Conference Agenda (22 April)

Wednesday 22 April, 2015


08:30 – 09:00

Registration and Welcome Coffee

09:00 – 09:05

Opening Remarks

Glenn Vaughan , Chief Executive, British Chamber of Commerce in Belgium

09:05 – 09:25

Keynote Address

Rob Wainwright , Director, Europol

09:25 – 10:55

Session 1: What impact is serious organised crime & terror having on Europe’s security & economy?

- How does serious organised crime hurt legitimate business and society?
- To what extent does organised crime control and benefit from counterfeiting and smuggling? Are EU policies making a meaningful contribution to effective prevention?
- What impact is excise and VAT fraud having on the public purse and how serious is the problem?
- What is the economic and social impact of the threat from terrorism?

Moderator: Anabela Gago , Head of Unit, Organised crime, DG HOME, European Commission

Vincent Sauvalère , Head of Unit B2, Tobacco & Counterfeit Goods, OLAF
Maria Manuela Cabral , Head of Unit, Risk Management and Security, DG Taxation and Customs, European Commission
Ernesto Savona , Director, Transcrime
Peter Vergauwen , Senior Specialist, Operations Department, O4 Counter Terrorism Unit, Europol
Ana Gomes , Member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, European Parliament

10:55 – 11:15

Keynote Address

Matthias Ruete , Director General, DG HOME, European Commission

11:15 – 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 – 13:00

Session 2: How can business play its part in combating serious organised crime?

- Where has business made an important contribution in fighting counterfeit and excise/VAT fraud?
- How can business contribute in the fight against terrorism and cyber crime?
- How is technology facilitating cooperation between policy makers and law enforcers?

Moderator: Nicholas Ilett , Director of Investigations, OLAF

Ewan Duncan , Head of Anti Illicit Trade Intelligence Unit, British American Tobacco
Michael Olmsted , Senior Counsel for the European Union and International Law Enforcement Matters, United States Mission to the European Union
Chris Perryman , Project Manager for Focal Point Missing Trader Intra-Community (MTIC), Europol
Monica Macovei , MEP, Member Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, European Parliament


13:00 – 14:15


14:15 – 14:35

Keynote Address

Ingeborg Gräßle , MEP, Chair of the Committee for Budgetary Control, European Parliament

14:35 – 16:00

Session 3: Is Europe's response adequate and what will success look like?

- Can EU policymakers and law enforcement authorities ever hope to get ahead of the curve or will organized crime always be one step ahead?
- What are realistic targets for the EU’s fight against organised crime in the current policy cycle ending 2017?
- What new approaches should be considered for the new policy cycle?
- What more can business do to help?
- What can we learn from other parts of the world?

Moderator: Ingeborg Gräßle, MEP, Chair of the Committee for Budgetary Control, European Parliament

Dietrich Neumann , Head of Corporate Services, Europol
Jean Bergevin , Head of Unit, Fight against counterfeiting and piracy, European Commission
Steven Chatfield , Senior Advisor, Emergent BioSolutions
Joëlle Jenny , Director of Security Policy and Conflict Prevention Department, EEAS

16:00 – 16:20

Keynote Address

Kristalina Georgieva , Vice-President for Budget and Human Resources, European Commission

16:20 – 16:30

Closing Remarks

Dietrich Neumann , Head of Corporate Services, Europol