Please find the Conference Programme below. Please note Speakers followed by * are still to be confirmed. Please check back regularly for updates. If you are interested in speaking opportunities, please contact Kate Lymer at or on +44 (0) 2920 783 075.
Monday 12 February, 2018
09:10 – 11:00
Session 1: Defining the 5G vision - where are we up to and where are we going?
This session will set the scene for the conference, by looking at the 5G vision both in Europe and in other regions and at the different approaches that are being seen. It will look at the potential for positive impact that 5G has in different areas of society, reflecting on the work that has been done in working towards this ‘vision’ to date, and at what needs to be done going forward.
• What goals and visions have been set for 5G both in Europe and around the world?
• What approaches are being seen to try and achieve these in different regions?
• What positive changes can 5G deliver for consumers, businesses and society in general, and how can these be achieved?
• What are the top-line requirements that are necessary in order for this vision to be fully realised, and what role do the various stakeholders need to play in this?
• Where are we with regards to the development of standards for 5G deployment and what options have been put forward?
• What is this likely to mean for the rollout of both fixed and mobile 5G?
• What will be the first 5G killer application?
Janette Stewart,
Analysys Mason
09:10 – 09:20
Introduction from Moderator
Janette Stewart,
Analysys Mason
09:20 – 09:35
Pearse O'Donohue,
Director, Future Networks, DG CONNECT,
European Commission
09:35 – 09:50
Setting the Scene - Where are we up to and where are we going?
Lasse Wieweg,
Global Coordinator,
GSA Spectrum Group
09:50 – 11:00
Panel Discussion
Adrian Scrase,
Chief Technology Officer ,
Pearse O'Donohue,
Director, Future Networks, DG CONNECT,
European Commission
Lasse Wieweg,
Global Coordinator,
GSA Spectrum Group
Takehiro Nakamura,
VP and Managing Director of 5G Laboratory,
Gerry Collins,
Global Network and Services Policy,
11:00 – 11:20
Morning Coffee
11:20 – 12:40
Session 2: A Roadmap for 5G - Delivering the European Gigabit Society
In September 2016, the European Commission launched its communication package ‘Connectivity for a European Gigabit Society’, with the aim of setting a roadmap to meet Europeans' growing connectivity needs and boost Europe's competitiveness. Amongst other things, the package both included a set of key connectivity targets, and also put forward the European Communication Code – a new rulebook setting out EU-wide common rules and objectives on how the telecom industry should be regulated. This session will look at these two aspects of the package in detail. Focus will be given to the progress that has been made since their adoption and the challenges that lie ahead, and ultimately how they can help to deliver on Europe’s strategic 5G objectives.
• Are the objectives of the EU’s 5G Action Plan still a realistic aim, and what needs to be done to ensure that these are achieved?
• What are the 3 connectivity targets that have been set, and what will they mean for citizens and businesses everywhere?
• How can these targets help to deliver on the Commission’s key objectives for 5G, and on the flip-side, what role can 5G play in ensuring that the targets are met?
• To what extent is the current EU policy framework meeting the key aims of the European Electronic Communications Code (ECC) of increased policy coordination and simplified rules across Member States?
• Are the criticisms levelled recently by some industry representatives towards regulators of ‘a timid approach that will do little to improve Europe’s chance of success’ justified, and if so, what needs to be done to improve this?
• What are the key challenges that policymakers and stakeholders in the region face, and how can a policy environment that encourages both investment and innovation be achieved?
• Where does Europe currently sit at a global level when it comes to progress made with regards to preparation for 5G, and what needs to be done to ensure that it is at the forefront of 5G development?
Veronica Bocarova,
Principal Analyst,
Cullen International
11:20 – 12:40
Panel Discussion
Peter Stuckmann,
Head of Unit, Future Connectivity Systems, DG CONNECT,
European Commission
Philip Marnick,
Group Director, Spectrum,
Johannes Gungl,
Chair, BEREC
Andy Hudson,
Head of Policy,
Guillermo Beltrà,
Director, Legal and Economic Affairs,
12:40 – 13:40
13:40 – 14:00
Keynote Presentation
Roberto Viola,
Director General of DG CONNECT,
European Commission
14:00 – 14:20
Thinking Point: Delivering a secure and trustworthy 5G eco-system for all users
Goran Gotev,
Senior Manager EU Government Affairs,
14:20 – 15:40
Session 3: Use cases, new services and deployment models across vertical markets
Demonstrations, trials and pilots of 5G technologies are seen as a crucial part of validating 5G within vertical markets, and of demonstrating their stability and effectiveness. They can also help to increase the understanding of both the requirements and possibilities of 5G within a specific sector and increase awareness and interest from end users. This session will start with a look at some of the specific tests that have taken place in key sectors, before moving on to look at the important role that trials can play in building the overall understanding and confidence in 5G technologies.
14:20 – 15:40
Session 3i: The role of trials and pilots in building the 5G business case
Gilles Brégant,
14:20 – 14:40
Presentation - Transforming Ecosystems: Towards a new mindset
5G is all about collaboration. Within the telecoms industry and across the broader ecosystem. This requires the industry and policymakers to undergo a major cultural re-think of their role. How are telcos performing? How about industrial and competition policies? And what about verticals?
Lise Fuhr,
Director General,
European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association (ETNO)
14:40 – 15:00
Keynote Presentation - The Digital A9 Autobahn Test Bed
Dr. Tobias Miethaner,
Head of Digital Society,
Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
15:00 – 15:20
Case Study - Amsterdam: Delivering a 5G Trial City
Burcu Kuzlak,
Project Manager 5G,
City of Amsterdam
15:20 – 15:40
Presentation: 5G Business Models in the Augmented and virtual reality worlds
Leen Segers,
Co-Founder and CEO,
15:40 – 16:00
Afternoon Coffee
16:00 – 17:25
Session 3ii: 5G for Vertical Markets - future deployment and business models
Nobody yet knows exactly what 5G will mean for businesses – it comes with the promise of delivering as yet unseen services and use cases across a number of vertical markets. Real-world commercial trials are starting to play a crucial part in demonstrating possible technologies, building use cases across specific markets and testing business models. As the path towards commercial deployment continues, there is a need to now build on these trials and look in more detail at the shape of future deployment and business models, and the role that different stakeholders will play. This session will look at exactly this and at some of the strategic dialogue that is taking place between operators, vertical industry representatives and other key stakeholders. With so many new players entering the 5G market, it will look at the areas in which partnerships and business models are starting to emerge, the role that different groups are expected to play, and on the shape of the future 5G ‘business’ ecosystem going forward.
• What role are 5G trials already playing in demonstrating the benefits of 5G to vertical sectors?
• What needs to be done to build on this and what deployment models, business models and ecosystems are set to be enabled by emerging 5G networks and services?
• How is the role of a traditional telecom operator set to change in a 5G world, and what new opportunities will emerge?
• What will the shape of the new 5G ecosystem look like? Who will operate the networks, and what role will aspects such as partnerships, sharing and wholesale models play?
• What collaboration and dialogue is already taking place between operators, vertical industry representatives and other key stakeholders and what role can the public sector play in helping to facilitate this? Which vertical sectors are most engaged?
• What role will operators play in emerging 5G ecosystems such as smart cities, beyond simply facilitating their emergence?
Gilles Brégant,
16:00 – 17:25
Panel Discussion
Bernard Barani,
Deputy Head of Unit, Future Connectivity Systems,
European Commission
Aurélio Blanquet,
Darko Ratkaj,
Senior Project Manager, Technology & Innovation,
Marta Capelo,
Director of Public Policy,
Reza Karimi,
5G Automative Association (5GAA)
Tuesday 13 February, 2018
09:00 – 09:20
The view from the RSPG
Jonas Wessel,
09:20 – 09:40
Keynote Presentation
Eva Kaili,
European Parliament
09:40 – 10:55
Session 4: The shape of future 5G networks - changing spectrum configurations and infrastructure models
At present, most wireless coverage (e.g. for mobile networks, but also for services such as Sigfox, TETRA or others) is achieved using frequencies significantly below 3.5GHz. Given the good propagation of these lower frequency bands, these wireless networks could be rolled out in a ‘reasonably’ cost-effective manner and enabled players to develop a sound business case. However, most discussions on 5G and future services focus on the 3.5GHz band as well as bands in much higher frequencies (e.g. mmWave). 5G is also likely to require ultra-dense network configurations, particularly in urban areas heavy with users. At the moment, it is not clear which infrastructure models may be best suited to use these frequencies and deliver this densification, and the networks of the future may take a very different shape to today. This session will focus on this issue and ask the question of what exactly a future 5G network will look like, how the spectrum environment and usage is likely to change, and the roles the different players will take in developing it.
• What will the 5G networks of the future look like in both urban and rural areas? To what extent are they likely to follow the traditional model of being deployed by operators and where are new players likely to emerge?
• What will be the best way to deliver the densification of networks that will be necessary to provide the required network connectivity in urban areas and inside large buildings?
• What role will small cells, network nodes and other similar technologies likely play in this?
• Will this need for denser networks (and the resulting network costs) result in networks becoming more heterogeneous, and if so then how can an increased divergence in network quality between urban and rural areas be avoided?
• Given the cost implications of developing denser networks, how may ‘traditional’ mobile operators have to adjust the way that they work in order to still be able to provide the vast array of requested services (enhanced mobile broadband, various low-latency services, IoT connectivity) in a profitable manner?
• What role can technical solutions such as network slicing and LPWA play in helping to shape this new 5G environment?
09:40 – 09:45
Introduction from Moderator
Amit Nagpal,
Aetha Consulting
09:45 – 10:55
Panel Discussion
Chris Woolford,
Director of International Spectrum Policy,
Wladimir Bocquet,
Director Spectrum Management & Policy,
Kenneth Wallstedt,
Director, Technology Strategy,
Karim Lesina,
Vice President, International External Affairs, EU, Caribbean, Central and Latin America,
10:55 – 11:10
Morning Coffee
11:10 – 12:30
Session 5: Assignment and licensing for 5G spectrum - balancing investment certainty and flexibility
An aim of the European Electronic Communications Code (ECC) is to improve the coordination and use of radio-frequencies across the EU, including longer licence durations and more efficient spectrum use. As part of this, a proposal of 25 year licences was put forward by the Commission as a measure to help to deliver investment certainty for operators. However, given how hard it is to predict spectrum needs of future 5G technologies and how best to meet them, a counter argument has been put forward that licence durations of this length may not deliver the flexibility to adapt and transition towards the allocation of spectrum in larger continuous blocks than is currently seen if this is needed. Various compromise measures have been proposed by member states, which would include a more involved role for the RSPG on national spectrum awards. Against this backdrop, this session will look at the current approach to spectrum licencing and assignment in Europe, and at how much additional co-ordination is needed at a European level. It will examine where the balance lies between providing certainty and flexibility in order to deliver optimum conditions for investment and innovation, as well as looking at the role that unlicensed and shared spectrum can play.
• To what extent is there a need for increased harmonisation when it comes to the award of spectrum licences in Europe, or are current co-operation models sufficient?
• What role should the European Commission and the RSPG play?
• Where does the balance lie between finding a model that both incorporates greater co-ordination in spectrum awards, and also ensures that member states maintain ultimate control over the awards and licencing process in their country?
• What aspects other than licence length can contribute to delivering an environment that encourages investment and innovation, and how can both investment certainty and flexibility be ensured?
• What role can the sharing of best practice and the use of a peer-review process play in finding a solution?
• How important will spectrum trading be in future 5G world, and how can greater use of this be supported?
• What mix of spectrum allocated on a licenced, unlicenced and shared basis will be required to best deliver the 5G vision?
• To what extent is there a greater need for co-ordination in unlicenced spectrum bands that are to be used for 5G, and those in which spectrum sharing is being promoted? How would this work in practice?
11:10 – 11:20
Introduction from moderator
Stefan Zehle,
CEO and Co-Founder,
Coleago Consulting
11:20 – 12:30
Panel Discussion
Andreas Geiss,
Head of Unit, Spectrum Policy, DG CONNECT,
European Commission
Bo Andersson,
Rapporteur for 5G,
Catherine Bohill,
Director Spectrum Strategy,
Stephen Pentland,
Head of Spectrum,
Vodafone Group
Kalpak Gude,
Dynamic Spectrum Alliance (DSA)
12:30 – 12:45
Thinking Point: Does Gigabit wireless mean GHz of spectrum?
Richard Womersley,
Director of Spectrum Consulting,
LS telcom
12:45 – 13:35
13:35 – 14:45
Session 6: Delivering the potential of 5G in the 3.5GHz and the C-Band - Facing up to fragmentation and other challenges
The 3.5GHz band was first identified by the RSPG as one of the key bands for 5G, and since then many other regions have followed suit. It is now seen around the world as possibly the best option for delivering a globally harmonised pioneer band. This session will look at the situation within the allocation of this band both in Europe and the rest of the world, and at how Europe can overcome the challenge of fragmentation to maintain its leadership position with 5G rollout in this band. Widening the discussing, it will also look more broadly across the 3.4GHz – 4.2GHz C-Band, and the role that different frequencies in the band are likely to play in delivering 5G, and at how the rights of all users in the band can be taken care of.
• What potential does the 3.5GHz band offer in becoming the first global pioneer band for 5G?
• How can Europe ensure that it overcomes the challenge of fragmentation in the band and takes advantage of its leadership position of early identification of 3.5GHz as a pioneer band?
• To what extent can technologies such as carrier aggregation play in helping to alleviate the problem, and how can the harmonisation work being conducted by CEPT also contribute?
• With the 3.4-3.6GHz band identified both as a 4G capacity band and also as a key band for 5G, what approach should regulators be taking when awarding spectrum in this band to best meet the requirements of both technologies and avoid fragmentation in the future?
• With focus in the US being on increasing sharing or reallocating spectrum in the 3.8GHz – 4.2GHz band, what may this mean for the approach to this band in Europe or elsewhere?
• How can it be ensured that the rights of satellite users and other incumbents in the band are protected?
Martin Sims,
Managing Director,
Policy Tracker
13:35 – 14:45
Panel Discussion
Branimir Stantchev,
Head of Sector, Spectrum for Wireless Broadband,
European Commission
Matthew Berry,
Chief of Staff ,
Alessandro Casagni,
Director, Wireless Regulatory Policy EMEA,
Luigi Ardito,
Director Government Affairs EMENA,
Christophe De Hauwer,
Chief Development Officer,
14:45 – 15:50
Session 7: Bands below 3.4GHz for 5G - Meeting future spectrum requirements in lower frequencies
While many of the 5G ‘spectrum wars’ are focused on millimetre waves, some use cases (for example wide area IoT) will require lower bands, with their ability to travel at long distances with low power requirements. The 700MHz band has of course been identified as a ‘pioneer’ band and will provide part of the required capacity, but aside from this, much of the other lower frequency spectrum is currently in use for 3G and 4G, which is leading some service providers to think about refarming and freeing up these assets for new advanced 5G services. This session will look generally at the role of lower frequency spectrum in meeting the needs of 5G, the key bands and the best approach to ensure the requirements of all users of 5G are met.
• For which specific 5G use cases are the low latency, high reliability and ‘ubiquitous’ properties of lower frequency spectrum ideal?
• Alongside the 700MHz ‘pioneer’ band, which other lower frequency bands are likely to be most crucial for the deployment of 5G services?
• What role can existing 3G and 4G bands play a part in delivering these services, and what form will this take?
• What challenges could the current focus of 5G use on TDD spectrum bring, and what options are there to tackle these? Will guard blocks between uplink and downlink spectrum be a necessity and how can spectrum ‘wastage’ be minimised?
• What role can unlicensed spectrum play, and is there a need for additional spectrum to be allocated in this way to meet the needs of IoT and other technologies?
• To what extent should spectrum in lower frequency bands for 5G be allocated on a technology neutral basis, and what new use cases beyond mobile services could be seen?
• How exactly will operators be looking to make the move from 4G to 5G?
Scott McKenzie,
Coleago Consulting
14:45 – 15:50
Panel Discussion
Eric Fournier,
Chairman, ECC,
Marc Eschenburg,
Aetha Consulting
Scott Blue,
Senior Advisor, Spectrum Policy,
Olivier Blondeau,
Director, Frequency Planning and Management,
15:50 – 16:05
Afternoon Coffee
16:05 – 17:20
Session 8: Preparing for the WRC-19 discussions on millimetre bands
Millimetre bands are set to be a key enabler for 5G, and are one of the areas in which a great amount of work is going on around the world. And one of the most contentious discussions is around the 26GHz and 28GHz bands – Europe has joined many other regions around the world and is following the decision taken at WRC-15 to focus on the 26GHz band; naming it as one of its ‘pioneer’ bands for 5G deployment. In a number of other influential countries however, including the US, Japan and Korea, the focus is on the 28GHz band (which was not on the WRC-15 list), with trials in the band well underway and plans to roll out 5G in the band soon. This session will look at the situation within these two bands and other bands under consideration for 5G (including the 32 GHz, 39GHz and 42GHz bands), and at the suitability of the various options in the millimetre band that are being considered. It will focus on the work that is being done in the build-up to WRC-19 and the key discussions that will take place there, and ultimately look at the future shape of 5G in the millimetre bands both in Europe and globally.
• What work in Europe is being done to prepare for the roll-out of 5G in the 26GHz band?
• What obstacles and challenges still need to be overcome if the potential of millimetre wave spectrum for 5G is going to be maximised?
• With the future shape of 5G in the millimetre bands due to be set at WRC-19, what are set to be the key and most contentious issues?
• Will the continued work that is being seen within the 28GHz band likely to have any impact on the discussions that take place?
• What band offers the greatest prospects for delivering a globally harmonised band in the millimetre frequencies?
• To what extent can there be synergies between equipment operating in the 26GHz band and that operating in 28GHz and other millimetre bands?
• What other millimetre bands beyond the 26GHz and 28GHz bands are being considered for 5G (eg 32 GHz, 39GHz and 42GHz bands), and which of these offer a most viable solution?
Samer Mourad,
Principal, Consulting,
Analysys Mason
16:05 – 16:15
Introductory Presentation
Alexander Kühn,
16:15 – 16:25
Introductory Presentation
Thomas Sullivan,
Chief, International Bureau,
16:25 – 17:20
Panel Discussion
Patrick van Niftrik,
Chair, ITU Working Group,
Alexander Kühn,
Thomas Sullivan,
Chief, International Bureau,
Luciana Camargos,
Future Spectrum Director,
Mon 12 February, 2018 09.00 to
Tue 13 February, 2018 17.30
Steigenberger Wiltcher's Hotel
Avenue Louise 71,
1050 Bruxelles,
Tel: +32 2 542 42 42
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