
Friday 28 August, 2015


08:00 – 08:30

Welcome Coffee & Registration

08:30 – 08:40

Welcome & Introduction

Azdine El Mountassir Billah , Director General, ANRT

08:40 – 09:55

Session 1: WRC-15 – Policy positions ahead of WRC - 15

08:40 – 08:55

Keynote Presentation

Ebrahim Al Haddad , Regional Director, Arab Regional Office, ITU

08:55 – 09:10

Keynote Presentation

Tariq Al-Awadhi , Chairman, Arab Spectrum Management Group (ASMG)

09:10 – 09:25

Keynote Presentation

Abdoulkarim Soumaila , President, African Group for the Preparation of WRC-15

09:25 – 09:40

Keynote Presentation

Per Christensen , Director, European Communications Office

09:40 – 09:55

Keynote Presentation

Mindel de la Torre , Chief of the International Bureau , Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

09:55 – 10:10

Q&A with Keynote Speakers

10:10 – 11:20

Session 2: WRC - 15 - Industry positions, solutions and outcomes

Moderator: Philippe Aubineau , Counsellor for ITU-R Study Groups, Radiocommunications Bureau, ITU

10:10 – 11:20

WRC-15 – Ensuring sustainable and futureproof outcomes for the benefit of all MENA spectrum users

With WRC-15 now just around the corner, regions throughout the world are finalising their common positions and attention is switching to where there is consensus, where there are differences, and crucially, what the likely outcomes may be. Following on from the keynote session in which the crucial policy angle has been covered (including an overview of the key discussions at this week’s ASMG meeting), this session will give industry stakeholders the opportunity to voice their opinions on their priorities, fears and hopes for WRC-15 and beyond. It will explore what needs to be done in order to develop an efficient, cohesive and futureproof spectrum plan which represents the long-term needs of consumers and industry representatives throughout the MENA region.

• How aligned are MENA positions with those of other groups in Region 1 and what is this likely to mean for allocation decisions?
• What are the main crunch points and in which areas are MENA positions likely to come under the most pressure?
• How can ASMG and member state representatives ensure that decisions taken at WRC-15 are in the best interests of MENA spectrum users and consumers, and that they will deliver an innovative and forward thinking structure that enhances competition and encourages the creation of new services and technologies across the region?
• How will the outcomes impact on other policy areas throughout the region, such as transport, environment and culture?
Roberto Ercole , Senior Director, Long-Term Spectrum , GSMA
Daniel Hamedeh , Director, Spectrum Policy and Regulatory Affairs Middle East and North Africa, Motorola Solutions
Majed S. H. Al Onazi , Member, ITU Working Group , EMEA Satellite Operators Association (ESOA)
Walid Sami , Senior Project Manager, Technology & Innovation, EBU
Lasse Wieweg , Director, Government and Industry Relations, Ericsson

11:20 – 11:35

Morning Coffee Break

11:35 – 13:10

Session 3: A ‘win-win’ in the UHF - Working together to secure the long-term future of the mobile and broadcasters industries

Traditionally when it comes to spectrum allocation, mobile and broadcast operators have been considered as foes as they both look to secure the spectrum required to secure the future of their respective industries. Many are now seeing the situation changing however, and with the shift being seen in linear and on-demand viewing as young people increasingly turn to online platforms, calling for these industries to work together in order to ensure the long-term sustainable future of both sectors. How is this being acted on and is there hope for a positive outcome? This session will focus on the future spectrum requirements of both the broadcast and mobile industries and on whether these two sectors can throw aside their differences and strike up an alliance for the long-term benefits of both sectors.

• Where does the future of broadcasting lie and how can it be ensured that spectrum requirements to deliver this are met?
• How can the UHF band be handled in the short term so that options are left open for future development both in the broadcast and mobile sectors?
• What needs to be done to ensure that the efficiency of the available spectrum is being maximised by both mobile and broadcast users and it is not lefty fallow?
• To what extent is there scope for cooperation between mobile and broadcast spectrum users in MENA to ensure that these future needs are met?
• How can stakeholders work together to gain support for more spectrum, developing zero latency delivery and creating a seamless user experience?
• How can future discussions over these network bands be handled constructively? Can a middle ground be found?
• What potential is there for LTE broadcasting and what policy and regulatory challenges may this throw up?
• What collaboration has been seen between broadcasters and mobile operators in other regions and are there any lessons that MENA stakeholders can take from this?
Marc Eschenburg , Senior Manager , Aetha Consulting

11:35 – 11:50

UHF spectrum - possibilities and constraint

Val Jervis , Principal Consultant , Plum Consulting

11:50 – 12:05

Presentation - The broadcast perspective

Said Aljane , General Director, Topnet and Consultant, Arab States Broadcasting Union

12:05 – 12:20

Presentation - The mobile perspective and spectrum requirements

Stefan Apetrei , Deputy Director, Strategy & International Planning , Orange

12:20 – 12:35

Presentation - LPLT Broadcast Networks

Hervé Napoletano , Executive Vice President, ATDI

12:35 – 12:50

Presentation - The regulatory perpective

Elsayed Azzouz , Sector Head, Radio Spectrum Management and Planning Representative, National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA), Egypt

12:50 – 13:10

Discussion and Q&A


13:10 – 14:30


14:30 – 17:30

Session 4: Meeting the spectrum requirements of the technologies of the future

A big part of long-term discussions on spectrum demand will be focussed on meeting the needs of 5G; and of IoT & M2M technologies. With the technologies expected to deliver speeds several 100-times faster than fourth-generation networks and some 25 million fixed and mobile M2M device connections estimated in MENA by 2018, there will be a need to work efficiently and innovatively if these spectrum needs are going to be met. The afternoon sessions will focus on the spectrum requirements of M2M technologies and of 5G technologies respectively, by looking first at how to licence spectrum for M2M and IoT; and then at the decisions and changes that need to be made in MENA countries over the next few years to ensure that the spectrum is available to rollout 5G by 2020; and how these are set to affect how we use and allocate spectrum.

14:30 – 15:50

Session 4.i: To licence or not to licence? Exploring the spectrum conundrum for M2M and IoT technologies

• How will the spectrum needs and requirements of M2M & IoT technologies vary based on requirements such as bandwidth usage, quality of service and coverage; and what will this mean for how spectrum should be allocated?
• How important is it that a flexible and holistic approach to spectrum management is adopted in order to meet the future needs of the Internet of Things, and what do regulators in MENA countries need to do to achieve this?
• What are the respective advantages of allocating spectrum on a licensed, license exempt and dynamic access basis, and what challenges does each approach provide?
• What mix of licensed and unlicensed spectrum would best meet the spectrum requirements of IoT?
• To what extent can sharing be part of the solution?
Marc Eschenburg , Senior Manager , Aetha Consulting

14:30 – 14:40


Marc Eschenburg , Senior Manager , Aetha Consulting

14:40 – 14:55


Fabien Migneret , Senior Manager, Government Affairs Middle East North Africa , Qualcomm

14:55 – 15:10


Sultan Al Balooshi , Engineer - Spectrum Policy, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, UAE

15:10 – 15:25

Presentation - Flexible Spectrum Policies to Bring the next Billions online

Nasser Kettani , MEA - CTO, Microsoft

15:25 – 15:45

Q&A and discussion

15:45 – 16:05

Afternoon Coffee Break

16:05 – 17:30

Session 4.ii: Beyond WRC-15: What is 5G and how can WRC-19 deliver spectrum requirements to maximise its potential across the MENA region?

• What is 5G and what will its requirements be?
• How do you build a globally agreed spectrum vision for 5G development and deployment and
what role is MENA playing in this?
• How is 5G set to affect how we use spectrum, and what decisions and changes need to be made
over the next few years and at WRC-19 to ensure that its benefits are maximised?
• What technologies and bands offer the best solutions to meet the spectrum requirements of 5G
and how can regulators and industry work together to create an environment that encourages the
required investment in these?
• What part can spectrum above 6Ghz and the milimeter-wave bands play in delivering a solution,
and what technical questions in this area still need to be answered?
• How will future R&D planning on 5G be structured within MENA so that it builds on the efforts and
results of previous study periods?
• What are going to be the key bands in order to deliver 5G, and what is the shape of the 5G
spectrum landscape likely to be post WRC-19?

Moderator: Professer Mounir Ghogho , ICT Research Director , International University of Rabat

16:05 – 16:20

Introduction presentation - What is 5G and what will its requirements be?

Adrian Scrase , CTO, ETSI

16:20 – 16:35


Reza Karimi , Principal Standards Strategist, Huawei Technologies

16:35 – 16:50


Shiv Bakhshi , VP, Industry Relations, Group Function Technology, Ericsson

16:50 – 17:05


Steven Doiron , Head of Regulatory & Spectrum Affairs, Yahsat

17:05 – 17:30

Discussion and Q&A

Speakers for this session will be joined for the panel by:
Abdulhadi AbouAlmal , Ag. Dir. /RAT, TS & SM, , Etisalat

17:30 – 17:35

The Last Word

Tariq Al-Awadhi , Chairman, Arab Spectrum Management Group (ASMG)