Thursday 17 May, 2018
09:00 – 10:00
Keynote session and high level policy discussion: Promoting the right regulatory environment for the socio-economics benefits of connected cars to be realized
What is currently and concretely being done to deliver a coherent, future-proof and technology neutral framework for the large-scale deployment of connected cars?
- What are policy-makers doing to encourage cooperation between transport regulators, road safety authorities, local governments, and telecom regulators? What more needs to be done to overcome technological and policy obstacles? How will the clashing of diverging business interests of various stakeholders be addressed? What do ITC and transport industry stakeholders need from policymakers?
- To what extent are Member States working together to ensure interoperability and that connected vehicles will be able to travel smoothly across borders?
Paul Adamson
Forum Europe
09:00 – 09:15
Keynote speech
Maja Bakran Marcich
Deputy Director-General, DG Move,
European Commission
09:15 – 09:30
Keynote speech
Despina Spanou
Director Digital Society Trust & Cybersecurity DG CONNECT,
European Commission
09:30 – 09:45
Keynote speech
Jean Schiltz
Smart Mobility Expert, Ministry of the Economy,
Luxembourg Government
09:45 – 10:00
Keynote speech
Thomas Becker
VP Governmental and External Affairs,
BMW Group
10:00 – 10:15
Discussion with the above speakers
10:15 – 13:00
Session 2: Delivering the Infrastructure for the connected car
10:15 – 11:30
Session 2.1 Getting the Digital infrastructure ready for the connected car
The uptake of the connected cars in Europe will depend on the digital infrastructure being available and ready to deliver fast and reliable connectivity. This session will look at the connectivity technologies that will maximize the benefits of the connected car and the spectrum requirements that are necessary to make it a commercially viable reality.
What connectivity solutions exist to provide the fast, low latency, robust and reliable connections for V2X communication across all different environments and situations? What is the right technology mix and balance in terms of spectrum allocated on a licenced, unlicenced and shared basis?
What are the specific spectrum needs of ‘data-hungry’ connected vehicles and what frequencies offer the best options to meet these? How can stakeholders work together to meet the spectrum demands of the Connected Car industry, and offer consumers a continued connected experience?
What connectivity targets relating to transport hubs and major roads have been set as part of the Commission’s ‘Connectivity for a European Gigabit Society’ strategy, and how can these be achieved? What role can 5G play more generally in delivering the required connectivity?
What work is being done to ensure a harmonized and co-ordinated approach to spectrum assignment and connectivity both within Europe and globally, and what standards are emerging? Do the EU plans to develop a Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System (C-ITS) go far enough to concretely support the development of harmonised standards and how will it be ensured that the technology neutrality principle is respected? Andreas Geiss
Head of Unit, Radio Spectrum Policy,
European Commission
Pilar del Castillo
MEP, Rapporteur for the Telecoms Package,
European Parliament
Chris Woolford
Director, International Spectrum Policy,
Apostolos Kousaridas
Senior Research Engineer,
Robert MacDougall
5GAA Representative and Head of Enterprise Public Policy,
Jozef Svrcek
Martes Specure International
Gérard Pogorel
Professor of Economics and Management-Emeritus,
Telecom ParisTech
11:30 – 11:45
Coffee Break
11:45 – 13:00
Session 2.2 The Connected Car: Getting the Physical Infrastructure ready.
Smart vehicles will only be as intelligent as their surroundings – it is therefore crucial to prepare our roads and city infrastructure for the connected car in order to leverage the opportunities that this technology can offer. This session will focus on the next steps to be undertaken to future-proof roads and cities infrastructure for the integration of connected vehicles into the wider European transport network.
What impact will the connected cars have on city planning and management? How can cities best tap into the value of the data generated by CAVs to improve transport networks and understand how people interact with the city? To what extent can connected mobility solve the ‘last-mile’ issue?
How can cities, transport authorities, car manufacturers and digital technology companies cooperate today to prepare for the future of urban mobility? What is being done to deliver connected mobility outside of built-up areas and ensure a ubiquitous smart transport network?
What financial and non-financial support is needed to upgrade the current road infrastructure for the connectivity requirements of the connected vehicle?
Pedro Barradas
Policy Officer, Sustainable & Intelligent Transport, DG MOVE,
European Commission
Catrine Norrgård
Head of Office,
Gothenburg European Office
Joost Vantomme
Smart Mobility Director,
European Automobile Manufacturers' Association – ACEA
Alberto Di Felice
Senior Policy Manager,
Digital Europe
Kallistratos Dionelis
Secretary General,
Johanna Tzanidaki
Innovation & Deployment Director,
13:00 – 14:00
Networking Lunch
14:00 – 14:15
Keynote speech
Henna Virkkunen
European Parliament
14:15 – 15:40
Session 3: Innovation Driven by Data - Monetising the connected car
The connected car has the potential to create new opportunities for a range of different sectors, by challenging existing business models, creating new ones and redefining the user experience through data-driven services.
This session will hear from different stakeholders from businesses affected by connected and/or autonomous vehicles. It will explore how the automotive industry can use data to understand more about the end user, offer personalized services and drive further revenue beyond the point of sale. Each of the below sectors will focus on the opportunities offered by connected mobility as well as the specific technological and regulatory challenges they face when trying to innovate:
Alea Fairchild
Research Fellow,
The Constantia Institute
14:15 – 14:30
Tech Talk: Blockchain
Max Lomuscio
Head of Growth,
14:30 – 14:45
Tech Talk: Safety
Abayomi Otubushin
Corporate and Governmental Affairs,
BMW Group
14:45 – 15:00
Tech Talk: "Neutral Vehicle - A Multi-Stakeholder Approach to Connectivity, Security, and Innovation"
Stefano Peduzzi,
Director Europe,
15:00 – 15:15
Tech Talk: Insurance
Vincent Castus
15:15 – 15:40
Remarks and Response
Efrén Sánchez Galindo
Legislative Officer ,
DG GROW, European Comission
15:40 – 16:00
Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:15
Session 4: Consumer Trust at the heart of the uptake of the connected cars
Public acceptance of the connected and autonomous cars will rely on consumers trust in relation to the secure collection, processing and use of data.
With cars having a huge amount of complex sensors and processors, and with a rising number of third-party applications being used, data security and privacy is a strong concern. A secured data environment for the connected car, where machine-generated data as well as personal data and information are protected is therefore crucial for the future of the connected vehicle.
What are software providers doing to develop cyber security solutions for the connected car and to respond to constantly evolving cyber threats?
What is being done to ensure integrity, access control, availability, security and protection of the various set of data generated?
How can car manufacturers, software providers and the telecom industry work together in order to implement layered end-to end security strategies to secure the entire supply chain? How can this collaboration, including intelligence sharing, be further encouraged?
How will manufacturers make sure that personal data is managed according to data protection and cyber-security laws? How are data ownership issues currently addressed and what more needs to be done to provide clarity over who owns which data, who should have access to it, and what it should be used for?
Mady Delvaux
European Parliament
Evangelos Ouzounis
Head of Secure Infrastructures and Services Unit,
Ian Bundey
Senior Business Solutions Strategist ,
Dimitri Vergne
Senior Sustainable Transport Officer,
Chris Carroll
Policy Director,
Gianni De Stefano
Hogan Lovells