Conference Program
Please scroll down or click on a link below to view the conference program for this year's event:
View the program for the pre-event workshop
View the program for the main conference
Please note:
Speakers marked with an asterix (*) are to be confirmed.
For information on speaking opportunities or to be kept updated please contact Tom Chinnock on / +44 (0) 2920 783 025.
Monday 22 October, 2012
12:30 – 17:15
Optional Pre-Conference Workshop - Spectrum Auctions and Valuation in the 4G Era
Co-ordinated by: Johanne Lemay & Robert K. Yates, Co-Presidents, Lemay-Yates Associates, Inc.
12:30 – 13:15
Welcome lunch and Registration
13:15 – 14:15
Session 1: Introduction and scene setting discussions
i. Background discussion of approaches to assess needs for additional spectrum for individual carriers
How much spectrum is needed per carrier; Translating customer demand to MHz; Review of 4G spectrum prices around the world including comparison of spectrum values and evolution in different bands, discussion of the impacts of policy objectives and license conditions;
ii. Impacts of auction design on values and implications for successful bidding strategies
Impact of auction design on spectrum prices (A comparative overview of auction designs (SMRA, CCA, Spectrum Set Asides, etc.); how differences between these impact how much you pay.
14:15 – 14:45
Session 2: Basics of CCA auctions and preparation for bidding using the LYA CCA Auction Platform
Overview of CCA auctions; Introduction to LYA’s CCA Auction Game Simulator, which will provide the opportunity for workshop participants to bid in a live CCA mock auction against a set of robotic bidders in clock phase and sealed bid rounds.
14:45 – 15:00
Coffee Break
15:00 – 17:00
Session 3: Live CCA Mock Auction and Review of Bidding Results
Workshop participants will be divided into groups and provided with bidding targets and an auction budget. Learn about anonymous bidding, revealed preference rules, package bidding, clock and sealed bid processes, winner determination and pricing. Review of the results of the live auction, discussion of bidding tactics, and developing an understanding of winner determination and final pricing.
17:00 – 17:15
Tuesday 23 October, 2012
08:30 – 09:00
Coffee and Registration, kindly sponsored by Computech
09:00 – 09:05
09:05 – 10:45
I. Keynote Presentations
John Kneuer,
President, JKC Consulting LLC, and Senior Partner,
Fairfax Media Partners
09:05 – 09:30
Keynote Presentation - View from the United States
Mignon Clyburn,
09:30 – 09:55
Keynote Presentation - View from Canada
Helen McDonald,
Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Spectrum, Information Technologies and Telecommunications,
Industry Canada
09:55 – 10:20
Keynote Presentation - View from Latin America
Maximiliano Salvadori Martinhão,
Telecommunications Secretary,
Ministry of Communication, Brazil
10:20 – 10:45
Keynote Presentation - View from Europe
Pearse O'Donohue,
Head of Unit, Radio Spectrum Policy,
European Commission
10:45 – 11:05
Morning Break, kindly sponsored by Computech
11:05 – 13:00
II. To what extent can reformation and harmonisation of spectrum bandplans be used to increase efficiency of use and meet increasing demand?
11:05 – 11:20
View from the ITU: Harmonization of spectrum bands for mobile broadband below 1 GHz
Francois Rancy,
Director, Radiocommunication Bureau,
International Telecommunication Union
11:20 – 11:35
Presentation - The operator's view
Eduardo Solorzano,
Regulatory and Antitrust Affairs Manager,
Telefonica Moviles El Salvador
11:35 – 13:00
High-level Roundtable Discussion: What can be done across the Americas to make better use of the 700MHz band?
Given the outcomes relating to the 700MHz band at WRC-12 what scope is there for the U.S. to reform their bandplan in this area to fall in with other regions? What border co-ordination issues would any decision raise with Canada and Mexico? What can be done to increase the value of lower value spectrum, such as the A-block? What scope is there for further harmonisation of spectrum bandplans across the region and globally? How can 700MHz frequencies best be put to use in order to contributeto a fully developed and competitive LTE ecosystem across the region?
Speakers will have 5 minutes to make their introductory remarks, which will then be followed by an interactive discussion among panelists and Q&As from the audience.
Speakers include:
Luis Lucatero,
Chief of Regulatory Policy,
William H. Grigsby,
Director of Telecommunications Policy for Mexico,
U.S. State Department’s Office of International Communications and Information Policy
Carl Povelites,
Assistant Vice President of Public Policy,
Charla Rath,
Vice President, Wireless Policy Development,
Dean Brenner,
Vice President, Government Affairs,
13:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 15:50
III. Consolidation, Competition and Spectrum Licensing: The linkage between spectrum allocation and consolidation in the mobile sector
The current growth rate in network traffic has led many analysts to predict that as early as next year, demand could exceed the available spectrum in certain areas of the Americas. As recently seen with the attempted merger of AT&T and T-mobile in the U.S, one option being considered by operators to alleviate this spectrum shortage is the consolidation of resources. Many see consolidation to some extent as an inevitability, but how far can it be expected to take place? Will it be limited to network or frequency sharing, or can a full merger be expected? What regulatory and competition issues can this create? How can regulators balance the need to tackle the spectrum crunch with the need to ensure that the level of competition in mobile markets is preserved? What role will regulatory tools such as structural separation need to play in this? What impact will this have for existing mobile infrastructure and business models?
Christian Dippon,
Vice President,
NERA Economic Consulting
14:00 – 14:15
Wireless Competition: A view from the U.S. Senate
Matthew Hussey,
Telecommunications Advisor, Office of Senator Olympia Snowe,
U.S. Senate
14:15 – 14:30
Presentation - View from Industry
Joan Marsh,
Vice President of Federal Regulatory Affairs,
14:30 – 14:45
How to balance sustainable competition in a spectrum shortage scenario: a Latin-America perspective
Sonia Agnese,
Regulatory Evolution Director,
Telecom Argentina
14:45 – 15:00
Presentation title to be confirmed
Marc Dupuis,
Director General, Engineering, Planning and Standards Branch,
Industry Canada
15:00 – 15:15
Restoring Competition in the Wireless Industry
Tim Donovan,
Vice President, Legislative Affairs,
Competitive Carriers Association
15:15 – 15:50
Panel Discussion with the session's speakers
15:50 – 16:05
Afternoon Break, kindly sponsored by Computech
16:05 – 17:45
Delegates now have the choice of attending one of the following two breakout sessions:
Breakout 1: Funding the switch from digital divide to digital opportunity
Breakout 2: Spectrum Valuation & Strategy in a 4G World
16:05 – 17:45
BREAKOUT SESSION 1: Funding the switch from digital divide to digital opportunity
What can be done by regulators to stimulate private investment to increase access to broadband services? What role can public-private partnerships play? What scope is there for the creation of a regional connectivity network to help decrease distances travelled by data traffic, and therefore costs? How could this be funded? What role can programs such as 'The Broadband Partnership of the Americas' play in supporting efforts to mobilize financial and technical resources within underserved communities?
Moderator: Graham Johnson, Partner. Aetha Consulting
16:05 - 16:15 Bridging the gaps in the LAC Region: Spectrum Management as a trigger to evolve towards universal broadband services
Ruben Lopez-Rivas, Inter-American Development Bank
16:15 - 16:25 USDA’s programs for and experience with Broadband deployment in rural America
David Villano, Assistant Administrator, Rural Utilities Service, US Department of Agriculture
16:25 - 16:35 Case Study: Mexico
Gustavo Cantú, Corporate Vice-President, Nextel Mexico
16:35 - 16:45 Case Study: Costa Rica
George Miley Rojas, Board Member and Commissioner, SUTEL, Costa Rica
16:45 - 16:55 Presentation title to be confirmed
Daniel Mah, Regulatory Counsel, SES
16:55 - 17:45 General discussion with session's speakers
Ruben Lopez-Rivas,
Inter-American Development Bank
David Villano,
Assistant Administrator, Rural Utilities Service,
US Department of Agriculture
George Miley Rojas,
Board Member and Commissioner,
SUTEL, Costa Rica
Gustavo Cantú,
Corporate Vice-President,
Nextel Mexico
Daniel Mah,
Regulatory Counsel,
16:05 – 17:45
BREAKOUT SESSION 2: Spectrum Valuation & Strategy in a 4G World
What key trends have recently been seen in spectrum values, and what trends can be expected over the next few years? What policy trends may influence spectrum prices? What impact do spectrum migration have on spectrum valuation? Is spectrum currently overvalued, and if so, is there a risk we are approaching another spectrum ‘bubble’?
Moderator: Scott Wallsten, Vice President for Research and Senior Fellow at the Technology Policy Institute.
16:05 - 16:20 Valuing spectrum in multi-band auctions – key considerations and best practices
Amit Nagpal, Partner, Aetha Consulting
16:20 - 16:35 4G Networks - which spectrum bands and at what cost?
Francesco Ricci, Manager, Analysys Mason
16:35 - 16:50 Spectrum migration and refarming: technical considerations and impact on spectrum prices
Miguel Calderón, VP of Regulatory Affairs, Telefónica México
16:50 - 17:45 Panel discussion with the session's speakers: Is spectrum currently overvalued, and if so, is there a risk we are approaching another spectrum ‘bubble’?
Scott Wallsten,
Vice President for Research and Senior Fellow,
Technology Policy Institute
Amit Nagpal,
Aetha Consulting
Francesco Ricci,
Analysys Mason
Eduardo Solorzano,
Regulatory and Antitrust Affairs Manager,
Telefonica Moviles El Salvador
Johanne Lemay,
Lemay-Yates Associates, Inc.
17:45 – 19:00
Networking Cocktail Reception, kindly sponsored by Hogan Lovells
Wednesday 24 October, 2012
08:30 – 09:00
Morning Coffee, kindly sponsored by Computech
09:00 – 12:45
V. Dynamic and shared spectrum access
The increasing demand for both wireless and mobile broadband and subsequent squeeze on spectrum has meant that regulators are constantly challenged with finding innovative new policies that enable the efficiency of the available bandwidth to be maximized. One such method that is being explored is the use of dynamic techniques of spectrum sharing, and the introduction of new technologies such as cognitive radio, which facilitate the opportunistic access to whitespaces. What concepts of spectrum sharing (in both licenced and unlicenced areas) are being explored by regulators and industry? What are the challenges and opportunities that a shift to a more dynamic method of spectrum policy may provide? What is the future shape of the shared spectrum market and what new opportunities and benefits may this provide?
i. Utilising whitespaces for the benefits of all users
Amit Nagpal,
Aetha Consulting
09:00 – 09:15
What policy challenges can the use of whitespace help address and what opportunities can it create?
Paul Garnett,
Director, Technology Policy Group,
09:15 – 09:30
Overview of the UK approach for the utilisation of whitespace technologies
H Nwana,
Group Director, Spectrum Policy Group,
Ofcom, U.K.
09:30 – 10:45
Roundtable discussion: What potential exists for countries within the Americas to utilise whitespaces and manage spectrum dynamically?
What are the key drivers to create an environment aimed towards sharing spectrum and the utilisation of whitespaces? What advantages can the successful use of whitespace technologies bring? How can the protection of existing spectrum users be ensured, and can the dynamic model eventually be made beneficial to all users? What differences are being seen between the approach being used to develop whitespace technologies in the EU and in the Americas, and what can maybe be learnt from each side? What co-ordination is required between countries, and how can this be achieved?
Above speakers plus:
Avi Vaidya,
VP, Product Development and CTO,
Shure, Inc.
Apurva Mody,
Whitespace Alliance
Michael Calabrese,
Director, Wireless Future Project,
New America Foundation
10:45 – 11:00
Morning Coffee, kindly sponsored by Computech
11:00 – 12:45
ii. Away from whitespace, what other modes of spectrum sharing or dynamic access can play a part in alleviating the spectrum crunch?
11:00 – 11:10
What types of spectrum/wireless infrastructure sharing (dynamic or less dynamic) can provide the greatest benefits for all users?
Julius Knapp,
Chief, Office of Engineering Technology,
11:10 – 11:20
Regulatory Aspects for Licensed Shared Access
Mark Racek,
Director of spectrum policy,
11:20 – 11:30
Is there scope for industry to share bandwidths currently reserved for federal use?
Karl Nebbia,
Associate Administrator, Office of Spectrum Management,
11:30 – 11:40
Presentation - Public/Private licensed sharing
Patrick Welsh,
Assistant Vice President, Wireless Policy Development,
11:40 – 11:50
Licensed or Authorized Shared AccessA potential tool to help meet the spectrum challenge?
Derek Khlopin,
Head of Government Affairs, North America,
Nokia Siemens Networks
11:50 – 12:45
Panel discussion with this mornings speakers: How are policymakers across the Americas likely to facilitate the introduction of spectrum sharing over the next few years, and what opportunities and benefits may this provide?
12:45 – 13:45
13:45 – 17:30
VI. Spectrum Auctions
13:45 - 15:40 i. Auction design and implementation for a competitive and open market
A number of auctions have recently taken place across the Americas utilising a variety of innovative designs and strategies, some specifically designed to attempt to boost competition and attract new market entrants. What were the outcomes of those auctions, and how successful have they been in these aims? What lessons can be learnt by policy makers and bidders in countries across the region currently planning for auctions? What policy has been seen with regards to spectrum caps – what level have they been set at and to what extent have they been binding? What is the situation with auctions taking place in the rest of the world? How can auctions best be designed in order to not only ensure the maximum money is raised, but also to ensure that spectrum is going to its best use?
Chantale LaCasse,
Senior Vice President,
NERA Economic Consulting
13:45 – 14:00
Introductory Presentation from session moderator: Recent trends in auction design and results
Chantale LaCasse,
Senior Vice President,
NERA Economic Consulting
14:00 – 14:15
An overview of the plans for upcoming Canadian auctions & how this compares to what is being done elsewhere
Peter Cramton,
Professor of Economics,
University of Maryland
14:15 – 14:30
Auction formats and the impact on spectrum prices
Johanne Lemay,
Lemay-Yates Associates, Inc.
14:30 – 14:45
Australian Case Study: Spectrum Auctions & Realising the Digital Dividend
Mark Loney,
Executive Manager,
Australian Communication and Media Authority
14:45 – 15:40
Panel discussion: Above speakers plus:
H Nwana,
Group Director, Spectrum Policy Group,
Ofcom, U.K.
15:40 – 16:00
Afternoon Break, kindly sponsored by Computech
16:00 – 17:30
ii. Incentive Auctions
16:00 – 16:15
Developing an Implementation Plan for Incentive auctions in the US
Gary Epstein,
Chair of Incentive Auction Taskforce,
16:15 – 17:30
Round table discussion: Can incentive auctions deliver a ‘healthy broadcast sector, and a strong, robust, competitive, and world-leading mobile industry’?
The implementation of incentive auctions is now well underway in the U.S., with the formulation of a task force to oversee and coordinate the implementation rules and logistics of holding auctions, and FCC Chairman Julius Genechowski stating that auctions will leave a "robust" broadcasting industry and "world-leading" mobile broadband sector. What challenges lie ahead, and how can the auctions be designed in order that these aims are met? How much spectrum can it be expected will be released, and how can this be maximised whilst still ensuring the co-ordination of spectrum issues with neighbouring countries? What scope is there for the FCC model to be applied in other countries across the Americas?
Speakers include:
Patricia Paoletta,
Counsel and Representative,
4G Americas
Jane Mago,
Executive Vice President of Legal & Regulatory Affairs,
National Association of Broadcasters
Evan Kwerel,
Senior Economic Advisor,
Thomas Hazlett,
Prof. of Law & Economics,
George Mason University
17:30 – 17:35
Wrap-up and End of Conference
Mon 22 October, 2012 12.45 to
Wed 24 October, 2012 17.30
Washington Marriott Hotel
1221 22nd Street NW
Washington, D.C.
20037 USA