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Organisers & Sponsors

Please find details of the organisations involved in this event below. If you are interested in becoming involved, please contact James Wilmott on +44 (0) 2920 783 022 or email



Forum Europe

Forum Europe

Based in Cardiff and with offices in Brussels at the heart of the European Union, Forum Europe specialises in EU focussed political and economic conferences and events. These events are organised with clients and partners and aim to progress ideas and actions on important issues, all within a balanced and neutral setting.

Founded by Giles Merritt, columnist for the International Herald Tribune and former Brussels correspondent at the Financial Times and headed by a team of EU events specialists with over 19 years of experience, Forum Europe’s strategic services can maintain and develop your networks at EU level, and also deliver forums where key issues can be aired and debated.

Forum Europe works successfully with businesses, institutions and governments alike and its expertise, through the medium of events, lies in understanding and interpreting the processes and political issues within the EU.

Knowledge Partner

Strategis Communications

Strategis Communications

Strategis Communications is an independent consultancy providing strategic political, government and public affairs communication advice designed to protect and promote your interests in the European Union.

In partnership with a global network of like-minded consultants Strategis Communications works proactively to ensure that the right message is heard, by the right people, at the right time, with minimum effort and maximum impact.

Media Partners

Europe's World

Europe's World

Europe’s World is the only independent Europe-wide policy journal, produced in association with some 130-plus leading European think tanks and academic institutions. Since its launch in 2005 it has become the premier ideas platform for new thinking on political, economic and social issues, read by over 100,000 of the most influential decision makers and opinion formers across Europe. Published every 4 months, Europe’s World’s purpose is to stimulate the much needed debate over topical policy issues by encouraging citizens and stakeholders within civil society, media, academia, business and government, to engage in a series of informed political debates which reach beyond the “Brussels village.”


To date over 600 authors, including Heads of State, corporate chiefs, top academics, leading NGO activists or policymakers, have contributed articles, firmly cementing Europe’s World’s reputation as a platform for new thinking and ground-breaking ideas. Europe’s World’s newly extended website,, is designed to further promote debate on the policy challenges facing Europe. It spans articles and reactions to articles published in Europe’s World, but is not limited to the journal since it also features studies and reports from think tanks throughout Europe. Its aim is to give readers direct access to the latest in policy thinking across the EU, and encourage visitors to submit their own reports and comment on any of the contributions featured on the website.


Euractiv is a free-access independent online media on EU policies publishing every day in English, French and German, targeting policy stakeholders, business representatives and other multipliers. It brings together journalistic independence with transparency and practical efficiency, complementing the existing EU media and institutional websites. Thanks to the EurActiv CrossLingual Network (publishing in 11 languages from 11 countries), it is the leading online media in EU affairs across Europe with more than half a million readers per month.




Amway is a global leader in the Direct Selling industry with annual sales of over €6 billion in 2008 selling more than 450 products directly to consumers in their homes in 25 EU countries. Jay Van Andel and Rich DeVos, co-founders of Amway, launched their business in the 1950s selling NUTRILITE® Dietary Supplements door to door. A unique business model was created that allowed others to join Amway and participate in the benefits of the expanding business. What they discovered over 50 years ago still remains true today – that people and relationships are at the core of any successful business. Customer satisfaction has always been at the core of Amway’s direct selling of its wellness, body & beauty and home care brands.

This is still being demonstrated by Amway’s industry leading ‘money-back’ satisfaction guarantee on its consumable products - even if used. Today, Amway includes more than 3 million Amway Distributors with a global portfolio of brands that can be found wherever Amway operates: NUTRILITE®, the world's leading brand of vitamin, mineral, and dietary supplements (based on 2008 retail sales), ARTISTRY® Skin Care, L.O.C.®, SA8®, GLISTER® Oral Care, iCook®, eSpring®.



FEDSA is the main organisation representing the direct selling industry in Europe.  Through its 26 member Associations (out of which 22 in EU Member States) and 13 companies, FEDSA represents over 500 direct selling companies.  European direct selling businesses account for sales in excess of 20 billion € achieved by 12 million direct sellers.  FEDSA and its members promote the European Code of Conduct governing direct selling methods and the recruitment of direct sellers.

What is direct selling ?  It is the marketing of consumer goods and services directly to consumers on a person-to-person basis, generally in their homes or the homes of others, at their workplace and other places away from permanent retail locations.  Direct selling encourages innovation, entrepreneurship and competition whilst offering flexible and equal employment opportunities for all.

Why do business adopt direct selling ? Businesses adopt direct selling for those products or services which benefit from explanation or demonstration in the environment where they are used, may be novel, are significantly different to retail brands, and/or may not respond to conventional advertising.  Direct selling is also adopted by small and medium sized businesses which cannot afford using conventional advertising or big retail chains to increase their market visibility and distribute their products or services.

Why do consumers choose direct selling ?  Careful and professional explanation, demonstration and advice by well-trained sales representatives ensure that the customer will be satisfied with the purchase.  The direct selling industry aims at the highest possible quality standards.  Products are always backed-up by a guarantee and after sales services that may exceed legal requirements and often extend a product’s life-time or a 100 % consumer satisfaction guarantee.



Wednesday 2 June, 2010
13.30 to 17.10




Stanhope Hotel

Rue du Commerce 9
B-1000 Brussels

Tel: 32 2 506 91 11

Fax: 32 2 512 1708

Google location map



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Consumer Rights Forum 2010

Forum Europe Highlighted Events


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