If you are interested in speaking opportunities for next year, please contact Anne-Lise Simon at or on +44 (0) 2920 783 020.
Thursday 23 November, 2017
08:30 – 09:00
Welcome Coffee and Registration
09:00 – 09:45
Opening Keynote Speeches
Sir Julian King,
Commissioner for the Security Union,
European Commission
Paul Adamson,
Forum Europe
09:45 – 11:00
Addressing global cyber security concerns: norms, attribution and cyber diplomacy
Given the global dimension of the digital space and the complexity of ever-evolving advanced and persistent threats, cyber security strategies have to maintain an international approach so that intelligence on emerging threats is shared effectively and that the recent proliferation of suspected state-led or terrorist cyber attacks is appropriately addressed.
How successfully is the EU working with international partners and how effective have attempts to develop a global security approach been?
What measures are in place for effective threat intelligence exchange between nation-states and to encourage cross-sector engagement?
With recent cyber security incidents suspected to be state-sponsored attacks, what are the implications of an international cyber arms race with nationalities developing both defensive and offensive capabilities? What is being done to reduce the risks of the digital space becoming a ‘battleground’?
Is a ‘Digital Geneva Convention’, recently proposed by private sector actors, an appropriate solution? Are cybersecurity norms to govern state actions necessary? What other solutions are being considered as part of a ‘Cyber diplomatic toolbox’?
How do industry and government work together to identify perpetrators of attacks, and what is being done to respond to issues related to attribution and possible sanctions?
Ambassador Sorin Ducaru,
Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges,
Steven Wilson,
Head of EC3,
European Cybercrime Centre
Anton Shingarev,
Vice President for Public Affairs ,
Kaspersky Lab
Nemanja Malisevic,
Senior Security Strategist ,
Pawel Herczynski,
Director for Security Policy ,
European External Action Service
Thomas Renard,
Senior Research Fellow,
11:00 – 11:20
Networking Coffee Break
11:20 – 11:45
Keynote Speech
Vivian Loonela,
Member of Cabinet of Vice-President Ansip,
European Commission
11:45 – 13:00
Policy Discussion - Securing the Digital Economy in Europe:
Following the review of the Cyber Security Strategy for the European Union and of the mandate of the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security in September, this session will provide an update on progress made to increase cyber security capabilities, resilience and cooperation when dealing with cyber incidents. in Europe
With the implementation of the NIS Directive to be transposed into the national laws of all member states by spring 2018, a boost of the overall level of cyber security in the EU is expected. How will the effectiveness of this directive concretely be assessed? What challenges are Member States expecting and which additional measures are they planning to take to deal with cyber security incidents?
What is being concretely done to facilitate a cross-border and cross-sector co-ordination at both strategic and operational levels to address evolving threats?
How effective has the contractual public private partnership with industry to stimulate competitiveness and innovation been so far and what are the realistic prospects for the EU as an exporter of cyber security expertise and services in this booming market?
How can it be ensured that the free flow of data is not disrupted when addressing cyber security issues?
Paul Adamson,
Forum Europe
Taimar Peterkop,
Director General,
Information System Authority, Republic of Estonia
Despina Spanou,
Director for Digital Society, Trust and Cybersecurity, DG CONNECT,
European Commission
Thomas Boué,
Director General, Policy — EMEA,
BSA l The Software Alliance
Steve Purser,
Head of Core Operations Department,
David Francis,
Huawei Cyber Security Evaluation Centre
13:00 – 14:00
Networking Lunch
14:00 – 15:20
Innovation as a Cyber Security Solution
The constant evolution of cyber threats presents challenges but also new opportunities for the tech industry. With criminals using advanced technologies to launch sophisticated attacks, the cyber security industry continuously has to develop innovative and sophisticated solutions to prevent, detect, respond to vulnerabilities, and when necessary, to recover.
As the entire digital ecosystem of interconnected products, platforms and devices is only as secure as its weakest link, what is being done to address issues related to the vulnerability of a complex supply chain? What additional support does the European cyber security industry need to keep developing cutting edge cybersecurity solutions? How can it be ensured that the regulatory framework does not hinder future innovation?
How are solutions and technologies such as Machine Learning, Quantum Computing, Blockchain, Cryptography, Biometrics and HPC used to identify risks and prevent incidents? How do critical infrastructure IT experts react to the constant wave of innovation?
With AI increasingly embedded in automation systems what are the risks specific to this technology if used by attackers and inversely, what specific role can AI play in securing the digital space against increasingly stealthy attacks? Is the European cyber security industry properly leveraging the opportunities offered by AI?
Erik van Zuuren,
Founder, CEO,
Thomas Tschersich,
Senior Vice President Internal Security and Cyber Defense,
Stina Ehrensvärd,
CEO and Founder,
Michal Boni,
European Parliament
Alex Momot,
Founder & CEO,
Ben Cade,
Staffan Truvé,
Co-founder & CTO,
Recorded Future
15:20 – 15:40
Networking Coffee Break
15:40 – 17:00
Cyber security in the age of Digital Transformation - Securing the Industrial Internet and the Critical Infrastructure
This session will discuss the main security challenges and opportunities faced by industries - including critical infrastructure operators - who are undergoing digital transformation, and becoming increasingly reliant on connectivity as operations become more data driven.
While digitisation will undoubtedly result in more efficient operations across the majority of industries, a greater number of connected devices, sensors and automated systems will create huge amount of data and ultimately stretch the ‘attack surface’. What can be done to develop the highest level of cyber security standards in smart industries? How will the review of the NIS directive respond to the specific security challenges emerging from the digitisation of industry and the security requirements for 5G networks? With every devices being a point of entry into the network, what are the security implications of an expanding Internet of Things, and what are the latest developments in IoT security?
What are the main challenges in deploying security solutions for resilient critical infrastructure and industrial control systems so that they maintain their critical role in supporting key sectors? What differences and similarities are there among the security requirements for various sectors and applications?
Ulrich Seldeslachts,
Executive Director,
Kaja Kallas,
European Parliament
Åshild Hanne Larsen,
Leo Punt,
Deputy Chief Executive, EMEA,
Stijn Vande Casteele,
Co-founder and CEO,
Franz Hoheiser-Pförtner,
Vienna Hospital Association
Thursday 23 November, 2017
09.00 to 17.00
Thon EU
75 Rue de la Loi
B-1040 Brussels
Cyber Security Sponsorship Brochure