Thursday October 12, 2017
08:45 – 10:20
Session 1: Spectrum Policy in the US – Where are we currently, and what lies ahead?
Ruth Milkman
Quadra Partners, LLC
08:45 – 09:00
Opening Presentation
Rachael Bender
Wireless and International Advisor to Chairman Pai,
09:00 – 10:20
Session 1: High Level Policy Roundtable
With the new administration coming into power this year, the major project of the incentive auction now completed and the launch of 5G on the horizon, now seems a good time to take stock of where we are in the US with regards to current thinking relating to spectrum policy and allocation. This session will offer an opportunity do exactly that. It will look at the current spectrum policy framework in the US, and at the extent to which they is likely to meet the FCC and Government’s aims of encouraging innovation and investment; and to deliver the connectivity requirements both now and in the future.
- To what extent does the current spectrum policy framework in the US meet with the needs of stakeholders and citizens everywhere?
- Is the right balance being hit between the need for regulation and the need to encourage flexibility, competition, innovation and investment?
- One of the aims of the FCC’s National Broadband Plan, was to deliver reforms that “…reflect expectations of how
the wireless world will look 10 years from now.” How will the wireless world look in 10 years, and how can it be ensured that a spectrum strategy is put in place now to match its requirements?
- What approaches are being seen to close the digital divide, and to deliver the infrastructure and spectrum to connect rural areas?
- What should be the priorities for the new administration in order to ensure that the power and promise of spectrum is maximized for citizens everywhere?
09:00 – 10:20
Policy Roundtable
Thomas Hazlett
H.H. Macaulay Endowed Professor of Economics, Clemson University, and author, The Political Spectrum: The Tumultuous Liberation of Wireless Technology, from Herbert Hoover to the Smartphone (Yale, 2017),
Clemson University
Rick Kaplan
General Counsel and Executive Vice President, Legal and Regulatory Affairs,
National Association of Broadcasters
Charla Rath
Vice President, Wireless Policy Development,
Gerry Oberst
Senior Vice President, Global Regulatory and Governmental Strategy,
Jeffrey Yan
Director Technology Policy,
Donald Stockdale
Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau,
10:20 – 10:40
Morning Coffee
10:35 – 12:10
Session 2: Freeing up federal spectrum - exploring the options and opportunities
Stakeholders and regulators around the world are continually facing up to the challenge of finding ways to increase the efficiency of spectrum, and this includes that used by federal as well as private users. In the US, the Spectrum Pipeline Act of 2015 set out plans to reallocate at least 30MHz of federal spectrum for non-federal use or shared federal/ non-federal use by 2024. Two years on, this session will bring together representatives from some of the key Government agencies responsible for federal spectrum use, and look at the progress that is being made in this area. It will look at the new technologies and policy tools that are being used in this area, and examine the situations in which the respective approaches of reallocation or sharing are most appropriate.
Brent Skorup
Research Fellow,
Mercatus Center, George Mason University
10:35 – 10:50
Presentation: The view from the NTIA
Paige Atkins
Associate Administrator,
10:50 – 11:05
Ron Repasi
Deputy Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology,
11:05 – 11:20
Presentation – Balancing critical defense requirements with the need to increase available spectrum for commercial users
Gregory Wagner
Chief, Strategic Planning Division,
DISA Defense Spectrum Organization
11:20 – 11:35
Dave Wright
Secretary of the CBRS Alliance, Director of Regulatory Affairs & Network Standards at Ruckus
11:35 – 11:50
Tom Power
Senior Vice President & General Counsel,
11:50 – 12:10
Panel Discussion
12:00 – 13:10
13:10 – 15:20
Session 3: After the Incentive Auction - lessons learnt and what's next
13:10 – 13:30
The view from the FCC – the Incentive Auction and what comes next
Jean Kiddoo
Chair, Incentive Auction Task Force,
13:30 – 14:40
Session 3.i: The legacy of the incentive auction - What next for spectrum auctions?
The Incentive Auction is the biggest and boldest spectrum auction ever implemented. It delivered on core goals such as clearing a beautiful band plan for mobile and efficiently repacking broadcasters in the remaining UHF spectrum … but it also took a staggeringly long time - 4 years to design and 12 months of bidding, with 39 months of repacking to come – and featured a degree of complexity rarely seen before. It was designed to address a bespoke problem and we may never see anything quite like it again. Nevertheless, future awards may draw on many of its innovative features, such as the use of optimization techniques and “clock round” bidding. With the auction now concluded and the dust beginning to settle, this session will explore the legacy of the Incentive Auction for future spectrum awards.
- Was the format of the incentive auction too complex or can it be said to have worked well?
- Are there any lessons that can be taken or any aspects that could have been done differently?
- How successful was the auction overall, and to what extent has it met the objectives set out by the FCC?
- Is the model something that it is likely to see repeated in the future, either partially or fully?
- If so then in which bands is it most likely?
- What other innovations in auction design are likely to be seen in the future, and how may the process of license
award change and develop over coming years?
Richard Marsden
Senior Vice President,
NERA Economic Consulting
13:30 – 13:45
The Incentive Auction - lessons for the next generation of spectrum auctions
Lawrence M Ausubel
Chairman, Power Auctions, and Professor of Economics, University of Maryland
13:45 – 14:00
The role of set-asides, spectrum reserves and spectrum caps in the incentive auction – successes and failures
David Salant
Auction Technologies
14:00 – 14:10
Complexity in spectrum auctions: how much is too much?
Richard Marsden
Senior Vice President,
NERA Economic Consulting
14:10 – 14:40
Panel Session: Have spectrum auctions become too complex and does it matter?
Richard Marsden
Senior Vice President,
NERA Economic Consulting
Lawrence M Ausubel
Chairman, Power Auctions, and Professor of Economics, University of Maryland
David Salant
Auction Technologies
Evan Kwerel
Senior Economic Advisor,
Geoff Catliff
Director, Spectrum Policy & Acquisition,
14:40 – 15:20
Session 3.ii: The repack process
The post-incentive auction 39-month repack process is now well underway. Prior to the auction, there was significant dispute between representatives of the mobile and broadcast industry over whether the timeline was realistic, and the extent of challenges ahead. And this disagreement has continued since the auction has finished - T-Mobile have set ambitious targets of launching commercial networks using spectrum won in the auction before the end of the year, whilst many in the broadcasting sector (and LPTV companies in particular) have claimed this is far too early and does not give them enough time to find new channels. This session will look at the various timelines being set and at how realistic they are, explore options that are available to protect LPTV stations and other broadcasters affected by the incentive auction, and address the obstacles ahead.
14:40 – 15:20
Panel Discussion
Chris Wieczorek
Director, Spectrum Policy,
Patrick Mcfadden
Associate General Counsel,
Mike Gravino
LPTV Spectrum Rights Coalition
15:20 – 15:40
Afternoon Coffee
15:40 – 17:15
Session 3.iii: The UHF and beyond - future shape of the mobile spectrum landscape
Unlike the FCC’s “ugly” 700 MHz plan, the simple 2x35 MHz plan at 600 MHz could provide a “beautiful” template for the band throughout the Americas. However, demand from US operators for 600 MHz was less than many expected, with two of the four major operators sitting out the auction – as fact that has raised questions about demand for 600 MHz in other countries as well. This session will examine whether this this slightly surprising lack of interest in the spectrum indicates a trend towards reduced demand more generally in UHF spectrum, or whether there are other factors based on the existing spectrum portfolio of the major players and how this influenced their future needs. With operators everywhere needing to have the right mix of spectrum across low, mid and high frequency ranges, speakers will then look more generally at the current situation of major players, the factors that operators consider when building a spectrum portfolio, and how this is likely to affect both demand and value of spectrum in different bands.
- What do the results of the incentive auction mean for the future of mobile in the UHF band both in the US and
- What factors do mobile operators need to take into account when building a spectrum portfolio, and how can this
affect both the demand and value of spectrum in different bands?
- How important is harmonization and co-ordination in order to develop a coherent spectrum eco-system, and what
work is being done to achieve this?
- What role can mergers, acquisitions and secondary trading play in acquiring a spectrum portfolio as an alternative
to purchasing licenses in auctions, and what challenges does this pose for regulators and others?
- What implications is 5G already having on the decisions that operators take when building their spectrum
portfolio, and how is likely to continue once networks start to become rolled-out?
- What will be the key bands for mobile going forward in both the US and elsewhere? Johanne Lemay
15:40 – 15:50
Introductory Presentation from Moderator
Johanne Lemay
15:50 – 16:05
The 600MHz Band Across the Americas – is it time to explore moving forward with a consolidated approach?
Mario Fromow
Commissioner ,
IFT Mexico
16:05 – 16:20
Building a spectrum portfolio – considerations, options and factors to consider
Philip Junker
Executive Director of Strategic Alliances,
16:20 – 17:15
Panel Session: The future shape of the mobile landscape across the Americas
Mario Fromow
Commissioner ,
IFT Mexico
Philip Junker
Executive Director of Strategic Alliances,
Veena Rawat
Senior Spectrum Advisor,
Jeffrey Blum
Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel,
17:15 – 19:00
Cocktail reception
Friday October 13, 2017
08:45 – 09:05
Session 4: Spectrum for Next Generation Wireless Services including 5G
08:45 – 09:05
Keynote Presentation
Michael O'Rielly
Commissioner ,
09:05 – 10:05
Session 4i. What future for the 3.7GHz – 4.2GHz band?
The 3.4GHz – 4.2GHz C-Band has been identified globally as the next frontier for mobile spectrum – 4G networks are already being rolled out, and it is also one of the key bands identified for 5G. In the US, a specific focus is on the 3.7GHz – 4.2GHz band – a frequency range in which satellite users currently hold the spectrum under a ‘full-band, full-arc’ licensing practice. There have been a number of petitions filed to the FCC arguing that this is
a highly inefficient use of the band and asking for it to be eliminated, but the satellite industry counter that this would cause them and the customers that they serve substantial harm. This session will hear from key players in the discussion and look at the best way forward to balance the need to maximize the efficiency of this highly sought-after spectrum with the need to protect the rights of incumbent users.
- What proposals have been put forward to increase sharing or to reallocate spectrum in the 3.7GHz – 4.2GHz band, and what would these mean for the satellite industry and current incumbent users?
- When considered alongside the 3.5Ghz band, what potential does the spectrum in the 3.7Ghz – 4.2Ghz band offer to different potential users and technologies?
- Could the 3.55-4.2 GHz range offer potential for to become a globally harmonized range for 5G?
- What property rights exist for incumbent users in the band, and how can it be ensured that these are honored and protected?
Carolyn Brandon
Senior Industry and Innovation Fellow, Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy, Georgetown University; & Founder, Whitworth Analytics LLC ,
Whitworth Analytics LLC
09:05 – 10:05
Panel Discussion
Rob Yates
John Hunter
Director of Spectrum Policy,
Hazem Moakkit
Vice President, Corporate & Spectrum Strategy,
Andrew Clegg
Spectrum Engineering Lead,
10:05 – 11:05
Session 4ii: What is the future of unlicensed spectrum in a world of next generation wireless services?
The FCC have set aside a large amount of spectrum to be allocated both on a licensed and unlicensed basis to support the deployment of the next generational evolution of wireless technology, including 5G. This session will focus specifically on the unlicensed side of things, and explore the shape of the unlicensed landscape moving forward, and the role that it will play in the development and rollout of next generation services, including 5G.
- What role will unlicensed spectrum play in developing next generation services, including 5G?
- How much spectrum and in which bands should be made available on an unlicensed basis?
- What is the future of technologies operating in unlicensed spectrum such as LTE-U / LAA, and how can it be
ensured that they co-exist peacefully with WiFi?
- What will the unlicensed spectrum landscape look like ten years from now?
- How important will unlicensed technologies such as WiFi be in offloading traffic from mobile networks going
Scott Wallsten
President and Senior Fellow,
Technology Policy Institute
10:05 – 11:05
Panel Discussion
Edgar Figueroa
President & CEO ,
Wi-Fi Alliance
Brett Kilbourne
General Counsel & VP of Policy,
Utilities Telecom Council
Jeffrey Yan
Director Technology Policy,
Dileep Srihari
Director, Legislative & Government Affairs,
11:05 – 11:20
Morning Coffee
11:20 – 12:30
Session 4iii: Millimeter spectrum for 5G – the battle of the bands?
Millimeter bands are set to be a key enabler for 5G, and are one of the areas in which a great amount of work is going on around the world. And one of the most contentious discussions is around the 26GHz and 28GHz bands – the US (along with other countries including Japan and Korea) are continuing with trials and plans to roll out 5G in the 28GHz band; whilst Europe and others remain in line with the decision taken at WRC-15 to focus on the 26GHz band. This session will look at the situation within these two bands and other bands under consideration for 5G (including the 39GHz band), and at the suitability of the various options in the millimeter band that are being considered. Focusing on the current situation in the US, the Americas and Globally, it will look at the next steps and ensuring the best path forward.
- How does the thinking in other countries in the Americas fit with the approach for 5G in the US? To what extent is
there a possibility that the 28GHz band becomes harmonized across the region?
- To what extent can there be synergies between equipment operating in 28GHz band and that operating in 26GHz
and other millimeter bands?
- What effect is the progress that is being seen within the 28GHz band in the US and elsewhere likely to have on
discussions at WRC-19?
- What other millimeter bands beyond the 26GHz and 28GHz bands are being considered for 5G, and which of
these offer a most viable solution?
- What potential does the 39GHz band offer as an option for 5G, and how much bandwidth could be available here?
What obstacles would need to be overcome?
- What can be done to help ensure a more harmonized approach globally with these bands?
- How can policymakers and other stakeholders help to develop an environment that encourages long-term
investments in 5G networks?
Amit Nagpal
Aetha Consulting
11:20 – 12:30
Panel Discussion
Andreas Geiss
Head of Spectrum Policy Unit,
European Commission
Carl Povelites
Assistant Vice President Public Policy,
Julius Knapp
Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology,
Jennifer Manner
Global Spectrum Policy,
12:30 – 13:00
Session 5: Looking forward to WRC-19 approaching the key issues and ensuring the interests of all stakeholders are protected
12:30 – 12:45
Presentation - The view from CITEL
Carmelo Rivera
Chair for WRC-19 Preparation,
12:45 – 13:00
Presentation - The view from Europe
Alexander Kühn
Chair for WRC-19 Preparation,
13:00 – 13:50
13:50 – 14:30
Session 6: A focus on…the changing shape of broadcast, satellite and PPDR services and spectrum requirements
The satellite, broadcast and PPDR communities have all seen a number of exciting developments over the past 12 months, which have the potential in each case to alter the shape of the sector and mold their future development. This session will take the opportunity to examine each of these sectors individually, discuss both the challenges and opportunities ahead; and focus on implications that these may have for their use of spectrum.
J.Armand Musey
Valuation and Financial Analysis Expert ,
Summit Ridge Group, LLC
13:50 – 14:30
Session 6.i: The role of satellite in next generation wireless technologies
In order to fully meet the growing demands for wireless broadband, a mix of different technologies is going to be required. With satellite set to be a big part of this, the industry is making significant strides in increasing capacity and efficiency through the use of new technologies and standards such as High Throughput Satellite (HTS) and Non-Geosynchronous (NGSO) systems. Moving beyond the earlier session which focused specifically on the C-Band,
this session will look at the role more generally that satellite is set to play in delivering next generation services,
and how satellite operators can work together with regulators and the mobile sector to ensure co-ordination and co-existence that ultimately will be for the benefit of both sectors.
- What role is satellite set to play in the delivery of next generation wireless technologies (including 5G), and what
role will developments in technology such as HTS and NGSO play in this?
- What effect will the ongoing FCC ‘Spectrum Frontiers’ proceeding have on satellite usage above 24GHz, and how
can the successful co-existence of mobile and satellite services be ensured?
- What are the responsibilities of both mobile and satellite in managing connectivity
and interference and ensuring active co-existence across all bands?
13:50 – 14:30
Panel Discussion
Mobile Industry
Tom Stroup
Jose Albuquerque
Chief, International Bureau Satellite Division,
14:30 – 15:10
Session 6.ii: Spectrum for PPDR – Approaches to delivering PPDR networks in the US and beyond
In March this year, the contract to build, operate and maintain the United States’ nationwide ‘FirstNet’ first responder network was awarded to AT&T. This session will look at the next steps now that the contract has been awarded and the challenges that still lie ahead. It will examine how the approach in the US compares to that in Canada and in Mexico and in other countries around the world, and ultimately it will look at what needs to be done going forward to ensure a highly robust, reliable and efficient public safety network.
- What are the next steps now that the contract for the FirstNet network has been awarded?
- What other approaches are being seen in countries around the world that are delivering a PPDR network, and how
do these compare to that in the US?
- What border issues need to be considered between the US and Mexico and the US and Canada respectively?
14:30 – 14:45
Presentation: FirstNet – update and next steps post-award stage
Jeff Bratcher
Chief Technology Officer,
14:45 – 15:00
Presentation: Global approaches to delivering PPDR networks
Paul Steinberg
Chief Technology Officer ,
Motorola Solutions
15:00 – 15:10
Room-Wide Discussion
15:10 – 15:50
Session 6.iii: The future of broadcast – opportunities, challenges and the path ahead
The broadcast industry is evolving with companies facing up to a number of disruptive challenges, and looking to employ innovative solutions to overcome them. With the introduction of new standards such as ATSC 3.0 and also the possibility of moving services towards an IP-based infrastructure offering new opportunities and the potential of additional spectrum efficiency, this ‘thinking point’ will explore what this would mean for the future shape of the sector.
- What new opportunities do ATSC 3.0 and Next-Gen Broadcast Standards offer the industry in terms of increasing
spectrum efficiency? How are broadcasters working together to maximize this?
- To what extent does the future of broadcast lie within an IP-based infrastructure?
- With new standards and approaches offering a potential spectrum surplus, how best could this additional capacity
be used and what new opportunities would this create for the broadcast sector?
- How would this feed into the future shape of the broadcast sector and could it make companies more able to
compete in the wireless data transmission sector?
- What will the regulatory environment around this look like and should the obligations that they currently have
extend to these other services?
15:10 – 15:50
Panel Discussion
Rebecca Hanson
Senior Vice President, Strategy and Policy ,
Sinclair Broadcast Group
Mobile Vendor
Mike Gravino
LPTV Spectrum Rights Coalition
Mike Fratrik
SVP & Chief Economist,