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The conference programme can be found below. If you are interested in speaking opportunities at the next edition, please contact Anne-Lise Simon at or on +44 (0) 2920 783 023.


Wednesday 25 March, 2015


08:30 – 09:00

Welcome Coffee and Delegate Registration

09:00 – 10:40

Opening Session: Maximising the opportunities offered by Big Data

Victoria Espinel, President & CEO, BSA | The Software Alliance
Roberto Viola, Deputy Director General, DG CONNECT, European Commission
Pascal Brosset, Senior Vice President, Innovation and CTO, Schneider Electric
Fedelma Good, Director of Information Strategy & Policy, Personal & Corporate Banking, Barclays
Mischa Dohler, Professor, King's College London

10:40 – 11:00

Morning Coffee Break

11:00 – 12:40

Session 2: What does data innovation look like?

The arrival of Big Data as a term, its entry into the popular lexicon and its use in describing data processing in all its guises, has uniquely captured the imagination of both experts and non-experts alike. This session will look at innovations in how data is being harnessed to provide insights not possible previously, with a glimpse at what future possibilities may emerge if the power of data is fostered appropriately.

Moderator: Ryan Heath, International Senior Advisor, Edelman

Matt Wolken, VP & General Manager, Information Management Software , Dell
Sebastien Deletaille, Founder & CEO, Real Impact Analytics
Walter Radermacher, Director General, Eurostat
Bart Rosseau, Head of Data and Information Unit, City of Ghent
Christian Reimsbach-Kounatze, Internet Economist and Policy Analyst, OECD

12:40 – 14:00

Networking Lunch


14:00 – 15:40

Session 3: Protecting user data – the obligations on business to keep user data safe

Big data requires a transition from “certainty” to “trust” and a fundamental component of “trust” is security. With any massive storage of data, a large-scale data breach could expose personal information, confidential corporate information and even national security secrets. But Big Data itself can also be an important tool in protecting enormous datasets from cyber-attacks, e.g. through the use of predictive cyberanalytics. How can we avoid regulation that constrains innovation? How can organisations adapt their security policy to the more open and dynamic environment in which data are widely exchanged and used? How can the EU respond to the global nature of data security threats?

Moderator: Paul Adamson, Chairman, Forum Europe

Jan Neutze, Director of Cybersecurity Policy EMEA, Microsoft
Nicolaus von Rintelen, Expert and Shareholder, virtual solutions AG - SecurePIM
Rosa Barcelo, Head of Sector, Digital Privacy, DG CONNECT, European Commission
Luukas Kristjan Ilves, Counsellor for Digital Affairs, Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU

15:40 – 16:00

Coffee Break

16:00 – 17:40

Session 4: The European regulatory environment – will it hurt or help data innovation?

The extent to which data, appropriately harnessed, will transform our lives and those of future generations, is a question facing policymakers, companies, scientists, and social actors. Big Data sits at the centre of the debate around what type of innovative services delivered by governments and the private sector may emerge and how these should, if at all, be legislated. Is the EU’s regulatory approach sufficient and appropriate? Will strong innovation be curtailed by regulatory burden? Will data flows dry up? Will privacy, security and issues such as IPR protection be sufficiently respected? What will the role of technologies such as Cloud Computing, HPC, 5G and the IoT have in facilitating the reality of Big Data? To what extent will the €2,5 billion Public-Private Partnership (PPP) for Big Data launched in October 2014 power the Big Data revolution? What other actions can policy-makers undertake to create a stable environment for investment and support data-driven innovation? What support is available to SMEs to enable them to develop their capabilities integrating Big Data tools within their businesses? Is there an argument that the EU lacks the skills and knowledge currently to compete globally?

Moderator: John Higgins, Director General, DIGITALEUROPE

John Boswell, Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary, SAS
Gery Pollet, CEO, ZapFi
Michal Boni, Member, European Parliament
Antti Peltomäki, Deputy Director General, DG GROW, European Commission



Wednesday 25 March, 2015
08.30 to 18.00




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