Tuesday 3 December, 2013
08:30 – 09:00
Welcome Coffee and Delegate Registration
09:00 – 10:40
Session 1: Keynote Presentations
Christian Egenhofer
Senior Fellow, Head of the Energy and Climate programme,
Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)
Matthias Ruete
Director General for Mobility and Transport ,
European Commission
Karl Falkenberg
Director General for Environment,
European Commission
Arijandas Šliupas
Vice-Minister of Transport and Communications,
Republic of Lithuania
Hans Bruyninckx
Executive Director,
European Environment Agency
Baudouin Kelecom
Fuels Executive, Refining and Supply Planning ,
10:40 – 11:00
Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30
Session 2 : Examining the potential for development of alternative fuels and whether they can to reduce CO2 emissions cost effectively and boost the competitiveness of European industry
The Alternative Fuels Strategy for the long-term substitution of oil through diversification of energy sources for transport recently released by the European Commission aims at establishing a long-term policy framework to guide technological development and investments in the development of these fuels. This session will examine the extent to which the proposed measures support the development of a competitive market for clean fuels and e-vehicles and discuss whether further action is required.
Are the regulatory policies outlined best tailored to the needs of all modes? When limited alternative fuel options are possible for certain modes of transport (i.e. advanced biofuels for aviation) what is being proposed to respond to the needs of these modes and encourage further efforts, research and investment? What will be done at an EU level for the development of other Alternative Fuels that are not included in the strategy? Are emissions targets even beyond the 2020-2025 period necessary to provide the vehicle and vessels industry with greater investment security? How can these emission targets be met while supporting the growth of the transport sector and sustainable mobility and how will it be ensured that the technology neutrality principle is respected to give new technologies the opportunity to develop in the future?
Christian Egenhofer
Senior Fellow, Head of the Energy and Climate programme,
Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)
Andreas Pilzecker
Policy Officer, Renewables, DG Energy,
European Commission
Chris Malins
Fuels Program Lead,
The International Council on Clean Transportation
Bettina Kampman
Manager Energy,
CE Delft
Alfredo Sánchez Vicente
Project Manager for Transport,
European Environment Agency
Baudouin Kelecom
Fuels Executive, Refining and Supply Planning ,
12:30 – 13:30
Networking buffet lunch
13:30 – 15:00
Session 3 : The feasibility of a pan European alternative fuels infrastructure and the importance of standards for alternative fuels and e-vehicles
The proposal for a Directive on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure aims to encourage the market penetration of alternative fuels and e-vehicles, which is currently hampered by the lack of infrastructure and harmonised standards.
Do the proposed measures go far enough to concretely support the development of a harmonised and coordinated refuelling and recharging infrastructure throughout the Member States? What will be the main barriers related to the implementation of these targets? With different transport modes and vehicle classes requiring different energy carriers, how will this be reflected on the build-up of the infrastructure for all modes? How has the proposal for this directive been received by Member States and stakeholders? Are mandatory binding targets for the build-up of alternative fuel and e-vehicles infrastructure the only way to give the market certainty and is 2020 an appropriate time frame for this policy initiative? How can full integration and interoperability of all type of fuels as well as interconnection between different modal networks all over Europe be concretely ensured? The Communication claims that direct public funding for infrastructure build-up will be not needed. How can this be guaranteed and what financial tools are available to Member States to mobilise private investment cost-efficiently to fund the development of infrastructure?
David Bonilla
Senior Research Fellow, Transport Studies Unit, School of Geography and Environment,
University of Oxford
Hughes van Honacker
Team Leader, Clean Transport and Sustainable Urban Mobility,
European Commission
Samuel Maubanc
General Manager,
Arturo Pérez de Lucia
General Manager,
Brigide Kisters
Transport Attaché,
Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the EU
Gautier Chatelus
Chief Investment Officer,
CDC Infra-Management
15:00 – 15:20
Coffee Break
15:20 – 16:50
Session 4: Assessing and tracking customer uptake and the future shape of Europe’s mobility
At the heart of the debate around transport fuels and fuel efficiency lies the issue of the market. To a large extent, the purchasing decisions of consumers will drive the direction of alternative fuels in Europe. What lessons can be learnt from the recent closure of some electric vehicle battery companies? Should technology neutrality from governments win out or do the arguments in favour of subsidises in some cases still hold water? What innovations are being seen on the ground in the area of roll-out and promotion of alternative fuel and electric vehicles? How is the local interacting with the regional and national in terms of governance, innovation, consumer information, incentives and infrastructure? Fundamentally, what will drive uptake of more fuel efficient and e-vehicles, both in the short and medium term?
Emily Waterfield
Chief Correspondent, Energy,
Matthew Pencharz
Senior Advisor - Environment and Energy to the Mayor of London,
Greater London Authority
Maciej Szymanski
Policy Officer, Sustainable Mobility and Automotive Industry, DG ENTR,
European Commission
Greg Archer
Programme Manager - Clean Vehicles,
Transport & Environment
Marilena di Stasi
Policy Analyst, DG SANCO,
European Commission
Pierre-Etienne Franc
Advanced Business and Technologies Vice President, Air Liquide and Chair of Governing Board of,
The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking