suitable for 5G delivery?
• To what extent is co-ordination of plans on a regional level being seen, and is there a need for more work in this area?
• What should be the role of unlicensed spectrum in the C-Band?
Marc Eschenburg,
Aetha Consulting
11:10 – 11:25
Industry view - C-Band key spectrum for 5G business success
Yeqing Du,
Vice President of 5G Production Line ,
11:25 – 11:40
The view from the satellite sector
Andrew Jordan,
Senior Advisor,
11:40 – 11:55
Case Study - proposed use of the C-Band in Europe
Chris Woolford,
Director, International Spectrum Policy,
11:55 – 12:10
Case Study - proposed use of the C-Band in China
Ping Li,
Bureau of Radio Regulation, MIIT, China
12:10 – 12:45
Interactive Room Wide Discussion
12:45 – 13:45
13:45 – 15:30
Session 4iii: 5G connectivity in the millimetre bands - Releasing the required bandwidth to meet the deadlines and targets for 5G roll-out
With countries in the APAC region having set ambitious targets of 5G roll-out by 2019 or 2020, there is a need for mmWave spectrum to be made available as soon as possible in order for these to be met - before the discussions at WRC will allow. This session will look at the urgent work that needs to be done now to make mmWave spectrum available, and at the national frameworks for spectrum release in these bands that are emerging in order to meet the 2019 and 2020 roll-out targets.
• What work is being done outside of the ITU discussions to prepare for the release of mmWave spectrum and what national are starting to emerge?
• What timeframes are being proposed, and are these sufficient in order to ensure that Asia retains its position as truly leading in the roll-out of 5G services?
• When is it required that spectrum is made available across these bands in order to meet the ambitious roll-out targets that are being set?
• What mmWave bands are being considered to help facilitate the initial roll-out of 5G services? What role will frequencies such as 37GHz, 50GHz and 60-70GHz play?
• What obstacles and challenges need to be overcome before the spectrum in these bands can be made available?
Marc Eschenburg,
Aetha Consulting
13:45 – 14:00
Industry Perspective - meeting the requirements for 5G rollout in the mmWave frequency bands
Kai Sahala,
Head of 5G, Asia Pacific Japan,
14:00 – 14:15
Satellite Perspective
Gerry Oberst,
Senior Vice President, Global Regulatory and Governmental Strategy,
14:15 – 14:30
Plans for 5G rollout in the millimetre wave bands in Hong Kong
Jolly Wong Chun-kau,
Adjunct Professor, School of Telecommunications Management, Beijing University of Posts and Telecomunications;,
Policy Fellow, Center for Science and Policy, University of Cambridge
14:30 – 14:45
Industry perspective – how we can make sufficient amounts of millimetre wave spectrum for IMT a global reality
Brett Tarnutzer,
Head of Spectrum,
14:45 – 15:10
Interactive Room Wide Discussion
15:10 – 15:50
Thinking Point... Using mmWave frequencies to deliver backhaul solutions
15:10 – 15:30
5G Microwave Solutions for Backahaul
Leonida Macciotta,
15:30 – 15:50
Presentation: New broadband connectivity use cases enabled by modern High Altitude Platforms Stations
Sergio Bovelli,
Manager, Market Access and Regulation,
15:45 – 16:05
Afternoon Refreshments
16:05 – 17:15
Session 5: Pursuing the success of WRC-19 - Sharing the preparatory process and outcomes in Asia and elsewhere
Preparation for WRC-19 is well underway in APAC and all around the world - the APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-19 (APG-19) held its 3rd meeting in March this year in Perth, Australia; and is due to meet again in January 2019. This session will provide the opportunity to receive an update from key representatives from within APG-19 and elsewhere in the world who are responsible for the preparatory work that is being done.
• What are the key areas for discussion in the APAC region and elsewhere around the world?
• Where are there early signs of agreement and where is there disagreement (both between countries within the region; and also inter-regionally between APT and other regional bodies around the world)?
• What are the likely discussions around the mmWave spectrum bands going to be, and which bands are being considered? How are the decisions of some countries to focus on the 28GHz band (which is not being considered at WRC-19) affect this?
• How can the Asian delegation ensure that it maintains a strong and influential voice during the WRC-19 discussions?
16:05 – 16:15
Introductory Presentation
Diana Tomimura,
Spectrum Regulation and Policy Officer, Radiocommunications Bureau,
16:15 – 16:25
Preparation for WRC-19 in the APAC region - An update from APT
Masanori Kondo,
Deputy Secretary General,
16:25 – 16:35
Preparation for WRC-19 in the Sub-Saharan region - An update from ATU
Kezias Mwale,
Radiocommunications Coordinator ,
African Telecommunications Union (ATU)
16:35 – 16:45
Preparation for WRC-19 in the European region - An update from CEPT
Thomas Ewers,
Representative, CEPT,
Head of Section, International Frequency Matters, BNetzA
16:45 – 17:30
Fireside Chat: How can we best ensure the success of WRC-19, and what role do individual stakeholders need to play
Thursday 19 July, 2018
09:00 – 12:30
Session 6: Spectrum auctions and pricing - Tools and techniques to ensure a successful outcome
There has been a number of spectrum auctions and awards in Asia Pacific over the last few years, with varying degrees of success. Whilst some were successful in allocating bandwidth and bringing in new entrants, a number of others have not achieved their objectives, with lots remaining unsold and reserves not being met. This session will look back at some of these auctions that have taken place, and discuss the auction design used and the factors that influence their success. It will look at some of the more successful auctions that have taken place in recent times, and discuss how regulators moving forward can look to set licencing conditions and reserve prices that give auctions the best chance of success and help to develop a competitive and innovative market.
• What awards have been seen in the APAC region over the past 12 months, and how have prices and licence conditions been set?
• What impact has this had on the auction results and what have been the issues in those auctions that have not been successful?
• For regulators who are expected to realize reasonable revenues, what is the appropriate approach for setting reserve prices?
• To what extent should countries be looking to follow international best practice when designing auctions, and where should national differences be taken into account?
09:00 – 10:40
Session 6i: A look at recent auction and spectrum awards in Asia
Hans Ihle,
Senior Consultant,
Nera Economic Consulting
09:10 – 09:20
Introduction from the moderator – An overview of recent auctions and awards in APAC and around the world
Hans Ihle,
Senior Consultant,
Nera Economic Consulting
09:20 – 09:40
Presentation: Spectrum Auctions in the Asia Pacific Region: Lessons Learned
Ismail Shah,
ITU Area Representative for Southeast Asia and Timor-Leste,
09:40 – 10:00
Country Case Study: Bangladesh
Tawhid Hussain,
Deputy Director,
Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission
10:00 – 10:20
Country Case Study: Indonesia
Denny Setiawan,
Director of Spectrum Policy and Planning,
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), Indonesia
10:20 – 10:40
Country Case Study: Recent auctions in the UK
Chris Woolford,
Director, International Spectrum Policy,
10:40 – 11:00
Morning Refreshments
11:00 – 12:30
Session 6ii: Spectrum pricing and award strategy to ensure a competitive and innovative market
Hans Ihle,
Senior Consultant,
Nera Economic Consulting
11:00 – 11:15
Presentation - The operator view
Stein Gudbjorgsrud,
Director Spectrum Strategy,
11:15 – 11:30
Presentation: The impact of spectrum pricing and licence terms on the business case for LTE and 5G
Stefan Zehle,
Co-Founder and CEO,
Coleago Consulting
11:30 – 12:15
Interactive Room Wide Discussion
12:15 – 13:15
13:15 – 14:55
Session 7: Delivering the digital economy - A focus on national connectivity plans
For countries looking to fully achieve the economic and social benefits of the digital economy, a comprehensive and coherent national plan is an important first step. These plans help to provide the vision, structure and coordination that is necessary to deliver timely and affordable connectivity and broadband access to citizens and businesses everywhere. This session will look at best practices in the delivery of these plans and the setting of related targets and goals; as well as looking at the important role that spectrum needs to play in order to ensure their successful implementation.
• Why are national plans important for the delivery of the digital infrastructure, and what can the benefits of these plans be?
• How can regulators and Governments ensure that the targets that are being set are ambitious but realistic?
• What considerations need to be taken into account to ensure the delivery of a successful national plan, and how can it be ensured that plans both identify key strategies and also ensure that benefits are realized for the benefit of all?
• What role should vertical industry representatives be playing in the formulation
of these plans?
• Is the desire to advance the connected society compatible with the objective of extracting high licence fees for spectrum?
• How can Governments best look to deliver technology-neutral and flexible spectrum policies that promote broadband investment and facilities-based competition?
• What good examples of national plans for the delivery of digital economies have been seen across the region and are there aspects of best practice that are transferrable for other countries currently looking to set plans?
Scott Minehane,
Managing Director,
Windsor Place Consulting
13:15 – 13:30
Aamir Riaz,
Program Officer,
13:30 – 13:45
Guillaume Mascot,
Head of Government Relations APJ (Asia-Pacific, Japan) & India ,
13:45 – 14:00
Case Study: National ICT and connectivity plans in Bhutan
Wangay Dorji,
Chief Communication Officer,
Bhutan Infocomm & Media Authority
14:00 – 14:15
Case Study: National ICT and connectivity plans in Vanuatu
Brad Partidge,
Manager Technical, Market and UA,
Telecommunications and Radiocommunications Regulator, Vanuatu
14:15 – 14:45
Interactive Room Wide Discussion
14:45 – 14:55
Summing up by ITU Representative
Istvan Bozsoki,
Head of Telecommunication Networks and Spectrum Management Division,
Tue 17 July, 2018 09.00 to
Thu 19 July, 2018 17.00
UTC + 7
Bangkok Marriott Hotel Sukhumvit
Sukhumvit Road Soi 57
Klongtan-Nua, Wattana
Bangkok 10110
Forum Global Invitation Letter