The conference programme below will be updated regularly. Please check back for the latest updates.
Please note that speakers marked with an asterix (*) are to be confirmed.
Thursday 16 May, 2013
08:30 – 09:00
Welcome Coffee and Registration
09:00 – 11:00
Session 1: Delivering a cyber-security strategy to protect an interconnected Europe
Martin Porter,
Chair, Edelman EMEA Public Affairs & Managing Director,
Edelman | The Centre
09:00 – 09:15
Keynote Presentation
Cecilia Malmström,
European Commissioner for Home Affairs,
European Commission
09:15 – 11:00
High Level Roundtable Discussion: Removing the Weakest Links - Cyber co-operation to tackle an expanding threat landscape
One of the key messages of the Commission’s strategy for internet security is that every sector of society – Government, CERTs, business, the public, and law enforcement – has a role to play in making the Internet safe and secure. In today’s interconnected digital society, any security system is only as strong as its weakest link, and to successfully ensure cyber security, a transparent and co-ordinated landscape is required with common standards, where information sharing is actively encouraged.
- To what extent is legislation needed to achieve this goal, or can voluntary and cooperative arrangements be successful on their own?
- What role for the Commission in ensuring even national policies and practices between member states?
- What role do each of the relevant stakeholders need to play?
- How can increased data sharing between government and the private sector be encouraged and additional trust and cooperation within industry be created?
- What role for the new European Cybercrime Centre?
- What is the way forward in developing minimum a common standard for cyber-security?
Martin Porter,
Chair, Edelman EMEA Public Affairs & Managing Director,
Edelman | The Centre
Troels Oerting,
Assistant Director, Europol & Head,
European Cybercrime Centre
Udo Helmbrecht,
Executive Director,
Zoran Stančič,
Deputy Director General, DG CONNECT,
European Commission
John Suffolk,
Senior Vice President and Global Cyber Security Officer ,
Ilias Chantzos,
Senior Director,Government Affairs EMEA and APJ,
11:00 – 11:30
Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:00
Session 2: International Co-operation – working with global partners to secure the worldwide cyberspace
In today’s intertwined digital world, cyber security truly is a shared global issue. In order to address the challenge, there is a need for a co-ordinated international approach, and recognising this, the Commission have made cooperation with third countries one of their key priorities.
- What strategies to tackle cyber-crime are being seen in countries and regions outside the EU, and what degree of international coordination is necessary?
- What current agreements are in place between the EU and other regions, and is there a need for a further strengthening of these?
- What role can the EU and its international partners play in encouraging the global application of international laws in cyberspace and to increase transparency and reduce the risk of misperceptions in state behaviour?
- What current standards and certification systems are in place in different regions, and how can the EU proposal for minimum cybersecurity performance requirements fit in with these?
- How can it be ensured that these systems are not creating barriers to trade and/or innovation?
- Is there a need for a harmonised global strategy and system of standards to tackle cybercrime, and to what extent is achieving this a realistic aim?
John Lyons,
Chief Executive Officer,
International Cyber Security Protection Alliance
Jamie Shea,
Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges,
Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar,
Cyber Security Policy Advisor,
European External Action Service
Erik Barnett,
Attaché to the European Union for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE),
US Department of Homeland Security
Manharsinh Yadav,
Second Secretary,
Embassy of India to the EU
Nicolas Villatte,
EMEA Labs Manager, RISK Team,
Verizon Enterprise Solutions
13:00 – 14:00
Lunch Break
14:00 – 15:30
Session 3: Embracing cyber-resilience – Towards a culture of risk management for the private sector
No methods of tackling cyber-crime can be 100% successful. However, by incentivising a culture of risk management amongst the private sector and ensuring important governance practices such as regular reports on breaches and the loss of data are in place, it can be ensured that the potential of incidents taking place and the effect that they have is minimised.
- What risk management processes and cyber governance actvities are already in place amongst private sector companies, and how widespread are these seen?
- What constitutes a security breach, and what would be a proportionate response for each of the players involved?
- What systems need to be put in place to ensure that industry is incentivised to improve their own security (particularly those at the lower end of the cyber maturity scale), and to share information and best practices?
- Is there a need for regulatory action at an EU level to manage security risk or would the issue be better dealt with by working to increase awareness with businesses through non-regulatory measures?
- If legislation is introduced, which sectors should this cover and what form should it take?
- What role for public-private partnerships in boosting security levels across the board?
- What costs can be expected to be incurred by industry as a universal risk management strategy is introduced, and how can a return on this investment be ensured?
- With products often made up of components manufactured in multiple countries and regions, what risks does this produce, and what can be done to manage and secure this global supply chain?
Giles Merritt,
Security and Defence Agenda (SDA)
Louis Marinos,
Senior Risk Management expert,
Joanne Taylor,
Director, Public Security,
Albert Markus,
Manager Development Public Private Partnerships & Programmes ,
National Cyber Security Centre, Netherlands
Raj Samani,
VP and Chief Technology Officer EMEA ,
Trevor Peirce,
Activity Chain Leader - Security, Privacy and Governance,
Internet of Things European Research Cluster
15:30 – 16:00
Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:30
Session 4: The role of R&D – Stimulating innovative technologies & processes to complement policy actions
Any strategy for tackling cyber crime needs to be complemented by the adoption of cutting edge and innovative new technologies, processes and methods.
- What can be done to help promote greater innovation and competitiveness amongst the European network security industry?
- What can be done to build on the research being done and ensure that new technologies and processes are brought to market seamlessly and quickly, and what role can industry, member states, EU institutions and others play in this?
- What role can Horizon2020 play in encouraging a comprehensive approach to technological and socio-economic research and innovation on tackling cybercrime, and how can this be maximised?
- Where do current technological gaps lie, and which areas is in the greatest research required?
- How can it be ensured that R&D efforts are focussed on preparing for the next generation of security challenges as well as tackling issues today?
Neil Robinson,
Research Leader,
Rand Europe
Gustav Kalbe,
Deputy Head of Unit, Trust and Security, DG CONNECT,
European Commission
Jacques Bus,
Associate Member, Digital Enlightenment Forum & Research Fellow,
University of Luxembourg
Tomas Jakimavičius,
Counsellor for Telecommunications, Information Society and Postal Services,
Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the EU
Ulrich Seldeslachts,
LSEC – Leaders in Security
Thursday 16 May, 2013
09.00 to 18.00
The Renaissance Hotel
Rue du Parnasse 19