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Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company.  Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments.  With more than 186,000 people serving clients in over 120 countries, the company generated net revenues of US$23.39 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2008.




Symantec is the world leader in security with by far the largest global presence of any security software company. We protect more systems, companies and communities than anyone. We deliver the most highly rated products and services, and more of them. We also offer the deepest security domain expertise and the most comprehensive global intelligence. Whether it is protecting vital information, responding to threats, demonstrating compliance or simplifying security management, Symantec is the leader.

Nothing is more important to Symantec than the security, protection and productivity of our channel partners and their customers’ infrastructure in critical situations such as these.



All over the world politicians, business leaders, public officials and opinion leaders are dealing with the same questions. How could we make eGovernment work in a world where citizens and industries are demanding more and more from their governments but are unwilling to pay more for those services?  How can we cooperate across organizational and bureaucratic borders and keep track of the overall performance of the complete organization at the same time.  How can we manage to fully digitize citizens and industries? These are true challenges of change that now and in the near future need to be faced.

Oracle's Public Sector technology and applications solutions help governments improve efficiency, performance and accountability. With Oracle iGovernment we introduces a platform for innovative, integrated, and intelligent operations that lets the Public Sector Organizations tear down silos and link front- and back office operations while reducing costs and increasing responsiveness. Oracle is the market leader in the public sector from a individual key components - database, middleware and applications – perspective to complete solutions addressing the challenges in sectors as Immigration. Our comprehensive value propositions help Public Sector organizations in the following sub-sectors: National and Local Government; Justice, Public Safety & Immigration; Defense, Social Services, education & healthcare.



Thursday 10 June, 2010
08.30 to 18.00




Sofitel Europe

Place Jourdan 1

Tel: +32 2 2355100

Fax: +32 2 2355101

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The British Chamber of Commerce in Belgium